A new member of this crazy family.

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                                     marissawhitty: Sista sista [peep Emma's hand on my boob 😂]

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                                     marissawhitty: Sista sista [peep Emma's hand on my boob 😂]

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marci.bby: All of my girls! So lucky to have my little sister and my three best friends in my life! 💞

                                        Tagged: marissawhitty, jess.bby, cheerleadersherri, cutiepieemma

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Four months later...

I nodded my head and bobbed my leg to the beat of "Sky Walker" by Miguel as it played throughout Zach's whole house at his last party of the summer. A slight cool breeze was hitting the night air and we all knew that that meant summer was coming to an end. A lot of the recently graduated seniors were going away to college in just a couple of days, so since his parents are out of town, Zach decided to have a party at his house for the first time ever. Out of our group of friends Sherri, Zach, and Alex were all the ones going farthest away for college. Jeff was only going about an hour away, Jessica and I were both doing online college for a little while, Emma wasn't enrolling until next semester, and Monty and Justin as of right now, had decided they weren't going to college at all. Ever since he lost his baseball scholarship, Monty wasn't interested in going to college anymore, which dissapointed me. Both him and Justin had started working as mechanics at a local automotive shop, Emma was waitressing at Rosie's, Jessica worked the weekends as a barista at Monet's, and I was going to start looking for a job once the baby was born. The baby was due in a month but my doctor had told me that she could come any time now since Savannah was born early and it was obvious that my body started giving my babies eviction notices as soon as it could. Honestly, I felt massive and couldn't wait for her to be born. I had grown very close with Marissa, my dad, and Jane and I spent a lot of time with them. I even called my dad "dad" now and Marissa was with me more often than not. Monty was right, it was pretty amazing to have my own real family now. I didn't love or appreciate the De La Cruz's any less and I would always consider Annie like my mom and the person who pretty much raised me but I was happy to have my own parents now. Even though Jane was just my step mom, she was more of a mom to me than mine had ever been. After I found out what really happened with my dad, I cussed my mom out and hadn't talked to her since. She didn't even seem to really care which at first upset me but now I was just happy to have such a toxic person out of my life. I chuckled to myself whenever the song changed to "Supermassive Black Hole" by Muse because I hadn't heard that song in years. "You're not gonna sit on the couch all night, are you?" Marissa whined whenever she joined me. "You trying being massive and then come and talk to me." I joked and she laughed along with me. "You could come and play a game of beer pong with me? Monty and Jeff are playing against me and I need a partner." She begged and even though I declined at first, she talked me into it. She giggled and clapped her hands and I could tell that she was drunk. I chuckled with a roll of my eyes and then followed her, hand in hand, outside towards the beer pong table. "Hey baby!" Monty greeted whenever he saw me. He had obviously been drinking some so I raised my eyebrows at him. Even though he swore that he wasn't really an alcoholic, just a drug addict, it still made me nervous that he had decided to start casually drinking again. "I'm good. Just beer, I swear." He smiled, catching onto my raised eyebrows. "Yeah, I'm responsibly monitoring him." Jeff laughed and Monty jokingly shoved him. Jessica and Justin were standing off to the side watching since they were going to play the winner. Jessica's parents had Grace, and my parents and Monty's parents were watching Savannah and Dallas together. As soon as they met, they really hit it off and loved spending time together. "Alright, let's get this over with." I mumbled while stepping up to the table. Everyone laughed but I didn't. I was feeling off and had been all night. I had a pretty good idea what was coming very soon but I didn't wanna ruin anyone's night if I didn't have to. Everyone was having so much fun and I wanted them to keep having fun. We started playing and about halfway through the game, I winced and grabbed my stomach. I hoped that it went unnoticed but Jeff saw. He looked at me questioningly but I just shrugged him off and kept playing. It happened again a few minutes later, and then again a few minutes after that, and then again. "Marci, are you alright?" Jess asked me. "I'm great." I said through gritted teeth since I was right in the middle of a contraction. Monty stopped mid throw and looked me over. I could feel little heads of sweat on my face and I knew that I was grimacing in pain. I felt another contraction coming on so I quickly looked away from him so he wouldn't notice. This one was stronger though, so I had to bend over some with my hands on my back to help ease some of the pain. "Mar, you okay?" Marissa asked while putting a hand on my shoulder. I nodded my head but couldn't get any words out. "Holy shit, you're in labor." Monty stated while rushing over to me. "Oh my gosh, really?" Marissa squealed. "I'll go get everyone else." Jessica said before rushing off. "It might not even be real labor..." "Yes it is, I can tell." Monty interrupted me. "Where are you keys, princess? I'll go and start your jeep and my car." Jeff rushed and I pointed in Monty's pocket, not able to talk again. Monty handed him over the keys and he rushed off. "I'm gonna call dad, okay? He'll tell all the other parents." Marissa told me and then walked off on her phone once I nodded my head. I felt nerves rushing through me at the realization that I was about to give birth to another baby. I was having to have another c section because my doctor didn't feel like my body could handle a vaginal delivery after a past c section. "Are you excited, Mar?" Justin asked me and I just shrugged my shoulders. "It's okay, baby. Don't be nervous." Monty whispered while wrapping his arms around me. Another contraction hit and I gripped onto his arms tightly. "Sssh, it'll pass." He soothed and I took some deep breaths to try to help the pain. Jessica and all of our other friends ran over with smiles on their faces. "The newest De La Cruz is ready to enter the clan?" Emma joked and I couldn't help but to chuckle and nod my head. "Okay, dad, my mom, and Monty's parents are on their way to the hospital. They're bringing Savannah and Dallas with them." Marissa informed me once she reached us again. "Then what are we waiting on? Let's go!" Sherri laughed and we all headed out. "Baby on the way, move!" Jessica yelled as we were pushing through the crowd of people. Zach and Alex were staying at the house to end the party and then they were going to head to the hospital too. At the sound of Jessica's words, everyone turned to us and then started cheering and clapping. "Yeah, yeah, so interesting." I mumbled under my breath as we made our way through everyone and then out the front door. We all hopped into my jeep and Jeff's car and then sped down the road. Once we were on our way inside the hospital, my heart started racing. I called my doctor on our way there and she was ready to go so I was going to be rushed in immediately. We made our way through the hospital and onto the labor and delivery floor. Once we got there, I saw all of the parents sitting in the lobby and they immediately jumped up once they saw us. "How are you feeling, sweetie?" Jane asked me while pushing some hair out of my clammy face. "I'm in more pain than I remember from last time." I groaned and she nodded her head and then went into action. She went to the front desk and informed the nurse that I needed something for pain as soon as I got back there. I chuckled at her motherly instincts and appreciated her so much. "How are you feeling emotionally? I know you had a rough go of it with Savannah." My dad asked while running his hand over my head. I felt tears welling up in my eyes. "I'm scared." I wimpered and he immediately pulled me in for a tight hug. I cried in my dads arms and it was an amazing thing to finally have a dad. We pulled apart whenever a nurse came out and called my name. I gave everyone else quick hugs since she said there was no need for anyone except Monty to come back because I'd be almost immediately taken back for a c section. We all said our "I love you's" and then Monty and I walked into the back. I looked around as we were walking down the familiar hallway and silently prayed that everything was going to go good. The nurse escorted us into my room and told me to change before walking out. I stripped of all of my clothes and put the ugly hospital gown on. Monty came up behind me and helped me tie it in the back before he wrapped his arms around me from behind. "It's gonna be okay, baby girl. You're so strong and you've done this before. We wanted this and now we're getting it. We're about to have another beautiful daughter and if she's anything like Savannah, which I know she will be, she's gonna be amazing. I'm here the whole way. Through every contraction before they get you comfortable. I'll be right by you the whole time they're doing the c section. I'll be here with you all day for the next couple of days that I can take off of work. I love you, Mar, and now our little family is expanding." He finished and I turned around in his arms and stood on my tip toes and kissed him deeply. "I love you so much." I whispered through teary eyes. He smiled at me sweetly and wiped my tears away. We pulled apart and I sat down on the bed whenever the nurse walked back in. She quickly did my IV and put something in it for pain and I immediately felt relief and calmness wash over me. They put on contraction monitors and checked me and verified that I was indeed in labor. I was pretty far along so they needed to hurry. She helped me wipe off all of my makeup since makeup wasn't allowed in case something went wrong and I took off all of my jewelry and handed it to Monty. The doctor came in and went over everything with us before she said she'd see us in there and walked out with a smile. The nurse left us alone for a few minutes and we discussed baby names since we still hadn't decided. "So, I was thinking that we need to keep up the whole name of a city thing and I thought of one I really like." Monty said and I motioned for him to continue. "Brooklyn Nicole De La Cruz." He said and my eyes got watery. Hannah's middle name was Nicole and he knew that. "Like... Hannah?" I questioned and he nodded his head with a soft smile. "I love it, M." I whispered before looking down at my belly and rubbing it for the last time. "You're about to be in this crazy world, little Brooklyn Nicole." I whispered. Monty walked over to me and placed his hands on it too and rubbed for a second before kissing my forehead. The surgical team came in to get us and they waited while Monty changed into the required scrubs before wheeling me out. He walked next to my bed and held my hand tightly the whole time. I could feel myself shaking some from nerves but mostly from excitement. We got into the OR and they quickly administered and epidural and then finished setting up their equipment. They put the curtain up, made sure we were ready, and then began. Everything went very routinely and normal... for once in my life. "Okay, Marci. You're gonna feel a tug and some pressure for a minute." My doctor told me and I whispered an "okay." Montgomery squeezed my hand tighter for comfort and I squeezed my eyes together at the feeling of excessive pressure. I felt a release and then I heard my daughter cry. I cried out tears of joy as they held her over the curtain so that we could see her. "Marci, Monty... meet your daughter." The doctor said and we both smiled. I looked over and Monty was crying too. We made eye contact and he bent down and connected our lips. "I love you. Thank you." He whispered before scurrying off to see about Brooklyn. "She weighs 6lbs and 3oz and she's 18 inches long." He called out to me. She was tiny just like Savannah. I guess I shouldn't have expected anything else out of my body. "She's perfect, Mar." He called out to me again. "Hair?" I questioned. "Some. It's dark like mine." "Skin tone?" I asked next and everyone, including Monty, laughed because they knew that I was asking if she was dark like him or more on the pale side like me. "She's pretty dark. Not as dark as me but not like you either." He joked and I smiled at him in response. Once they were done with their testing, they carried her over to me and layed her down on my chest. I looked at her and cried again. She was perfect, just like Savannah. "We make pretty babies." I cried and laughed at the same time. Monty leaned down to my level and kissed my cheek and rubbed his hand over her face and head. Just like Savannah, she looked just like Monty with just a subtle hint of me. His genes must be strong as hell because all three of his kids look just like him. "Third times the charm?" I joked and he laughed. "For awhile at least." He responded with a light hearted chuckle. They finished up and then took Brooklyn from me and placed her in her little bassinet. They wheeled me out and Monty pushed the rolling bassinet next to my bed. I just couldn't stop staring at her. I was so happy to have her here and healthy after losing my baby not long before she was conceived. She was our rainbow baby. I felt giddy with excitement about everyone meeting her but especially her big sister and brother. Dallas was probably too young to care but I knew that Savannah was going to be very intrigued. They sat us up in our room, gave me some more pain medication in my IV and a pain pill, allowed me to go ahead and change into my change of clothes that I'd been keeping in my car for this day, and let Monty change Brooklyn into one of the outfits that I'd brought for her. They said I couldn't breastfeed her yet even if I wanted to because of all of the pain stuff they were giving me so they brought us some premade bottles and Monty started feeding her for me. Once he was done feeding and burping her, we took some pictures and then texted everyone our room number. I also texted my dad to bring me food because I was starving since I hadn't ate all day because I hadn't felt good. About fifteen minutes later, everyone busted through the door and I held my incision while I laughed. My dad made his way over to first and kissed my forehead, said some sweet things that dads say, and then handed me my food. One by one, everyone else made their way over to me and gave me hugs and kisses. "Which grandparent wants her first?" Monty chuckled and they all looked at each other. "Annie, you should get her first. You've always been there for my daughter whenever I couldn't and have been an amazing grandmother to my granddaughter." My dad said and Annie smiled at him before taking Brooklyn from Montgomery. "My gosh, she looks just like you too." She laughed while talking to Monty. We all joined in the laughter as well. "So, what did y'all end up naming my new niece?" Marissa asked. "Brooklyn Nicole." I said and then looked to Jessica and Sherri. They both smiled and got teary eyed and nodded their heads with happiness. "Nicole was Hannah's middle name." I explained to everyone else and then they got emotional too at the mention of our tribute to my dead best friend. All of the grandparents passed her around and then handed her to Marissa. Once she was done, she passed her off to Jessica, then the rest of the girls, and then the guys one by one. Zach and Alex had got there right before we said everyone could come back. Savannah was handed over to me and I greeted her with lots of love and affection. It felt so good to have both of my daughters in the same room as me for the first time ever. I kept Savannah in the bed with me for awhile and did anything with her that I could before Monty came over and greeted her. He talked to her for a minute and then picked her up with one arm and went and took Dallas from Emma with the other. He introduced Savannah and Dallas to Brooklyn and just like I expected, Dallas didn't care at all. Savannah babbled some and Monty let her gently touch her sisters head. After awhile, Savannah wasn't interested anymore and was tired, so Monty held her until she drifted off to sleep. Once Alex was done holding Brooklyn, he asked who wanted to hold her again and everyone raised their hands. My dad was the first one with his hand up so Alex handed her back over to him. I smiled while watching my dad hold my daughter. I just couldn't get over the happiness from having him in my life now. While he did have his issues as far as being a heavy drinker, he'd proven to be an amazing dad to me in just a few months. "Did you text your mother?" He asked me while looking away from Brooklyn and towards me. "I'm not talking to her." I mumbled in response. "It's the right thing to do, sweetie." He told me with a shrug of his shoulders. As much as I hated to admit it, I knew that he was right. I didn't want to be hateful like her so I texted her all of the details and sent her a picture of Brooklyn. She responded but didn't say anything other than "She's a cutie!". I put my phone away and decided to ignore any negative feelings that she made me feel and concentrate on enjoying my new baby and my family and friends. We all talked awhile longer and they all passed Brooklyn around some more before they all decided to head out whenever they could tell that I was tired. After they left, the nurse brought me in another dose of pain medication and after spending some alone time with Monty and our new daughter, feeding and changing her, and her going to sleep; I allowed my tired eyes to close and had nothing but peaceful dreams. 

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