Chapter 20 - Another Baby

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2 years later
*Kyoko's pov*

We haven't seen or heard from Monokuma since he had locked us in our room, 2 years ago. Still we all lived together in the same house but we had just uped the security. We now have better locks on the doors and windows. Everyone had also moved back into their own rooms, we did stay together for the best part of a year.

Toko had found herself a job so she could start to pay her keep, which ment that us four could now pay a little bit less. Her job was to write columns for newspapers and short stories which she then published. The stories she wrote were loosely based off our experience and so far it had been going really well for her. She worked from home so she could stay to look after the kids.

I also forgot to mention that Toko is now 7 months pregnant with her first child. The father, of course, is Byakuya and at first they didn't tell us but I think they planned to have a baby. So far she seemed to be coping well with pregnancy unlike me who had multiple issues, but I suppose I was 3 years younger. Going out with everyone was always fun as we were often shamed for having a kid but honestly I knew we could handle it and my body could take it. Toko even being 19 had people call her things and nasty comments made about her, we had just learned to ignore it.
We had also agreed that their child and Lydia could share the same room when it came along, still we didn't know the gender much like when I was pregnant with Lydia.

Lydia had started to go to a play group so she could get used to being left and having to socialise with other people. She apparently was getting on really well with everyone, she obviously took after Makoto there. However she did seem to have my puzzle solving mind as she worked out lots of things. Her speech was also beginning to develop really well, the only problem was she now could argue back.

Work is currently going really well for all of us as we had been promoted and Makoto now runs his own area of the company. These promtions do mean more hours but also a lot more money. With my job I have now been assigned to a different group of detectives who specially work on unsolved murder cases. I enjoyed this more as I get respect from my fellow co-workers and I'm no longer pushed around.

Today was my day off and me and Toko had just gone and collected Lydia from play group and we were heading back home. Still if we can we  go around in groups to avoid getting caught if Monokuma was still around. As we walked Lydia was bouncing and running ahead, but Toko seemed a bit off.

"You feeling okay?" I asked her.

She looked at me and replied "I           d-don't know, I've been having these really sharp pains"

"Have you told Byakuya?" I asked her.

"N-no not yet, but I'm getting slightly worried" she replied.

"Where abouts are you hurting?" I asked.

She thought for a second before feeling her lower stomach "It's just around there" she told me.

"I'm sure you will be fine, but if it carries on then we will take you to the doctors" I told her.

She just gave me a weak smile before looking up at the sky. She surprised me that she didn't even realise she was pregnant until she began to get bigger, I knew almost instantly. But she never had morning sickness so that was probably why she never picked up on it.

When we arrived home Lydia ran off to her room to find her plush dog she liked so much. Ever since Asahina brought her this toy for her birthday she had been obsessing over it. I actually think it is a wolf but then again I didn't really know.

Toko went and sat down on the sofa and across the landing upstairs I heard Lydia running.

Shortly she came down and into the kitchen to find me "mum look" she said as she showed me her soft toy.

I smiled at her and asked "Does it have a name?"

She thought about it for a little while before saying "Saka, and it's a girl" she then smiled at me before running off.

Right time to make lunch I told myself, "Lydia!" I called.

Almost instantly I heard the pattering of feet coming down the hall way to come to me.

When she came into the room she looked at me.

"What do you want for lunch?" I asked her.

"Sandwich" she smiled.

"Ham?" I asked.

"Yeah" she replied.

"Can you go and ask Auntie Toko what she would like?" I asked her.

She nodded and then ran off to go and find Toko.

I was making her sandwich when she came back to see me, I didn't look around at her. She then came up to me and pulled on my top.

"What does she want?" I asked.

"Mum, she won't wake up..." she told me.

My heart felt like it had just stopped. I put down the knife and ran through to see her. Sure enough she was just sat there with her eyes closed. I crouched down in front of her and pressed my fingers on her neck. Her pulse felt normal.

"Lydia go and find my phone" I told her.

She ran off and later returned with my mobile in hand, I instantly rung 999.

Lydia had climbed up next to her and had put her plush dog on her.

"Mum what's wrong with her?" She asked me.

I picked her up and put her on my lap on the floor and just said "she will be fine don't worry, you know your Auntie Toko"

She nodded and then said "If she has to go to hospital take Saka with her"

"We will" I told her.

We only waited a few minutes until a knock came at the door, I sent Lydia to go and let in the paramedics. She came back to me followed by two men. They came and examined her, they wasted no time in bring in a stretcher and taking her out to the ambulance.

"Are you coming with her?" One of the men asked.

I nodded and picked up Lydia, she was clinging to Saka.

At the hospital multiple tests were done on her and they ended up having to remove her baby from her. She had a baby boy, he was born two months early so he was tiny. He only weighed around 4 pounds. Byakuya instantly fell in love with him you could tell from the very moment he saw him. We weren't allowed to hold him yet as he was premature, but if he did well then we would be allowed to soon.
They spoke about it and ended up calling the child Avery Byakuya Fukawa, they did the same thing me and Makoto did they gave the child the mothers last name. I think it was just a precaution just in case things didn't work out as we are all still young.

A few weeks of care Avery and Toko were finally allowed home, we had left Byakuya with her whilst all of us stayed at home. Every few days one of us would go up to visit them, Lydia had also left Saka up there with Toko to look after her.

When they came home we had moved Lydia's old cot into their room and made everything nice for them. Toko looked so happy, the happiest I had ever seen her (to date).
Having Avery actually made her come out of her shell more she socialised with both kids and was doing a good job at being a mum. She even split her attention between both Lydia and Avery something that wasn't easy to do. Compared to me she was a more attentive and protective mother than I ever was, she had even got more protective over Lydia.

The best thing was Avery was literally the perfect mixture of both Toko and Byakuya. He had Byakuya's eye shape but Toko's eye colour, his hair was also a paler brown and slightly purple-ish, so in the middle of their hair colour. The only thing was he seemed more nervous very much like Toko. He was fine with all of us like Lydia was but with other people he'd shy away from.

We truly are a big family, the only person who still wasn't completely happy with life was Asahina.

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