A dream come true and prayers answered.

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A/N: This plot line was always my plan. As soon as I wrote in the wreck, I knew that this is what I wanted to do. I wasn't sure when I wanted to fit it in but I decided that now was a good time. I hope you're all happy with this plot twist because I think it's super sweet! 💕 y'all know I love my big plot twists 😂 there's also a slight time jump in the middle of this chapter so it's split up some just like a couple previous chapters. The process of what Marci has done is a little bit incorrect but that's just for my story. I hope y'all don't think this storyline is too cheesy!

Two weeks after Monty's final game, we were settled back in at home. Monty and Jeff were both still trying to decide whether they wanted to join a MLB team or live a normal life. The last day of our trip, Jessica found out that she's pregnant again and oddly enough, so did Marissa. As happy as I am for the both of them, I can't help but to feel sad myself. I want another baby so bad and it would be so cool to be pregnant at the same time as my sister and best friend. Unlike them though, I can't get pregnant again. I don't have the parts to do so no matter how hard I tried. Them both finding out that they're pregnant did remind me that I needed to go for my yearly check up at my OBGYN though so that's where I sit. As I sat on the table in just a little gown, I looked sound sadly at all of the pregnancy pictures and posters on the walls. Of course I've been here plenty of times but for some reason it's all hitting me harder than usual right now. If I could have just one more baby I'd be satisfied. I just want to have one now that I'm older, married, financially stable, and could plan for it and be completely happy about it. My kids' would absolutely love the thought of having another sibling too and I wish that I could have a little boy so that Dallas could have a brother too instead of just sisters'. I had mentioned to my nurse in casual conversation how I've been feeling so I knew that my doctor was going to talk to me about it and offer me antidepressants to "help cope while I'm really upset". I was going to turn them down though, I don't need that. I may not be able to have anymore kids' of my own but at least I am getting two little babies to love on within the next few months. Jessica is 6 weeks and Marissa is 10 weeks so even though it's still a long way away, I do at least have something to look forward to. I heard a knock on the door, knocking me out of my thoughts. I called out a "come in" and then adjusted myself as my doctor walked in. "How are you, Marci?" She greeted me with a smile. I returned it before answering. "I'm fine. As you know, my sister and Jessica are both pregnant so that's really exciting." I smiled, not completely lying because I am happy about it. "Yes, I saw both of them last week actually." She said and I nodded my head. We talked for a few more minutes and she did my exam which included a very uncomfortable Papp smear before she helped me up and then sat back down in her chair. "So, I heard that you're upset about not being able to get pregnant on your own again." She said. I was slightly confused by her word choice but I nodded anyways. "Well, I might have something that can fix that..." "I don't want anti depressants. Thank you though." I interrupted her and she chuckled. "That's not what I was going to say. This is much better than anything else I could ever offer you, trust me." She said while grabbing some paperwork and scooting her chair right next to me. "Whenever you had your wreck and I had to go in and remove your ovaries and Fallopian tubes, I did a lot of digging around to see if there was anything that I could do to keep you from losing your ability to have kids'. Unfortunately, the damage was too severe for me to be able to save your ability of becoming pregnant on your own. However..." She paused for a second before opening up the paperwork and showing me a pictrue. I looked closely and the description caused my eyes to widen. "I was able to save your ability to become pregnant with your own biological child with some help from me." She finished and tears started falling from my eyes. "What?" I whispered out in shock and she nodded with a soft smile. "I saved 6 of your eggs, Marci. That's all that I could salvage but I got them out. With a little tender loving care, sperm from Montgomery, and the proper medical equipment... I can make you a baby. Your uterus is still in tact and was completely unharmed, as you know..." "Why did you never tell me this?" I interrupted her, causing her to sigh. "I'm sorry that you had to deal with such sadness for the past few years but I promise my reasons for keeping this hidden was pure. Your mother in law signed the permission slip for me to take the eggs but she agreed not to tell you until the time was right. You needed to heal. I needed to make sure that enough time had passed from the wreck, three back to back pregnancies, one of them an ectopic pregnancy, two close together c sections, and more than one lower abdominal surgery. I knew that if you knew, you'd try to become pregnant way before your body was physically ready. You're very healthy now and with two people in your life being pregnant, I felt like now was the perfect time." She explained and my anger washed away. She was right, I did need that time to heal for a healthy pregnancy and I wouldn't have waited if I knew that I had 6 chances of becoming pregnant with a little help. "So I can have another baby now?" I questioned hopefully, tears still rolling down my cheeks. "Possibly. We can and definitely will try but IVF is not always successful. I want you to stay positive but I also don't want you to think that this means for sure that you'll be pregnant again. Do you understand that?" She questioned me and I vigorously nodded my head. Just the opportunity was enough for me. "Okay then. We have 6 chances at this. Some women become pregnant on the first try, some never at all. You'll need to discuss this with Monty, give me a call to set up the appointment, and then have him come with you so that we can get his sperm to mix with your egg to create an embryo. We will then attempt to implant the embryo into your uterus." She explained. I was so giddy it was causing me to shake and fidget around. After some more explanation and me signing some paperwork, I gave her a hug. "Thank you so much. Not many doctors would have tried so hard and gone out on a whim for a patient like that." I thanked her and she smiled while nodding her head. "You're a wonderful mother, Marci. I intend on doing everything that I can to allow you to become a mother to another child." She said and now it was my turn to nod. We said our goodbyes and then I practically skipped out of the building. I couldn't wipe the permanent grin off of my face and I was so excited to tell Monty whenever he got home from work. Even if it doesn't work, at least I'll know that the opportunity was there and I took it. Maybe, just maybe, another little De La Cruz will be in my womb very soon.

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