Everything's changing but who am I to know?

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"Jenny... I'm really not trying to be a bitch but please... I beg you..... do not drop me again. How hard is it to hold me up?" I snapped on one of my cheerleaders as we were practicing our performance. We had a pep rally right after lunch so we were having to miss our second and third periods to practice. One of my cheerleaders, Jenny, had dropped me repeatedly and I was very quickly growing tired of it. "I'm sorry, Marci. I'm really trying." She whispered, embarrassed that I had called her out in front of everyone. "Yeah, seems like it." I mumbled. I walked off to drink some of my water and I was trying to get some of my irritation to ease up. I had woke up in a piss poor mood for no reason and I was feeling sick. I had a pretty good idea what was going on but I refused to admit it to myself and hadn't breathed a word of my suspicions to anyone, not even Monty. "What's up, Mar? You're not yourself today." Sherri said as her and Jessica approached me. I glanced over my shoulder and noticed that Jessica had allowed everyone to take a break. "She's been like this since late last night." Emma added once she reached us. I rolled my eyes and scoffed at her. Which only backed up what they were saying. "You and Monty are okay, right?" Jessica asked concerned. Now that we were engaged, she was fully invested in our relationship and wanted us to work out. She'd always wanted that but now she was even more on board. I think it partly had to do with her getting to help pick out my ring. "Yeah, we're fine. I haven't even seen him since yesterday evening because he got caught up at fight night really late, so he just spent the night with David." I mumbled again. "Then what's up with you, girl?" Sherri asked again. "Nothing, my gosh." I snapped. "Marci." All three of them said at the same time in a deadpan tone. "I'm just in an irritated mood and I don't feel very good, okay?" I said while throwing my hands up in the air and walking off. "Wait, what did you just say?" Jessica asked happily. Great. Here we go. "I said I'm irritated." "No, after that." She chirped. "Alright ladies, breaks over!" I called out to everyone, ignoring Jess. I could hear the three of them whispering giddily behind me and I rolled my eyes at their happiness. I wasn't happy. I was angry, sad, and scared. If I actually turned out to be pregnant, I hated that I was feeling this way but I couldn't help it. I couldn't go through what I went through last time again. Hell, I couldn't go through almost dying again like I did with Savannah. I didn't even know if Monty wanted that anymore since he already had two kids to take care of and he was all big into fighting and partying right now. I could potentially ruin everything that he had created in such a short span of time and was so happy about. The money, the new lifestyle, the engagement, the new apartment. I didn't know if a new baby was added into his mix of new things for the new year. "Mar, it's lunch break..." Emma said tentatively, not wanting to upset me but wanting to let me know. She interrupted me from my thoughts and I immediately sighed. "Fine. Everyone eat, do whatever you wanna do." I said way more irritated than I should have before trudging out of the gym to head to the cafeteria. I hated that we all had to keep our cheer uniforms on, knowing good and well that perverts were going to stare and make comments. As if on cue, I felt someone smack my ass as I was about to walk into the cafeteria. I gasped and quickly turned around ready to slap whoever it was only to breathe a sigh of relief whenever I realized it was just Lyla. She was a touchy little thing and I still hadn't gotten used to it yet. "Chill out, cheerleader. It's just me." She joked. I tried to crack a smile but I was struggling. "Be careful, Lyla. This one hates the world and anything breathing today." Jessica joked as my three girls approached us, having witnessed the whole thing. "I do not." I snapped at her and all of the girls looked at each other amused. I walked off and got in line to get my food. Luckily, there was still hardly anyone in there so I didn't have to wait long. I paid and trudged over to my usual table and subconsciously slammed my tray down and plopped down into my seat with a huff. "Bad day?" Marcus asked, who had been surprisingly nice and normal lately. "Not really. Just in a shit mood for no particular reason." I grumbled and he merely nodded his head in response, not wanting to get involved. I wasn't paying attention to anything going on around me, not even when everyone joined us at the table, until someone started shoving my shoulder. "What?" I snapped at Sherri and she pointed towards Monty's new table with his friends'. "What the fuck?" Jeff said at the same time I looked over there. Monty was sitting on top of the table while talking to a standing Bryce. His facial expressions kept changing from angry, to interested, to a smirk. David was standing partially in front of Monty and Lyla was sitting behind him with her hand on his shoulder to keep him steadied. "You've gotta be fucking kidding me." I almost yelled, causing everyone to look towards me confused. "They're setting up for them to fight again at fight night, I'm sure of it." "That can't happen. No fucking way." Jeff said as soon as the words were out of my mouth. He jumped up from his seat and I immediately followed close behind him. We stormed over there like a couple of protective parents and stared harshly, both of our arms crossed, once we reached the table. "Your managers have arrived, Monty." David joked, causing me to give him a dirty look. I wasn't in the mood for anything today. "Really? .... Really?" I yelled at Monty with my eyebrows raised. "Damn, she catches onto everything." Kevin laughed. Monty nodded at him with an "I fucking know" look on his face before turning his attention back to me. "It was his idea and David thinks it's a damn good one. Lots of money and a good business promotion. Everyone wants to see that shit again, Mar, so why not make it happen and get paid to do it?" "Because you're fucking psycho, that's why!" I yelled in response. He looked taken aback by my outburst and I saw hurt flash through his eyes before they quickly hardened. "Well, you don't really have a say so now do you? Now take your pissy attitude elsewhere." He said before turning his attention back to his friends and Bryce, ignoring me as if I wasn't even standing there. I growled before spinning around on my heels and storming off. I could hear Jeff arguing with him in the background but I didn't care to get involved. I felt a wave of nausea coming on so I went ahead and headed to the bathroom. I gripped onto the sides of the toilet as I emptied my already pretty empty stomach. I had felt crappy since I got up but that was the first time I'd actually thrown up. Great, I couldn't deny it. I rested my head on my arm once I was done and felt silent tears working their way down my face. I had so many emotions rushing through my body at one time and I was overwhelmed. I sighed and quickly wiped my tears away whenever I heard the bell ringing, signaling that lunch was over and it was time to go to the pep rally. It was time to put my big girl panties on and suck it up. I didn't have any other choice.

One Time [Montgomery De La Cruz x OC]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu