I confuse myself more than you confuse me.

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Whenever we walked in the house we immediately realized that everyone was out by the pool, swimming. We went upstairs to change and it only took Monty a few minutes before he was changed and headed down to the pool. I however, took much longer. I brushed and French braided my hair, brushed my teeth, and sprayed some perfume on my body so that I wouldn't smell like sex. I hoped that it would be dark enough for my hickey's to go unnoticed since it would be pointless for me to put makeup on them considering the pool would just wash it right off. I grabbed my phone off the dresser, grabbed the towel I laid out off the bed, and went downstairs. I grabbed a drink and headed out the back door towards the pool. My friends were all playing music and looked like they were having a really good time, which always made me happy. Jeff was the first to spot me and he immediately loosened his grip around Sherri'a waist so that he could wave at me. "Look at my Marci baby, looking all good!" He yelled to me across the pool. I started laughing and thanked him. "Come get in the pool with us, Mar!" Hannah said to me while Clay nodded. Everyone was in the pool so I decided I would join them. "Damn girl, you really fucked up Monty's neck and back." Justin looked in my direction laughing, after observing the marks I had left all over Montgomery. I blushed a little bit and then responded, "I don't know what you're talking about, that's not from me." "Yeah, and you just magically have hickey's all over your neck too. I don't get why you're acting so secretive. So what you hooked up? Y'all are probably gonna be doing that an awful lot." Jessica came over to me laughing and wrapped her arms around my neck. I could tell she was buzzed. I could actually tell that everyone, including Monty, was buzzed. Everyone was smoking too and it was a little disappointing that I couldn't do anything while everyone else was having so much fun. I looked over and saw Monty giving Emma a shot gun so that she would get high faster. Their faces were so close to each other I couldn't help but to feel a pang of jealousy. Jess must've sensed it because she whispered in my ear. "Girl, who cares if he's blowing her a shot gun? Look at yalls necks and his back, she ain't got shit on you." I busted out laughing because obviously Jess was more drunk than I thought considering that up until now she had been completely on team "be nice to Emma". I don't know why but Jessica and I completely busted out into a fit of laughter so hard that we couldn't breathe. Tears were running down both of our faces from laughing so hard. Once the laughter died down, I looked around and saw the confused look on everybody's faces and that just made me start laughing again. Once Jess and I were finally able to calm down and act normal again, I let her scurry on back to Justin and I decided to go harass Sherri and Jeff about their obvious interest in each other. I swam over to them and Jeff immediately picked me all the way up and tossed me into the air and then came down with a splash. Jeff always messed with me like that. Whenever I resurfaced I heard Monty talking to Jeff and felt him pulling me up.  "Dude, be careful with her." "I'm just playing with her, Monty. I do that shit all the time, I've got her. She's good." Jeff responded, slightly laughing. "Yeah, I'm good, M. Go back to smoking and drinking with Emma, since I can't do it with you." I snapped, originally not even intending to. Monty looked hurt, confused, and maybe even a little pissed off because he turned around and went back to Emma; not even sparing me a second glance. I don't get how we keep going back and forth. One minute we're getting along great and even having sex in his jeep and then the next minute he's back to hanging out with another girl instead of me and I'm snapping on him for every little thing. "So um, when are y'all finally just gonna get together?" I asked Jeff and Sherri, trying to change the subject off of myself.  "Right now we're just trying to figure everything out and it's going pretty good." Sherri told me smiling. I smiled back at them because I knew they were going to be so good together. I never realized it until recently though. I looked around and saw that both Hannah and Clay and Jessica and Justin were getting along too. I looked over and saw Monty, of course, still talking to Emma. I just don't get why he keeps flirting with her but then telling me that he loves me and our baby. I don't get how he can have sex with me and then 30 minutes later he's taking shots with her and laughing at everything she says. He was confusing me so much and I didn't know how much more I could take. I guess I stared at them long enough for him to notice because we made eye contact and he smiled at me. Whenever I didn't smile back, he said something to Emma and then swam towards me. "You okay?" He whispered, too innocently for my taste. "You've gotta be kidding me, right? You fucked me in the car and now you're all over her. What, are you trying to knock her up too? Wanna see how many naive little blondes you can get pregnant and ruin their lives?" I yelled at him. Everyone had stopped what they were doing at this point and were watching us. The look on Monty's face was pure hurt. "Marci, I think you should come inside with me. You need to take a breather." Jessica said as she came up behind me and put her hand on my shoulder. I shrugged her off. "No, what I need is for these two to get the fuck out of my house." I spat while motioning between Emma and Montgomery.  My hormones and jealousy  had completely taken over at this point. I wanted to take it all back but there was no way I could. I was too deep in it now. "They should be together. They clearly want each other." The tears started falling from my eyes before I even realized that I was going to cry. "Baby..." Monty said as he tried to put his hand on my face. I swatted his hand away and got out of the pool and started to head inside. I could hear his footsteps hot on my trail. "I'm yours. I'm ready to commit. I can't lose you and I can tell I'm going to if I don't at least give this a try. I want this with you, Mar. I want you to be mine and if that means I need to suck it up and try something I never have before then I will." He was practically begging at this point. "Marci, I know we really don't know each other that well but I think you're over reacting. Yeah, Monty and I had sex but it didn't mean anything to either of us. We're just friends, why can't you get that?" I couldn't believe Emma honestly had the audacity to say that to me right now, clearly seeing how stirred up I was. I didn't even feel like arguing with anyone anymore so I just laughed and stormed inside. I ran up the stairs and slammed my bedroom door once I got inside. I changed clothes, took my braid out,  and then flopped on the bed, crying the whole time. I had turned into a complete psycho bitch at only a few weeks pregnant. If this kept up, no one was going to want to be around me anymore. I had to get myself in check or everyone was going to leave me. I was being so moody, irrational, jealous, and hateful and I was embarrassed for it. The realization of how I had been behaving just made me cry even more. After laying there and crying for what felt like hours, my bedroom door opened and Monty walked in, closing the door behind him. "Everyone went home." He just stood there, watching me. He had changed into his clothes to sleep in. "Yeah, because I'm fucking crazy. If I'm already this bad now then how am I going to be whenever I'm majorly pregnant?" I cried out. He came and sat next to me on the bed. "First of all, they went home because they saw that you're clearly upset and they wanted to give you space and give us a chance to talk. Second of all, I think it's safe to say that you're already majorly pregnant, babe. There's no denying that one." He chuckled a little bit. "When did it turn into me being the problem and you being the rational and forgiving one?" I whispered as I reached for his hand. "Just making up for lost time, I guess. Looks like I'm getting a taste of my own medicine." I sat up and wrapped my arms around his and took a deep breath before starting. "I'm so sorry for how I've been acting and being so crazy and jealous and saying all of those things to you that I really didn't mean and..." before I could even finish he cut me off with a kiss. "I love you, Marci. It's okay. I know you're dealing with a lot right now, everyone knows that. Just so you know though, I meant what I said. I'm ready if you are." I looked into his eyes and didn't see anything but love and understanding. If he was willing to forgive me and give me a chance no matter how I had been acting, then I could forgive him and give him a chance and move on from the past. "I'm yours." I whispered before kissing him passionately. Whenever we pulled back I smiled at him and he gave me a big smile back. "Can we be super cheesy and make an Instagram post now that we're official?" I asked through laughter. "Anything for you, baby girl."


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marci.bby: We don't always fight but when we do, we only become  stronger. I love you 💕 #official 

                                                               Tagged: montgomerydlc

jess.bby: Official?! Yaaaas! 💋💋💋

hannahbananabaker: Omg I'm so happy for you both! I love you bestie!

Jeffatkins#21: I could've seen this coming from a mile away 🙄 Happy for my princess and my bro though. Y'all gonna kill this parent shit for real!

cheersherri: ^^^^ I second what everyone else has said. Love you both! 💕

alexxxx_standall: Fucking finally

montgomerydlc: I love u to baby! So happy to be able to officially call u mine and Jeffatkins#21 is right we got this shit on lock

jess.bby: j.foley babe you need to take notes ^^^^ Monty is like crazy supportive right now lol

zachattack_dempsey: Hell yeah, I've been waiting years for u two to finally realize u need to be together. Only took a baby to make y'all realize 😂

court.c: I really hope you two haven't just decided to be together because you're pregnant...

sassyryanshaver Fuck off Courtney ^^^ on another note, good for you two love birds 🐦 ❤️

cutiepieemma: I'm really happy for y'all. Seriously. I can tell y'all really love each other and you're gonna have one cute ass kid 😍

j.foley:  Y'all better stay together after all the drama we've had getting to this point! Just fucking with u but really I know y'all love each other and are gonna do good

marci.bby: Thank you everyone! We love you all! 😘


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