He needs to accept it.

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It had been two weeks since Monty woke up and his doctors' had cleared him to go back to school today. He just had to take it easy and walk with a cane so he wouldn't over do it. His whole attitude had changed from the sweet, happy, and thankful guy that he was whenever he initially woke up. He was angry, he wouldn't accept help from anyone, he hadn't let our friends' see him since the day that he woke up, he hadn't talked to his parents in days because he kicked them out of the hospital room before he was realeased, and he even kicked me out too for simply saying that I thought we should tell our daughter about what happened once she got older. He was still so pissed at me when we got home from the hospital that he even slept in the guest bedroom instead of with me. He hated if anyone called him a hero or said what he did was admirable and don't you dare try to assist him with anything or your head was gonna get bit off. None of us could figure out what changed and why. He wasn't allowed to drive so he had to ride to school with me, no matter how much he bitched about it. The entire car ride was completely silent and I couldn't stand the awkward silence anymore so I turned on the radio. "Turn this shit down, I don't wanna hear it." He snapped at me. I rolled my eyes before sighing and shutting the music off. I silently prayed that this was just a phase and he was going to go back to normal soon. I couldn't stand this for much longer. I pulled in and saw all of our friends' standing by Bryce's car so I parked as close to them as I could get. I shut off the car and opened my door to get out and then turned to Montgomery. "Are you gonna be okay going in there today?" I asked. "I'll be okay as long as all of y'all leave me the fuck alone." He snapped. I tried not to take it personally because I knew that he was going through a lot  but it did hurt a little. I noticed him trying to get out of the car so I lightly grabbed his elbow. "Hang on, let me help you." "I don't need your fucking help, Marci. Just leave me the fuck alone for once in your life." He yelled loud enough that all of our friends' heard and turned to look at us. I grabbed my stuff and then slammed the car door, walking over to our friends. "You're really not gonna help him?" Justin asked me once I reached them. We could all hear him grunting and cussing. "You didn't just hear? I need to leave him alone for once in my life." I responded in the best Monty voice I could. "It's still bad, huh?" Jess whispered to me. I nodded my head and tried not to let it show that it was really taking its toll on me. Monty slowly made his way past us, the only thing he said was that I was the biggest bitch he knew before he kept on going towards the school. "Dude, that shits gotta stop. He's being hateful to everyone but he's really taking his anger out on Marci and it's not right." Zach said once Montgomery was out of hearing distance. Everyone agreed and I smiled sadly at them. The most I could do would be to leave him but really what good would that do? "So, anyone wanna walk with me to class?" I mumbled, trying to change the subject. Everyone grabbed their stuff and we all walked in together. At least I had my friends to lean on.

I was sitting in communications waiting for class to start whenever Praters walked in laughing. "Have y'all seen Monty? Holy shit, if y'all thought he had anger issues before you should see him now." He announced to the class. Zach, Justin, and Sherri all looked at me to see my reaction but I just shrugged my shoulders. "I would have anger issues too if some phsyco shot and nearly killed me." A girl named Jessie said. "Tyler wasn't a psycho. He was a kid like us that was tormented to the point that he felt like he had no choice but to do what he did. He was in pain." I said while looking around the room. It wasn't right, the kid was dead, let him Rest In Peace. Everyone looked at me confused for a second before Praters spoke up. "Oh, I get it now. Little Marci here is the main receiver of Incredible Hulk Monty." He said while laughing. Everyone else looked at me awkwardly waiting on a response but I didn't give one, just went back to what I was doing. Once the bell finally rang I scurried out of the classroom to head to lunch. I had missed breakfast so I was starting to feel nauseous and light headed because I was so hungry. I grabbed my food as quick as I could and went to sit at the table. I sat down next to Monty and I watched him very clearly roll his eyes before I sighed. The entire lunch Monty wouldn't stop snapping at everyone and be hateful, especially to me. I couldn't handle it anymore and I slammed my fist down on the table, causing everyone to jump. "Could you maybe act like a normal fucking human being instead of the biggest asshole I've ever met?" I snapped. He looked straight at me and I could feel all of our friends' eyes on us, waiting to see what was going to happen. His eyes were boring into mine and I could see his nostrils flaring. "No one cares to hear your little comments, sweetheart." He said with a snide tone. I reached out to try to touch his arm and he pulled back. I couldn't handle this anymore. "I'm done with this and if this is how you're gonna act from now on, then I don't want a fucking thing to do with you. We're done. You need to go get some help." I shouted at him while standing up. The whole cafeteria had heard and all eyes were on us. "Mar, maybe you're saying things you don't mean." Hannah gently said to me. "No, fuck that. I'm done with tiptoeing around him and being treated like shit. Maybe if you wouldn't have been a fucking bully in the first place, none of this would've happened. You would think you would've learned how to treat people by now." I shouted one more time before turning around on my heels. "Fine then, we're done." He shouted back as I stormed out of the cafeteria with tears streaming down my face.

I sat in history class between Sherri and Clay, both of them asking if I was okay every 5 seconds. I was hurting but I was too prideful to let anyone know. I knew Monty was going through more than I could ever understand but I just couldn't handle being bullied by the person who was supposed to love me the most anymore. It was towards the end of class whenever Mr. Porter threw the door open and started frantically looking around. He locked eyes with me and then turned to the teacher before talking. "I need Marci Whimore to come with me. It's an emergency." My heart started to race but I stood up grabbing my stuff. As we walked out of the classroom, the door hadn't even shut behind me yet when I saw Monty slumped up against the lockers, sobs racking his body. I stared in shock for a minute because that's definitely not what I pictured myself seeing. "What's going on?" I whispered to Mr. Porter. I was still a little nervous to talk to Monty. "He apparently had an outburst in class about how he didn't deserve to be alive whenever someone applauded him on what he did. He threw some stuff around and stormed out. I was paged to come and talk to him and once I got down here this is how I found him." He whispered back to me. "Well, we broke up just a little bit ago so you might want to pull someone else out of class to talk to him. I don't think I'm the right one." "Mar?" Monty asked before looking up at me through teary eyes. He looked so heartbroken and defeated. This was a totally different Montgomery than the one I was dealing with just a short time earlier. "I heard that he's been very angry, I think he's finally broke, Marci." Mr. Porter said while lightly pushing me towards Monty. As soon as I sat down next to him, he pulled me into his arms and started sobbing so hard he was practically screaming in anguish. The bell rang but Mr. Porter yelled through the hall for everyone to stay in their classes for a few extra minutes. I could hear everyone whispering in their classrooms about what was going on. His hardened false anger shell had cracked and his true pain was now showing. "Baby girl, I'm so sorry for how I've been acting. Is there any way you can forgive me?" He choked out. Before I could respond, he put a hand on my bump and then put his forehead on it, crying harder. He kept whispering I love you's and apologies  in between sobs. I looked up at Mr. Porter not knowing what to do. I had never seen anybody so inconsolable before, especially Monty. He was always so strong and brave, this was a new Monty. Jeff walked out from the classroom across the hall and knelt down in front of us. "Come on, bro. Let's get you up." Jeff whispered while gently helping Monty to his feet and then handing him his cane. After a minute, all of our friends started filing out of their classrooms and walked towards us. Montgomery was still crying and he had a firm grip on my waist and his head on my shoulder. My shirt was soaked with his tears but I didn't care. I wrapped my free arm around his waist and started to walk down the hall, all of our friends walking along with us. Everyone started clapping as we walked by and I knew it was because they thought Monty was a hero and they were proud of him for actually facing his feelings instead of being so angry. As I glanced over at Montgomery, I realized he had finally come to terms and accepted what happened. I knew that now, we would absolutely be able to go back to normal.

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