I'm only a fool for you.

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"Why would he call me his girl on his instagram post? He's the one who wanted to take a break." I complained to Jessica and Hannah. Sherri was of course off somewhere with Jeff. We were all at my house but the boys were out by the pool and we went inside to talk. Well, we really went inside so that I could whine to them about how bad Monty confuses me. "I mean, if you wanna be technical you kinda are his girl still. You're on a break, not officially broken up." Hannah said while shrugging her shoulders. "Wait, that's actually a thing? You can take a break and do whatever you want but still technically be together? No one tell Justin that." Jessica laughed. I laughed along with her before responding. "I don't think that's actually a thing, that's crazy. I wouldn't have agreed if I knew that he thought that meant I was still his but he could do whatever he wants." I told both of them while throwing my hands into the air. "I don't think you should look into it too much. Just go with the flow for once in your life, Marci." Hannah said to me while walking out the back door, followed by Jess. "Good talk, guys." I sarcastically said to them before following them out the doors. "Hey, baby!" Justin called out to Jessica as soon as he saw her. She ran into his arms and almost knocked him over from jumping into them. "We were literally inside for just a few minutes." I laughed at them while I went and sat down next to Monty. "I don't understand why you had to run inside with your friends to talk about me calling you my girl." Monty smiled at me. "And I don't understand why you're still pink." I laughed back at him. With that he jumped up and grabbed my hand pulling me up. He purposely started wiping his hands, uniform, hair, and face all over me so that I would turn pink too. Once he was done, I still wasn't nearly as bad as him but I was definitely a shade of pink too. I started laughing so hard I had to double over and tears were coming out of my eyes. Monty immediately joined in with me, everyone else watching us like we were crazy. Once our laughter died down we stared at each other for a second before he stepped forward and bent his head down to kiss me. I dodged the kiss and walked off but not before turning around and winking at him and reminding him with a small smile that we're on a break. I heard Zach chuckling off to the side, he had obviously witnessed the whole thing. I couldn't wipe the smirk off my face as I watched Monty make a confused face before shaking his head with a small smile. I was definitely going to get that boy wrapped around my finger before the end of all of this, if it was the last thing I did.

A week had passed and I still hadn't managed to get Montgomery to beg for me back. That didn't stop him from constantly trying to touch me, kiss me, or tell me he loves me. I was getting exasperated with this little game. I was standing at my locker waiting for the first period bell to ring. Jess, Hannah, and even Sherri since Jeff had a morning baseball practice along with Monty and the rest of the team, were standing with me. "Are you guys coming to the game tonight? It's away so I thought if ya'll wanted to come we could all ride together after school." Sherri said cheerily. "I haven't decided if I'm going to go yet or not." I mumbled to her. "Oh, come on. You've gotta come and support your man!" She said even more cheerily than before. She was already a naturally happy person before Jeff but now that they were together, she was damn near unbearable sometimes. I rolled my eyes at her before speaking. "You must have forgot that he's not my man anymore." Before anyone could respond we heard a loud bang followed by screaming and a mess of footsteps running. We all froze in place. "What the hell was that?" Hannah whispered to all of us, I could hear the fear in her voice. I watched terrified people run past us and I could hear two more bangs that sounded like they were getting closer. "I think we need to get out of here. Now." I firmly whispered to them. We spun around and tried to get out the exit right behind us. The other girls had already made it through the door and I was right behind them until I heard someone call my name. Instead of running, I turned around and was met with the pained eyes of Tyler Down standing at the end of the hallway, armed with multiple different guns. I felt like I was going to puke everywhere, my heart started to race, and my body began to shake with fear. I was running over any plea for my life that I thought I could use in my head until I realized that he still hadn't raised his gun to me. I decided to take a chance and speak up. "Tyler?" I spoke to him, my voice was shaking. I could hear Jess, Hannah, and Sherri frantically whispering behind me, out of his sight. "I'm not going to hurt you unless you put me in a position where I have to. You've never done anything to me and have even defended me. I will find him though, so don't try to be a hero." With that he turned around and headed back down the hallway. His words kept repeating in my head, I was trying to figure out what he meant when Hannah grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the door. "Are you fucking insane? He could've killed you!" Jess yelled at me with tears in her eyes. "He doesn't want me, he said I've never done anything to him. He said something about 'I will find him' though. I don't understand what he meant or why he felt the need to say that to me." We all stared at each other, no one understanding the meaning of his words. "Do you think he has a hit list?" Hannah said after taking a breath. "I would fucking assume so." Jessica snapped. That's when it dawned on me. If Tyler had a hit list than more than likely anyone who had ever bullied him was probably on it, which is why he said he wasn't going to hurt me because I've never done anything to him. Who did his main bully happen to be? None other than Montgomery De La Cruz. That's why he said 'I will find him' to me. He was subtly letting me know that Monty is on his hit list. "Oh my God..." I whispered to myself. "What is it?" Sherri asked while grabbing my arm. "I know what he meant. We have to get to the baseball field, or the gym, or the locker room, or wherever the fuck the baseball team might be right now..." I was rambling and had panic in my voice. "Woah, what are you talking about? You want us to try to get all the way on the other side of the school without getting killed in the process? What we need to do is go hide out in one of our cars and call 911." Jess said to me while putting her hands on my shoulders. "No, we have to go over there. I know what Marci figured out." Hannah whispered while making eye contact with me. We held eye contact for a second. We heard more gun shots and screams, it sounded farther away this time. I choked back the sob that was threatening to come out. People were dying right now while we were standing here arguing about what we were going to do. The father of my child was at risk every minute that we stood here and odds are, the baseball team didn't even know what was going on yet because they were probably still on the field, oblivious to the world around them. I knew that both Monty and Jeff's phones wouldn't be on them because the coach always collected all of the players' phones before practice or a game, so I knew that texting or calling wasn't an option. I had to somehow get over there as fast as I could. "I'm going to explain it this way...  Tyler has a hit list of people who have bullied him, who has put him through the most hell? Who would be the 'him' that he was telling me he was going to find?" That's when both Jess and Sherri's mouths fell open. They finally caught on. "We have to go. Jeff is probably in danger too then because he'll try to step in, I know he will, that's the kind of person he is." Sherri was panicking now. "Justin has been shitty to him, too. I wouldn't doubt that he's also on the list. I agree, we have to go and try to find them. Justin is probably close by the gym, too. That's where he always hangs out in the mornings. His phone is cut off too." Jessica said, now completely changing her game plan. I rolled my eyes, none of them had phones right now. We had literally no other option but to make a run for it. Hannah didn't have to worry because Clay had stayed home sick but instead of saving herself, she opted to come and help us. We took off running towards the gym and I couldn't help but to keep saying a silent prayer in my head that we were all going to be okay.

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