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A/N: This is a pretty light hearted chapter! A really important piece of information comes out in this chapter that could cause a big plot twist. It was always the plan, I've just tried to confuse y'all in more than one way with it 😅 Marci definitely should've paid more attention to which OBGYN she chose though, so I'll give you that hint! Hope you enjoy!

One month later...

"I just don't understand why we're doing this. It doesn't seem like a good idea." I grumbled while finishing my makeup. My whole group had decided to go to a club tonight while my parents and Monty's watched all of the kids'. The new club they've decided to go to just happens to be David's new night club too. Jeff claims that it was Montgomery's idea but I don't see why the hell he would want to do this. "Oh come on, it'll be fun. We haven't gone out in forever." Marissa grinned while running the straightener through her hair one final time. "And maybe there's a reason for that." I mumbled while hopping down from my bathroom counter and walking into my bedroom. "What are you scared of, Mar? Having fun?" Jessica chuckled as both her and Marissa followed me into my room. "No, I'm not scared of having fun. A lot of shit could just go wrong is all..." "Like what?" Marissa interrupted me with eyebrows raised and crossed arms. "Ohhh, I don't know. Maybe that Montgomery's in a fucking wheelchair? Maybe that he's still not recovered? Maybe that he still has to take pain pills every 4 hours on the dot? Maybe that we're going to the club that's owned by the guy that I cheated on him with?" I said in an exasperated tone. Sighing before speaking up again. "It's just not a good idea." I added after a second with a shake of my head. "Marci, he's the one who came up with the idea.." "I don't see why. He's fucking crazy." I said while throwing my hands into the air, both of them laughing at me. "He probably just wants to feel normal and he still hasn't got to thank David yet so I'm sure that's why he chose his club. Don't worry about it. We've all got this under control and everyone's excited except for you." Jessica said while bumping my hip with her own at the end. "I can't get excited whenever all I feel is impending doom." I muttered and they both laughed at me again. "I'm serious guys. I'm worried that something is gonna happen and it's making me get super anxious. Monty is gonna be recognized and then we're gonna have to deal with all of that bullshit too..." "Ohhh, that's what it really is. You just can't stand the whole celebrity thing and since he still pretty much is one, you're already getting all pissy about it before it's even happened." Marissa said while undressing and putting her new clothes on. "Y'all don't understand..." "It can't be that big of a deal." Jessica interrupted me with a roll of her eyes. I sarcastically chuckled and smirked at them. If they think it's not a big deal, then they can stay by his side all night and experience how awful it really is. It's so fucking annoying and he just soaks it up which makes him annoying. It's both guys' and girls' and the girls' will offer to suck his dick right in front of anyone, including me. "Okay, y'all are in charge of him tonight then." I smirked and they both looked at me confused. "Since y'all think it's no big deal, then y'all can be the ones to experience it with him." I explained while zipping up my boots and then walking off. "It'll be fun." I chuckled at them over my shoulder before walking out of my room and into the main portion of the house. "It's about damn time." Jeff said once he saw me and then a minute later, Marissa and Jessica too. "What the fuck were y'all doing in there? Painting whole new faces on?" Justin said a second later. "Uh, duh." I said while motioning towards my makeup covered face. He laughed and nodded his head before we all started saying our goodbyes to the kids' and parents. "Be careful please, honey." Annie said to Monty while leaning down and hugging him. He rolled his eyes before speaking. "Mom, I'm 25 years old. I've got this." He said and she nodded but still looked worried. Just like me, she knows that this isn't a bright idea. We all headed out and Jeff pushed Monty in his wheelchair for me before we all started to hop into my car since I had a third row and plenty of room for all of us. I got in the drivers seat and Jeff helped Montgomery into the passenger seat before the rest of them got in the back seats. I started the car and Monty looked over at me with an eyebrow raised while looking me over. "What?" I asked subconsciously. The music was loud enough to drown out our conversation to the rest of them. "You just look hot is all." He shrugged his shoulders with a smirk and I blushed. I had straightened my slightly over shoulder length hair, I was wearing a dark pink sweater type crop top, high waisted black jean shorts, and knee high black leather boots. I had also accented with silver jewelry and perfected my makeup. "You think so?" I questioned hopefully and he vigorously nodded his head. "Of course. You always look hot, babe, but you're look extra good tonight." He said and I laughed at his words. "Can y'all stop living in your own little fantasy world and get us to the damn club?" Marissa jokingly yelled from the very backseat of the car. I laughed and gave her the finger before pulling out of the driveway and heading down the road. We listened to music the whole way there, getting down like we were teenagers all over again before finally pulling in the crowded parking lot 30 minutes later. We had to wait in line for what felt like forever, the beat of the music reaching all the way outside. David was always really good at running clubs of any kind. Once we finally got inside after paying our cover charge, it was so crowded we could hardly get to a section. As we were pushing through, people were pointing and whispering. Just as expected, Montgomery was being recognized. "Montgomery De La Cruz!" Someone yelled and I rolled my eyes before turning to Marissa and Jessica. "Get ready girls'." I smirked and they both shrugged their shoulders at me, not even realizing how bad it's gonna get soon. "Oh shit! That is him!" Another guy yelled. Monty sent them a tight lipped smile and slightly waved with his left hand since he's got almost full use back in it now. Once they realized that it really is him since he waved, they all went crazy. Guys' and girls' were cheering and trying to make their way towards us so that they could talk to him. Even after all of his scandals, they still fucking love him for some reason. I guess I can't blame them because I do too. We were able to make our way to a section with a table before people started coming up to us. "Hey man, how are ya? I saw what happened to you on the news." The first guy that reached us said while shaking Monty's hand. "I'm good. I mean, I'm obviously still recovering but I'm doing good." Montgomery said while motioning towards his wheelchair. He's always been good about interacting with his fans. That's probably part of the reason that they like him so much. He treats him like they're his equal and not like he's above him like a bunch of athletes and celebrities do. "You still look so cute, even in a wheelchair." A girl flirted once she made her way over. She placed her hand on his arm and squatted down to his level. He laughed and muttered a "thanks" before looking around for me. Another girl came up on the other side of him and sat down on his lap while playing with his hair. "What did I tell y'all? Annoying as fuck." I muttered to both Marissa and Jessica, who were now standing there with their jaws dropped. More and more people came up to him and he talked to them all but I could see him constantly trying to find me behind him. The more people came over there, the more drinks I started to drink. I was feeling a little tipsy and I could tell that both of my girls' were feeling the same since they'd been drinking with me. Suddenly, I heard the opening beat to "Bickenhead" by Cardi B start playing and I immediately lit up. I used to love that song. I started rapping along to the song while dancing, Marissa and Jessica joining me. "Slim waist, ass fat. My shit is caked up." We said while making seductive dance moves. We were all laughing at the same time though. The crowd that had formed around us for Monty started getting into the song too after seeing how much we loved it. As soon as the girls started dancing on Monty though, I had enough. I went over there and pushed them off of him before wrapping my arm around his shoulders. "Don't know if y'all know this or not but he's with me." I said and luckily, none of them tried to fight back about it. They just started dancing elsewhere. The group finally started to go back to doing their own thing but I knew that it wouldn't last for long. "Took ya long enough, babe." Monty chuckled and I jokingly rolled my eyes. "Holy shit. That was way worse than I thought." "Told you." I responded in a sing song voice to Jessica, causing her to jokingly roll her eyes. We all sipped on our drinks and causally talked. I made my way into Montgomery's lap and people would occasionally come up and talk to him but they weren't as aggressive anymore. Word was spreading like wild fire though that he was here and picture after picture was being taken. Some with him and some just of him from a distance. The music suddenly went off so we all turned towards the DJ booth and saw David standing there with a microphone to his mouth. "What's up, guys?!" He yelled, causing everyone to cheer. "I've caught word that we've got a celebrity in here tonight who also happens to be one of my old friends!" He yelled while searching the crowd with his eyes to find Monty. They landed on us and he softly smiled before doing the "bro nod" to Monty. "I've got a song for you that will bring back some memories, man." He said before turning the music back on. Seconds later, "No Limit" by G Eazy started to play and I watched as Monty put his head down and started to laugh. That used to be his walk out song whenever he was in the fight club with David. The whole crowd went wild without even knowing the significance behind this song. They just thought it was a good throwback. I watched as David walked off and met up with a guy and 3 girls' who just happened to be Kevin, Emma, Lyla, and Rosie. Holy shit, are we ever gonna be rid of these people permanently? They all talked for a minute before walking off the stage. I had a good feeling they were coming towards us. My feeling was confirmed whenever they started gently pushing people out of the way to get over to us. I got up from Monty's lap because I was preparing for a fight with Emma since she knew about David and me. Once they reached us, she immediately ran towards me but I was surprised when she wrapped me up in a hug. "Oh my gosh, Mar! When I saw on the news what happened to you, I felt so bad!" She yelled over the music into my ear. I nodded my head before squeezing her a little and then getting by her ear. "I'm sorry about the whole David thing..." "Don't worry about it! I understand!" She waved me off while pulling back with a smile. "You look fucking awesome!" She grinned while running her hand over my hair. I could smell whiskey on her breath strong and I could tell that she was definitely drunk. I looked around and noticed that my girls' were talking to Lyla and Rosie, Kevin was talking to Jeff and Justin, and Montgomery and David seemed to be having a very emotional conversation. Once I saw Monty mouth out my name, I knew that they were talking about the situation with me. Emma kept talking to me but I tuned her out and started listening in on their conversation. "I know that I had already fucked up with her a lot at that point but I fucking love that girl, man. I just don't get how you could do that to me." Monty said and my heart instantly broke at his words. "I fucked up, dude. I'm sorry. I'll never be able to tell you how sorry I am. I just.. I don't know. We were both hurting for our own reasons and made a huge mistake." David responded and Monty nodded his head in understanding. "Honestly, I think she was just using me to get your attention. That's all she wanted.. was just your attention." He added again after a second. I watched as Montgomery's face instantly saddened even more than it already was. It bothers him so bad that he left me. He regrets it ever day. I know this because he tells me every day himself. "I fucked up. I ruined everything..." "No, I'm not saying that she's innocent because she's not either. Y'all both made mistakes. But you can forgive each other and get back to how you used to be. I just wanted to personally apologize to you for my part in everything." David interrupted him. Monty nodded before holding out his hand, which David immediately took and they shook hands. "Thank you, David. You saved my life and got rid of my shit too. I'll never be able to thank you enough for what you did for me. You could've let me die a junkie, like everyone else there was gonna do but you didn't. So just.. thank you." Montgomery said sincerely and tears immediately sprang to my eyes. "I would've done it for anyone, man. It just made it even easier that it was you." David responded and now the tears were steaming down my face. "Marci needs you, bro. So if you can't stay on the right track for yourself or anyone else, do it for her and the kids'." "I already plan on it. I need her too." Monty responded right away. I let out a soft little sob before spinning around and pushing my way past everyone to get outside. I needed to go smoke a cigarette and get a little breather. Hearing that conversation made me emotional for some reason. I had just barely made it outside and  lit up my cigarette when all of the girls', including other three, came out there too. They all lit up cigarettes too before joining me. "What's wrong?" "Oh, she was easedropping on Monty and David's conversation and it made her cry." Emma responded to Marissa for me. They all chuckled and shook their heads before Jessica spoke up. "Why are you always easedropping?" "Old habits die hard." I defended myself with a shrug of my shoulders. They all laughed and we were quiet for a few minutes before Lyla spoke up. "Sooo.. I'm just gonna ask what the three of us are wondering. Are y'all back together?" She questioned curiously, causing me to chuckle and playfully roll my eyes. "In some sense of the word, yes. We're working on things but we're not full blown married again or anything." I explained and they nodded their heads in understanding. "So I couldn't try to fuck him tonight?" Emma asked and I raised my eyebrows while turning my whole body towards her. She immediately put her hands up and started hysterically laughing. "I was joking. I just wanted to see how you'd react." She laughed and after a second, the rest of us cracked up too. "In all seriousness though, I think that's great. You two really love each other.." "But they won't even say it! How crazy is that?" Marissa interrupted Emma with an exasperated tone. "Wait, y'all aren't saying I love you?" Rosie asked confused with a small chuckle. Whenever I shook my head, they all rolled their eyes.  I opened my mouth to speak, but Jessica beat me to it, using a fake voice that was supposed to sound like me. "There's too much water under the bridge." She said and they all laughed at her impersonation of me. "I don't know all of the details but from what I've heard, yes, he really fucked up this time but.. he loves you, Marci. You know deep down that you still love him too." Emma said. "I don't know if he loves me again.." "Stop saying that stupid shit all the time before I slap you myself." Jessica interrupted me and I laughed at her choice of words. "Y'all heard the shit he said to me the day before he was attacked. He told me he hated me, he called me a stupid bitch, a whore, a cunt.." "Woah, Monty said all of that to you?" Lyla interrupted me and I nodded. "Yeah but y'all should've heard what she was saying to him too. She told him that she hated him first." "Neither of them meant it. They were just really upset with each other, understandably so." Marissa and Jessica said one after another. "Y'all please tell my stubborn sister that Montgomery couldn't stop loving her even if his life depended on it." Marissa said with a roll of her eyes, causing all of us to chuckle. "She's right, Marci. We've all seen first hand how much he loves you. He might've acted otherwise for awhile but I would be willing to bet my whole paycheck that he still feels the same way that he always has. I know we haven't been around in a long time but I know you both still love each other and are meant to be together forever. He probably won't admit it first because he did so much wrong to you, so you need to be the one to break the ice." Emma said and I was surprised how openly she was talking to me right now, given our whole history. I opened my mouth to speak but Jeff walking out and calling my name stopped me. Once he saw me, he breathed a sigh of relief and smiled. "I was sent to check on you and retrieve you." He chuckled and I playfully rolled my eyes with a smile. "But he doesn't love you anymore." Emma rolled her eyes while jokingly shoving me. "Yeah, yeah, yeah." I laughed while putting out my cigarette. "Oh, she was out here spewing that bullshit to y'all now too?" Jeff laughed and they all nodded while laughing. He wrapped his arm around me as we all started heading back inside before speaking. "Princess, I still to this day don't think that anyone could love another human being as much as Montgomery De La Cruz loves you and vice versa. Y'all kind of gross the rest of us out.." He paused for a second as him and the rest of us cracked up while pushing our way through the crowds of people. "But in all seriousness, stop living your life in denial just because you're scared. I know you've opened up a lot but you need to open all the way up to truly be happy again. Let him back in again. He wants to be back in again, trust me." He finished once we reached everyone while motioning to Monty whose eyes had very clearly lit up as soon as they landed on me. I felt my heart swell and a warmth cover my whole body. I loved seeing him look at me like that almost as much as I love him. "He loves you." They all whispered to me at the same time, causing me to blush and giggle like a little girl who's fallen in love for the first time. I broke away from them and made my way over to Montgomery who smiled once I reached him and opened up his good arm to me. I sat down in his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck while he wrapped his arm around my waist and then placed his other one in my lap. "Are you okay? Why'd you go outside?" He questioned concerned. I softly smiled at him before running my hand over his cheek and answering. "I just needed a little breather for a second. I'm good." "You promise?" He questioned and I nodded with a smile before laying my head down on his shoulder. "Have I told you that you're the most beautiful girl here tonight?" He questioned and I chuckled while shaking my head. "Well, you are. You're the most beautiful girl everywhere we go." He said sincerely and I couldn't help but to blush at his words. "I'm serious. No one compares to you in my eyes." He spoke up again and I softly smiled before kissing his cheek tenderly. "Stop giving me a big head. You know that's never a good thing to do with me." I joked, trying to steer away from the sweet talk before I slipped up and said the words that were burning to come out but I was too scared to admit yet. "Well, you do already have quite a large head.." His joke was interrupted by me gently smacking his arm and laughing. Once the laughter died down, we stared into each other's eyes for a minute. I recognized the look on his face and I knew what was coming. "Mar, I..." I interrupted him with a kiss, not prepared to hear him say it yet. The first time we say I love you again, I don't want it to be at a club while I'm tipsy. I want it to be special because of everything that's happened. I knew that he understood because once we pulled apart, he chuckled and nodded his head. "Let's go talk to everyone?" I suggested and he nodded but I didn't miss the look of sadness on his face. Hopefully he didn't misunderstand and think that I just didn't want him to say it at all. The rest of the night, I tried my hardest to give him nothing but positive attention but I could feel a big change in his aura ever since I cut him off from trying to tell me that he loves me. I hoped that I hadn't just messed up and ruined progress that we made. What if now he thinks that I don't feel the same way? What if he thinks that I'm not as serious about us as he is? What if I just unintentionally broke his heart again? What if everyone else is right and he is still in love with me and I just made him think that I don't feel the same? What if I just accidentally pushed Monty away from me all over again?

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