I saw you late last night come to harm.

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My head was spinning, my chest was so tight I felt like I couldn't breathe, my whole body was shaking, I felt like I was going to puke at any given moment.... I just wanted to curl up in a ball and stay there forever. I couldn't though. I had to be strong for her. I needed to speak up. I looked over at her broken frame. I could already see the bruises forming and could practically see her soul being ripped out from her body. "Hannah... what can I do?" I whispered, trying my best not to startle her. She slowly looked up at me, making eye contact. "Don't leave me. Just don't leave me." She whispered back. I nodded my head and scooted a little closer to her. I placed my hand on top of hers and started running circles over it with my thumb. "Are you okay?"  She asked. She must have seen the little bit of blood on the back of my head. "This isn't about me. Don't worry about me. All I care about is if YOU are okay." "I need to get you both home. Now." Jeff startled both of us. "I appreciate the offer Jeff... but I really just want to walk. I'm so sorry but I really only want to be around Marci right now..." Hannah whispered, just barely looking up at Jeff. "I understand, sweetheart." He went to place his hand on her shoulder but she flinched away. "Mar, are you sure you can walk?" He asked me, examining my head. "Yes J, I'm fine. It's not that bad, I promise. I just need to get the fuck away from this house and get Hannah safe and I'll be fine." I told him as I stood up and pulled Hannah along with me. "Tell that bastard I'll kill him myself if he ever even fucking looks in her direction ever again." I said firmly before we walked off and started making our way down the street, walking back to my house. We decided that since my mom was still out of town on a business trip for the next few days that it would be best to stay there. Away from everyone. We were both wet but neither of us cared. I kept my arms wrapped around her the entire time. I could feel her shaking and I silently prayed that it was because she was cold and not because of fear and shock. I didn't understand how a night that started out kind of bad and then seemed like it was turning good turned into the huge shit storm that it turned into. As we were walking, the memories of the night started flooding into my head.

Monty and I were playing beer pong with Jess and Justin. We were winning but it was a very close game. Since I wasn't able to drink anything, Monty was way past the point of drunk. Especially since him and Justin had decided to put liquor in the cups instead of beer. Things were going good, we were having a good time. Montgomery was being very touchy and would randomly kiss me on the cheek or my neck and we couldn't stop smiling. Jessica and Justin of course couldn't keep their hands off of each other, Sherri and Jeff were in the pool together, and Hannah was in the hot tub with Zach and some girl who's name I didn't know. Clay had already gone home but I was happy to see that Hannah was still enjoying herself. Best of all, no one seemed to care about my pregnancy news anymore. It was crazy that I was actually having this good of a time even though just a couple of hours earlier my whole world felt like it was falling apart. The game ended with Justin and Jessica winning. Monty and I stepped off to the side so that a new couple could play them. He wrapped his arms around me and bent down to whisper in my ear. "Come inside with me for a minute." I nodded and followed him in. Assuming that he was going to get a drink or something. As soon as we got inside her brought me into the bathroom and locked the door behind him. Before I knew it, his lips were on mine, going back and forth between them and my neck. He had one hand massaging my boob and the other was playing with the button on my jeans, trying to get them open. My breathing was heavy and I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Can I?" He asked as he was about to stick his hand into my panties. I nodded and within seconds he stuck a finger inside of me and after a moment, another one. Between that, his hand on my breast, and him kissing my neck, I couldn't stifle the moans coming out. "Monty..." I was half whispering half moaning. I don't know what changed in me but all of a sudden I realized I didn't want to do this like this. Our first time together we were both wasted, now even though I wasn't he still was. The next time we had sex, I wanted us to both be sober and it not be some spur of the moment, alcohol fused decision. "No, stop. I don't want to." I said, slightly pushing him back. "What do you mean you don't fucking want to? You sure as hell just seemed like you wanted to." He snapped at me, slurring his words a little. He was more drunk than I thought. This wasn't going to go over well at all. "I just don't want to right now...I'm sorry. Can we just go cuddle?" He had pulled away from me by now but I tried to wrap my arms around him. "Don't fucking touch me, man." He pushed my hands off of him and started to open the bathroom door. "You REALLY thought I was gonna go upstairs and just cuddle with you? You've lost your damn mind, Marci. You're such a fucking tease, ya know that? Just fucking stay away from me. I'll get someone else to fuck around with since you're not interested." He yelled at me before storming out of the bathroom. Everyone who was inside had just heard his little outburst. I slowly walked out of the bathroom after a minute and decided I was going to try to just give him some space for a little bit and then try to talk to him later. I walked around and mingled some, caught up with what some of my friends were doing, and ate a couple slices of pizza once it finally hit me that I was starving. By the time I was done it had been close to an hour so I decided to go ahead and try to talk to him. I went up to Prater's who was in my communications class and asked if he knew where Montgomery had gone. He smirked at me and I didn't understand why but he did tell me that Monty had said he was gonna go lay down and that he was in the first room on the left upstairs. I smiled and thanked him before making my way up there. I lightly knocked on the door but he didn't answer. I figured he probably didn't hear so I pushed the door open while talking. "Hey M, I think we really need to talk about what happened.." I couldn't even finish my sentence because what I saw was enough to knock the breath out of me. Monty wasn't going to bed, he was fucking some random blonde whore that I knew had been flirting with just about every guy at the party throughout the night. They didn't even seem to care that I was standing there. They just kept going on about their business. Her moaning was so obnoxious I thought my ears were gonna fall off. I slammed the door shut and took off down the stairs. I needed even just one of my friends. As I was looking around I ran into Prater's again. "Fuck you. You're a real piece of shit." I spat at him while I was walking by. Him and his group of friends just laughed. What assholes. Sherri had apparently just left with someone who lived in her neighborhood because she drank too much and felt sick and wanted to go home, Jessica was locked away in a room with Justin for the night, I had no clue where Jeff had gone off to, and no one knew where Hannah was. I decided to check the hot tub to see if she was still in there since she loved it so much. What I saw once I got to the hot tub knocked the breath out of me even more than seeing Montgomery fucking another girl. It was Hannah with her face shoved into the concrete, staring into space from shock, being raped by Bryce. "No! Get the fuck off of her!" I screamed as I ran straight into the hot tub and started trying to pull Bryce away myself. He shoved me back hard enough that I fell back, was almost completely submerged by water, and hit my head on the siding of the hot tub. I felt a shooting pain in my head so I put my hand on it and saw blood. I looked back up at Bryce who looked like he was ready to hurt me or at least threaten me if I told anyone what I saw. "Hannah, run inside... now." I said to her as calmly as I could, never breaking eye contact with Bryce. Before I knew it someone pulled both Hannah and me out of the hot tub and lunged at Bryce. I looked up to see who it was and it was Jeff. "Jeff, stop!" Hannah yelled. He let go of Bryce and turned around. "Please no one mention this ever again. Everyone go about their business. Bryce, just stay away from me." She whispered before retreating back into herself and practically falling into my arms as I hugged her. "You're lucky man, I wouldn't have stopped if she didn't want me to." Jeff called out to Bryce, watching him walk back inside. "Let me take you girls home."

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