Like big sister like little sister.

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Two months later...

Marci's POV

"Oh, God, Ris... no." I gasped with wide eyes at my sister's words. We were sitting in my living room at three in the morning. She used her spare key to get in and then woke me up, saying that she had to talk to me right then. Her eyes were blood shot and puffy from excessive crying and it didn't seem like she was going to let up anytime soon. "How?" I asked and she shrugged her shoulders solemnly. "It just kind of happened..." She whispered after a moment of silence. "But he was recovering still..." "I did all of the work." She interrupted me and I quickly shook the thought of my little sister and my best friend having sex out of my mind. Who the fuck would've thought that Marissa and Jeff would've ended up hooking up. I guess when you really thought about it though, it made sense that he would go for her. He couldn't have me and she was practically my twin in a lot of ways. "Does he know?" I asked and she vigorously shook her head. "And he's not going to know because I'm going to have an abortion." She clarified and my eyes widened at her words. "What the hell do you mean you're having an abortion?" I snapped and she glared at me in response. "Maybe you chose to have a baby at 17, but that's not what I want for my life..." "Well you should've thought about that before you had unprotected sex!" I yelled and I knew that I had quite possibly just woken up the whole apartment which consisted of three sleeping babies, my sleeping fiancé, my sleeping friend/coparent, and her sleeping whatever David was to her right now. "Would you lower your voice?" She yelled back and I laughed at the irony. How is she going to tell me to lower my voice at the same time that she's yelling? "I'll yell if I want to whenever you're telling me some bullshit like that!" I yelled again. "It's not your choice to make, Marci! It's mine!" "And my best friends that you're refusing to tell that he's got a baby on the way!" We both yelled back and forth at each other. A second later, I heard two bedroom doors open. I knew that one was Monty coming out of our room and the other one was either Emma, David, or the both of them coming out of her room. "Do y'all have any fucking idea what time it is?" Monty snapped at us both while coming around the corner and wiping his eyes. "That's what I'm saying. Who has screaming matches at three in the morning?" David chuckled while doing the same as Monty. I saw Emma standing right behind him wiping her eyes as well. "We do!" Marissa and I both yelled at the same time. By this point, we were both standing up with our arms crossed over our chests. We were both very visibly fuming too. I was mad that she was planning on having an abortion, but I was irate at the fact that she wasn't even including Jeff in the decision. Montgomery took in both of our angry expressions and stances and gave us both a confused look. Marissa and I had never been in a fight, we always got a long perfectly. "What could y'all possibly be arguing about right now?" He asked while sitting down on the couch. I smirked and darkly chuckled at Marissa and then her eyes grew wide before she glared at me. She knew just as well as I did that Montgomery was going to be even more pissed than me whenever he found out what she was planning to do without including his best friend in the decision. "Yeah, Marissa... what are we arguing about?" I smirked but she stayed silent. "Go ahead and tell him." I laughed and now Monty was even more confused. "Shut the fuck up, Marci!" Marissa yelled and everyone but me jumped at her outburst. "Y'all need to chill." Emma groaned before taking a seat on the loveseat and crossing her arms. "What do you need to tell me, Ris?" Monty asked her calmly but she shook her head, silently telling him that it was nothing. "Okay, Mar. Whatever it is, she doesn't wanna tell me. So let's go to bed." He said while standing up and trying to grab my arm but I stopped him. "Tell him or I will." "Which him are you referring to?" She countered back immediately. "Both." I clarified and she growled at me with a roll of her eyes. After a second, she slowly sat down on the couch and stared at her feet. "I came over here because I just needed the support of my big sister, not for a lecture." She whispered sadly and her sudden change caused me to immediately calm. "Listen, I'm not lecturing you about that... even though I don't agree with it. I'm lecturing you about the fact that you're not doing the right thing and including someone in it who needs to be included." I explained softly while kneeling down in front of her and placing my hands on her knees. She put her hands on top of mine and I knew that she wasn't mad at me anymore. "That's easy for you to say..." "You think it was easy for me to tell Monty? We weren't together. He hadn't even spoke to me in weeks, not since we hooked up. It was really fucking hard for me to tell him... but I still did it." I interrupted her and everyone's eyes grew wide at my words. They had put two and two together now that my little sister is pregnant. "Oh, Marissa..." Emma said sympathetically while getting up from the couch and kneeling down in front of her just like I was doing. "What about you, Em? Were you scared to tell him?" She questioned and Emma glanced at both Monty and me for a second before sighing. "I made some poor choices myself, Ris. I didn't know who was Dallas's dad at first... so I pinned it on Monty without knowing because I knew that he'd take it fine. It was really wrong of me to do that. It just so happened that Dallas is his... which you can tell by looking at him..." we all laughed, causing her to separate her sentence. "But the whole reason I chose Monty without knowing for sure was because I was scared to tell the other potential dad. So, I get where you're coming from. But your sisters right, the guy has the right to know. No matter what you choose to do." Emma finished and I gave her a thankful smile for agreeing with me. "From a guys point of view, a guy who doesn't have a kid, I would wanna know that I had gotten a girl pregnant." David spoke up and I gave him the same thankful smile that I had given Emma. Monty was staying quiet and I wondered what was going through his mind right now. "Who's the guy?" He asked and I could tell by the tone in his voice, he'd figured it out. That would be the only reason why I would want her to tell him so bad. Marissa slowly looked up at Monty with a puckered out lip before she began to sob and practically jumped into his lap. Monty stayed still for a second out of surprise before he eased up and wrapped his arms around her and allowed her to soak his bare chest with her tears. I smiled a little bit at the sight of my baby sister finding comfort in my fiancé. "She must need the comfort and support of a guy." Emma whispered and I nodded my head in confirmation. "It's Jeff, isn't it?" Monty asked her while he continued to pet her hair and she nodded her head into his chest. Both Emma and David's jaws dropped and they looked at me in surprise. Monty was lucky that she was on the opposite side of his chest that his new tattoo was on or she'd have ruined it by now with her tears. He had recently got Dallas on the opposite side of his rib cage that Savannah is on and then he got Brooklyn on the opposite side of his chest that my name is on. All of his tattoos had started to really grow on me and now I found them to be a huge turn on. I loved that he was covered in tattoos and even though he was practically covered and had over 20, I wanted him to get more. A few days ago, I got my nose pierced and I talked him into getting his lip pierced while we were there too. He didn't really like it though, so I had a feeling it was going to be gone soon. He still loved his tongue ring though... a little too much. "You have to tell him." Monty told her, interrupting my thoughts. "I know." She whispered and I was so thankful that she was finally coming around. "It's gonna be okay, little sister. Jeff is an amazing guy... he's not gonna make it even harder on you." I promised and she nodded her head. After she calmed down and we all talked to her a little longer, and she informed the rest of them that she was planning on having an abortion, she passed out on the couch and we all went back to our rooms. "I don't think Jeff is gonna want her to have an abortion." Monty told me once we were alone in our room and climbing back into bed. "Yeah, I don't think so either." I sighed before laying down. "He'll do whatever she wants to do though. Just like I would've done whatever you wanted to do whenever you found out that you were pregnant with Savannah." He shrugged his shoulders before snuggling in next to me. "I don't want her to get rid of it either, though." I whispered while looking up at him. "It's not your choice to make, baby girl. I know how you feel about abortion and I know that you would love your niece or nephew but I think you might be getting too invested in this for other reasons..." He said while looking down at me, trying to make eye contact. I knew that he was right. I couldn't have any more kids of my own which broke my heart so I was trying to live through my sister or really anyone else close to me who could still have kids. Monty and I had talked very little about the elephant in the room and he hadn't made it clear about whether or not he was upset about the fact that we would never be able to get pregnant again. "How does it make you feel that we can't have anymore kids? You haven't talked about it much..." I whispered while looking at him sadly. He looked up at the ceiling and let out a deep breath before answering. "Honestly?" He asked and I nodded my head. "It fucking kills me, baby. The only thing that I've ever been naturally good at is being a dad. The only thing that has kept me going through all of my bullshit is you and my kids'. I had plans for later on down the road whenever we're older, us having a couple of more. After Savannah was born, I knew I wanted like 5 or 6 kids. I know that I'm blessed to have the three that I do but... but it honestly breaks my heart that I'll never have anymore. And it breaks my heart even more to know how much it breaks your heart. That's why I haven't talked about it... because I didn't wanna upset you about it even more than you already are." He answered with a shaky breath and I pulled him in to me tighter. "I wanted more too." I whispered through tears and he rolled over so that we were face to face. "I know you did, babe." He whispered while running his hand gently over my face. "I can't use my sister to get another baby though." I said, finally realizing why I wanted her to have the baby so bad. He shook his head with a sad smile before kissing my forehead. "I don't agree with abortion either but it's her decision to make. We've gotta let her do what she want she to do." He responded while nuzzling our noses together. I softly smiled at him because I was so lucky to have such an amazing and supportive fiancé. Especially after all of the shit that I pulled before the wreck like being verbally and physically abusive for a few months after he got out of jail and rehab. We were doing so good now and I was so thankful that our relationship was back to normal again. "I love you, M." "I love you more, baby."

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