I'm here but don't count on me to stay.

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Please listen to the song, it's amazing!

A/N: Surprise twist in this! It's a very sad one. Sorry I've been so inactive, I had shoulder and arm surgery, so it's been really hard! I've had this planned for awhile now. You'll have to read my next several chapters to see if it all wraps up in a nice little bow 😬

6 months later...

"What did he want this time?" Jessica scoffed with a roll of her eyes once I made my way back into her kitchen. "Nothing." I mumbled but both her and my sister looked at me with knowing eyes. "Money." They both said at the same time but I looked away, not wanting them to see my facial expression. "You know he's just gonna use that on drugs..." "Maybe not." I interrupted Marissa with a slight tone. "Marci... you know what he's turned into. You know how this goes. You both majorly fucked up and ruined your marriage but he's ruined his whole life in the span of a few months. At least you're still living normally, taking care of your kids, and working. What does he do now? Couch hop, fuck nasty junkies, and shoot up? Wipe your hands clean." Marissa responded and I could feel myself growing angry. "I did something really wrong too..." "You cheated on him after he'd already started acting like you and the kids' didn't exist and after your unborn baby was killed because some psycho fan wanted to get you out of the way..." "Stop talking about it." I snapped, interrupting Jessica. The last thing I wanted to do was relive what happened. To relive the thing that destroyed both Monty and me so much, it caused us to lose all of our morals and all of our love for one another. He left me alone, which only got worse once I cheated on him with David of all people once he moved back here, he wanted nothing to do with me and then he started using drugs again and refusing to take his bipolar medication, I continued sleeping with David in retaliation, he got indefinitely suspended from MLB for drug usage, that broke him even more so he turned completely to drugs and the streets. Now, I only talk to him or see him if he randomly texts me asking for money. He hasn't seen our kids in almost two months and the last time that he did see them, it was awful and I had to tell them "Daddy's really sick" instead of the truth... Daddy's really high. This all happened after Monty had gained major fame as soon as he signed onto a major league team. Girls' were all over him, he was getting paid tons of money, and he was living a very lavish lifestyle. He got caught up in it and forgot that he had a wife and kids at him that matter too. While home alone one night, a large group of insane girls broke into our house and attacked my kids and me. They wanted us dead so "they could have Montgomery all to themselves". I didn't stand a chance against all of them alone but I did the best that I could to protect my kids. My sweet little Savannah thought fast though and was able to call 911 before they even got to her and the operator heard the entire thing taking place... that's the only reason we're not dead right now. I was cut up with a knife pretty bad but as soon as I went to dodge the major stab straight to my heart, I slipped and fell all the way down our massive staircase. I could hear my kids' screaming my name the whole way down and the intruders laughed hysterically. I ended up with broken bones, blood everywhere, bruises over most of my body, and a very intense miscarriage. I was only 10 weeks pregnant at the time but it still broke our hearts. As soon as I was healed up some, Monty started pressuring me to do IVF again to replace that baby. I refused because of what happened and because of the fact that he had been gone since shortly after I found out I was pregnant and only came back twice after the attack. We didn't need another baby at that moment, not when his career was taking off and was obviously the most important thing on his mind. Every time I would beg him to stay, I was reminded that my massive house, nice cars in the driveway, and all the nice things that we had was because of that career he was running back to. Everything else just happened like a shitty roller coaster ride. One awful drop after another. Now, the house is up for sale because I refuse to live there, I'm living in a ranch style house that my dad bought for me and spending a lot of time at Marissa and Jeff's, Monty lives wherever the hell he goes, he has no money to his name anymore because he blew it all, I'm working as a receptionist at a doctors office and I make crafty things on the side for extra money. My whole life had changed overnight. Monty and I are separated and whenever he was staying with this girl named Carla for a couple of weeks, I quickly had him served with divorce papers... which he refused to sign. So technically, we're still married. I still love him in a way but after the past few months, I'm not in love with him anymore. After the things that he's done, I don't want to be with him. My kids', especially Savannah, sense that there's something terribly wrong with their dad and now even they're angry at him and want little to do with him. They recognize that he's left us, even at such young ages. Jeff, my dad, Andrew, and Justin desperately try to fill the void of a father figure in their life right now and even though it helps, I know it's not the same. All three of them have changed, matured, and saddened so much since everything happened. They're all also overly attached to me and protective. Him doing this to them is what breaks my heart the most and makes me the most angry. I know that part of it is because he's off his medication but if he actually loved us, then he'd take it. We were such a happy little family until... until we weren't. "Mar, you in there?" Jessica asked while getting up and placing her hands gently on my shoulders, knocking me out of my thoughts. "Uh yeah, I'm good." I responded with a nod of my head before pulling away from her and walking towards the back door. I looked out of it and saw Jeff and Justin playing with all of my kids' and Grace. I softly smiled at the sight but tears still welled up in my eyes. Montgomery should be back there with them. He should be running around that back yard laughing, just like Jeff and Justin are. He should be eating with us for our family dinner tonight. "Can I do something that y'all are all gonna hate me for?" I whispered to them and they both groaned. They knew where this was going. "He's just gonna ruin our dinner..." "I don't think he's ate in days." I whispered while turning towards them. They noticed my teary eyes and knew that I was upset. Because of everything that I've been through lately, they all try really hard to tip toe around me. They both sighed and looked at each other before nodding their heads. I nodded mine back and quickly grabbed my keys off of the counter. I knew I was going to have to go find him because he doesn't have a phone anymore, he had to text me off of a friends' phone earlier. He couldn't be too far on foot, so I was sure that I'd find him pretty quickly. "I'll be right back. Go talk to everyone about it please? Love you, bye." I said to them while kissing both of their cheeks and then running out of the kitchen and then out of the front door. Once I started by car, I sped down the road that I saw him walk down. I was nervous as I drove down the road because I knew that everyone, including my parents and his parents since they're coming over too, were gonna be pretty uncomfortable with his presence... if not very angry with him. I just want to try though. I just want too see if maybe my Monty is still in there and I could fix him and bring him back out. I just want to see if maybe I could fall in love with him again and vice versa. I slowed down once I saw him walking down the darkening road and whenever he turned around to look at the car, he looked surprised to see that it was me. I pulled up next to him and he opened the passenger door. "What's up?" He mumbled. "We're having a big family dinner tonight. I just..." "You don't want me there, Marci. Invite David instead." He spat the end bitterly. "I don't have anything to do with him anymore. He was my biggest mistake, I was just so hurt..." "Yeah, so I've heard." He mumbled, interrupting me. We stared at each other for a minute and I noticed how small his pupils were. He was obviously high but he seemed in decent condition. He probably hadn't done his next hit yet so he was slightly sobering up. "Come with me, Montgomery. Come see everyone... please?" I begged. He stared at me for a second before playing with something in his jacket. I peaked over some and immediately recognized it as a bag of heroin. I couldn't believe what I was about to do to get him there but.. fuck it. "If you come, I... I'll let you shoot up in my car but... I choose how much you do so that you're not completely incoherent. Deal?" I suggested. He raised his eyebrow at me in shock before biting his lip. God, even while he's looking so rough, he still looks so sexy to me. "Its a deal but I want something else too before I go into that shit show." He said while climbing into my passenger seat and tossing his little book bag in the back. "Okay, what is it?" I questioned skeptically and he smirked again. "Well, the last person to fuck you was that prick and since technically you're still my wife..." he paused while smirking and reaching over to wave my wedding ring that was on a chain around my neck in my face. "I want it to be me." "You wanna have sex?" I quickly responded to him. "Why not?" He said with a shrug of his shoulders. "Because... well because..." "You don't always have to overthink everything, Mar. Like I said, we're still married and we have major history. If you honestly don't want to, we don't have to but... I think you do. I think you're still attracted to me, even right now." He finished, another little smirk toying at his lips. I stared at him while running my thoughts through my head and trying so hard to ignore the throbbing between my thighs. He's right, I do want him like that. Whenever I was having sex with David, I never even got off because I still wanted it to be Monty. And he was clean right now because he'd just taken a shower before he came to Jessica's to get some money from me. So I wouldn't have to worry about him being nasty or smelling. He does still keep up with his hygiene, regardless of his situation. "It's cool, Marci. We don't have to.." I interrupted him by crawling over to him and straddling his lap. I quickly connected our lips and placed my hands on the sides of his face. I could feel him hard beneath me and I instinctively rubbed myself against it, causing us both to moan. He quickly pulled himself out of his boxers and sweat pants before pulling my dress up to my hips and pushing my panties to the side. He ran his fingers over my slit and I moaned before grinding into his fingers, forcing him to put them inside of me. He started pumping them in and out of me and I didn't even care that we were parked on the side of the road in Jessica's huge neighborhood as I loudly moaned and pressed my face into his neck. I have no idea where any of my sudden sexuality has come from because I've always been so modest and subtle about what I want. "God, you're so wet." He groaned in ecstasy as he continued to play with me. He pulled his fingers out of me but quickly replaced them with his large member. I winced a little as it went in because it had been so long but once I adjusted, I couldn't help from moaning so loud, I know if anyone was outside they heard. I rocked my hips against him wildly and I could tell that he was surprised at my actions, but he loved it. He started thrusting up to meet each one of my movements and that caused me to cry out his name and grip my nails tightly into his shoulder blades. "Oh god, Mar.. this feels so fucking good." He groaned, causing me to up my speed. We were both panting, moaning, I was screaming, squeezing each other so tight there'd be bruises, and there were beads of sweat going down both of our faces. Where the actual fuck was this coming from? "Oh... Montgomery." I screamed as I reached my high. He pumped into me hard a few more times quickly before he finished too. We both sat there quietly for a minute while catching our breath. "Wow." He whisper chuckled, causing me to chuckle too. "I don't know what that was... but I liked it." I laughed and he did the same. "Can we make this like a, at least once a month thing?" He questioned with a joking smile. Neither one of us cared that we were both sitting with him still inside of me. I looked into his eyes and as he held me close, I wanted to be with him again. This was the closest contact I had with him in months. This is the only halfway real conversation I've had with him in months too. I didn't want it to end and I wanted to feel the way that I just felt with him all over again. I leaned in close before whispering. "I wanna go again." He smirked before squeezing my butt and answering. "Get in the backseat then. It's my turn to do the work."

One Time [Montgomery De La Cruz x OC]Where stories live. Discover now