There's beauty in the madness.

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3 months later...

"I'm so tired of having to waddle to walk. I want this baby out of me." I whined to Marissa as we walked through the mall, looking for some last minute gifts for our dad's birthday. "Well, he's still gotta bake for two more months so you're just shit out of luck on that one." She joked while playfully shoving me. I shot her a dirty look before laughing myself. "By the looks of my belly, I'm gonna be big too." She added a second later while rubbing her bump. I'm now 7 months pregnant and she's 5 months pregnant and even though we still look super cute, we're struggling because we both have big bumps this time. "I still think that I was bigger than you at that point..." "No the hell you weren't. You could still hide it. Have you seen me? People think I'm about to give birth any day." She interrupted me, causing me to laugh at her words. "That's just because people are ignorant. As soon as any woman starts to show, they act like they've never seen a bump that big before. You look cute, I promise." I assured her once I noticed that she was feeling a little bit insecure. "Thanks, sister. I needed to hear that today after this morning. I tried on practically my whole closet and this outfit is all that fit and you can see that it's really tight too." She explained. "Just do what I do if you don't like maternity clothes. Buy stuff you'd normally buy, just super big. It works like a charm." I said while shrugging my shoulders as we walked into the shoe store to get our dad new tennis shoes. He's been jogging lately but it's been hurting his knees so we did some research and found a pair of tennis shoes that's supposed to put extra support on your knees so they don't get inflamed. "Yeah but then you can never wear those clothes again once you're not pregnant anymore." "Not true. Maybe not pants and stuff but oversized shirts are always cute. Sometimes they even turn into dresses on you once the baby is out. I'll let you try some of mine and see what you think." I said while skimming through the shoes. "Aw, don't I just have the best big sister ever." She fake cried happy tears while wrapping her arms around me and squeezing. I laughed while pushing her away from me. "I swear, you're too much sometimes." I chuckled, causing her to stick her tongue out at me with a laugh. We bought the shoes before walking through the mall again. We saw a sports store and decided to go in once we saw "De La Cruz" and "Atkins" jerseys hanging up. Since they're officially on the Dodgers now, because Dylan asked Jeff to join too, even though the season hasn't started yet, people are going crazy over them and buying their merchandise. We looked around while giggling until we heard Monty's name being mentioned on the tv in the store. They keep ESPN on at all times. As soon as I read the headline, my head started to swirl and my heart began to race. We both walked closer to the tv to hear better. "It's seems like he made these tapes whenever he was bad off on drugs. I don't think they're recent." One of the sportscasters said. "Oh yeah, there's no doubt that they're old. They're still out there now though." Another added a second later. "Holy shit." I heard Marissa whisper under her breath next to me. His god damn sex tapes have been leaked. I knew they'd come out eventually because of who he is. I guess now that he's getting really famous again, it makes sense that someone chose to leak them now. Probably for a pretty penny too. Several other people in the store were watching the tv as well and a couple of them looked at me and started whispering. They recognized me as his wife. "I wanna leave now." I whispered to Marissa and she nodded in understanding before grabbing my arm and dragging me out of the store. We fast walked all the way through the mall, trying our best to get out of there before anyone else recognized me. Once we finally reached my car, I turned to her with wide eyes. "What the fuck are we gonna do?" I asked in an exasperated tone. "Get your mom on it, she can fix this." She responded. My mom does both Montgomery and Jeff's PR now and she's pretty damn good at it. Now that she's back in my life, she's been pretty good and I've been able to form a relationship with her now. So has everyone else. We all have a relationship with Dylan too. "She's good at her job but not that good." I rolled my eyes. My mom can't fix multiple sex tapes being released. Has Marissa lost her mind. "She can at least make it better. She may not be able to really fix it but she can get them in her hands instead of everyone else's and she can get him an interview somewhere and tell him what to say. Some serious PR recovery, ya know?" She explained as we got in my car and headed back to my house. "Maybe. I just.. I don't wanna turn on the tv and possibly seeing a clip of any of them. I know that he did it and I know that I can't really be mad about it but.. I can't handle actually seeing it." I said, whispering the end. "I totally understand that. I wouldn't wanna see that of Jeff. Hell, no girl would wanna see that of their husband or boyfriend." She said. I didn't say anything else, just drove home and listened to the faint music in the background. Once we pulled into my driveway, I noticed all of my family's cars there. Obviously PR recovery had already started and it included everyone. We got out of the car and walked inside. As soon as we walked in, everyone's eyes turned towards us. "Did both of you forget how to use your phones?" Jeff snapped, obviously stressed from the whole situation. "We were busy shopping and then we rushed home as soon as we saw on ESPN news in the sports store what's going on." Marissa explained while sitting down next to him on the couch. I looked around and noticed that I didn't see Montgomery or my mom. "They're on the back porch doing an over the phone interview with a sports station." Dylan informed me. I nodded my head before heading to the couch and sitting down with a sigh. Jeff scooted in close to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, I immediately laid my head down on his shoulder. "This sucks." I mumbled. "It'll be okay, honey. People forget about this stuff pretty quickly. It'll be over in a week." Annie assured me. I nodded my head even though I didn't fully trust her words. I knew that she wasn't lying and that's what she really believes but she might not be right. This could go down in infamy. Kind of like Kim Kardashian and Ray J's sex tape or Tommy Lee and Pamela Anderson's sex tape. I know that Monty is nowhere near on their level of fame but it could still happen. I don't want it to. I don't want to be remembered as the wife of the baseball player that had multiple raunchy sex tapes leaked. I don't want to risk being asked about it anytime some nosey person can get near me. I don't want to risk turning on the tv and they're talking about it or going on the internet and being given the option to watch it. I just want it to all go away but I know that now, it can't. It's out now and all we can do is try to do a bunch of PR but it won't stop it from being out there and it won't prevent people from watching it and talking about it. My mom is good at her job but she's not good enough to make it disappear completely and to erase everyone's minds of it. No one is capable of doing that. For now, I have no choice but to sit back on the couch and pray that my mother can fix this shit.

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