What did I do?

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"It's been 6 fucking weeks and he still won't talk to me or even look at me!" I whined to Jessica, Hannah, and Sherri as we were all getting ready for the party that was taking place at Bryce's house tonight. "I thought I saw him look at you during lunch today... didn't ya'll see that too?" Sherri, always the optimist, said as she looked to Jess and Hannah for back up. "Oh yeah, totally." "Absolutely, he couldn't keep his eyes off of you." They both said at the same time. I rolled my eyes and chuckled a little bit at my best friends' efforts but I knew that that was all it was, their constant efforts to make me feel better about being kicked to the curb by Montgomery after sleeping with him. "Oh puh-lease, if he couldn't keep his eyes off of me this week when I tried to show cleavage every day to get him to notice me, then he definitely wasn't struggling with that today. Ya'll must've missed what I looked like at school today?" We all couldn't help but to bust out laughing at that considering that I wore no makeup to school, didn't fix my hair, and strutted around in one of Jeff's old baseball t-shirts that he gave me a couple of years ago and a pair of ripped up jeans. I didn't look like anything that Montgomery De La Cruz wouldn't be able to keep his eyes off of. I'd been feeling pretty shitty the past few days up until a couple of hours ago, which is what made me decide to go to the party. The laughter died down until Hannah spoke up. "Have you thought about what we talked about yesterday?" She asked a little nervously. Jessica and Sherri both looked confused since they hadn't been involved during the super nerve wracking conversation that Hannah and I had the day before. "Thought about what?" Jess asked faster than I was even able to give Hannah a dirty look for saying something in front of them. "Thanks, Han. I really appreciate that." I said in a snappy tone. "But to answer your question, yes I did think about it and I decided that I'm going to prove you wrong."  "Prove her wrong about what?" Jessica just couldn't let it go. Sherri didn't seem as concerned as her but I think it's more because Jessica tends to get jealous if I seem to be getting closer to anyone other than her. Whether we're all best friends or not, in her mind I belong to her. I took a deep breath before starting and shifted my gaze around a little bit. Once I started biting at my nails, Jessica and Sherri knew that it was obviously something that I was nervous about. "You know what? Don't worry about telling us. You and Hannah can handle it, I'm sure." Sherri said smiling, trying to calm my nerves down some. "No, no. I'm going to tell ya'll. Ya'll aren't gonna believe this idea that Hannah has in her head, seriously." I nervously chuckled. "It's not just an idea, I have this backing it up." "Oh yeah? Well let's see what Jess and Sherri have to think about it then?" I snapped before even realizing that I had a tone. "That's one of the things backing up my idea right there. You've never been one to have a short temper and now literally everything irritates or upsets you." Jessica and Sherri just looked back and forth between us trying to figure out what we could possibly be bickering about. None of us every bicker with each other unless it's something serious. "Mar, why don't you go ahead and tell us then so that we can all discuss this and work through whatever it is together, as a team." Jessica gently prodded. "Hannah thinks I'm pregnant with Monty's little love child." I finally blurted out and then immediately started laughing. "I mean, what the hell, right?" I said in between laughter. I stopped laughing whenever I realized that none of my friends were laughing along with me. They were all looking at me and then each other. "Oh for fucks sake, ya'll agree with her?" "Hannah does have a good point. You have been acting strange lately, feeling sick every day randomly, and we're all usually in sync but our periods were two weeks ago and unless you're out of sync with us now, which I don't find very likely,  you never got yours..." "Because I'm fucking stressed! You know that stress can throw off a period!" I interrupted Jessica before she could even finish her sentence. "You told us yourself that because ya'll were drunk and it was so spur of the moment that ya'll didn't use protection." Sherri chimed in. "Okay, just to please you annoying people, I will go take the test that I bought initially to prove Hannah wrong but now to prove all of you wrong." I said getting up off the bed and heading to my bathroom. "Actually, I'll take all three." I smirked at them while taking the boxes out from under my sink. "You're so sure that it's us that's wrong and not you, aren't ya?" Hannah said while all three of them filed into my bathroom. "I'm getting no privacy, I see." I mumbled while reading the directions for the three pregnancy tests that I had bought the night before after Hannah went home. "Absolutely not. This is a huge deal. We're gonna be in here with you to either celebrate or comfort. Regardless, you're not getting rid of us." Jess said as she was rubbing the stress knots out of my shoulders. My best friend knows me too well. She knew that I was secretly stressing hard about this no matter what I tried to convince the others. "Okay, and whenever it turns out that I'm right, ya'll are not stopping me from drowning myself in whiskey tonight at the party... got it?" "Yeah." "Of course." "We'll see." They all said at the same time. "Well, let's do this thing then." I nervously smiled while going through the motions of taking the tests. Whenever I was done I got up and washed my hands. I was shaking so bad that water was splashing everywhere. So much for me being able to pretend like I'm a hard ass. "Hey, it's gonna be okay either way. Maybe you're right and it is just stress." Sherri said trying to calm me down. "Yeah, you know I'm a complete paranoid freak a lot of the time. I could be totally be wrong about this." Hannah said while watching me, clearly trying to make me feel better. "And what if ya'll are right? What the hell am I supposed to do?" "That's what we're here to help you with. I'll chop Monty's dick off if I have to." Jessica told me with a completely serious look on her face. So serious I couldn't help but to laugh which caused everyone else to start laughing too. Right as the laughter died down the timer on my phone went off signaling that it was time to check the tests. I took a deep breath, turned my alarm off, and walked over to the bathtub where I had set them down at. Jess, Hannah, and Sherri came up behind me, all holding on to some part of my body to let me know that they were there for me. I flipped all three over as fast as I could since I put them face down. "Holy shit.." all four of us whispered out at the same time. I dropped to the floor. Staring up at me were three very clearly positive pregnancy tests.

 Staring up at me were three very clearly positive pregnancy tests

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A/N: Any pictures posted into the story, just use your imagination and pretend that it's the characters if it isn't already lol. I'll also have a song with every chapter! Thanks :)

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