Chapter 1- School is a bitch

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(This might have a slow going intro, like the first couple of chapters, but I promise it will pick up, it'll be worth it. Plus Stu appears in the next chapter. :D )

*the night before was Sunday, you stayed up all night finishing, (and starting) your due homework project and listening to the Gorillaz new album, Humanz. You are 16 years old, a female, and a sophomore at high-school. You love the Gorillaz, and their producer, Damon Albarn, especially back in his Blur days. Your name is (y/n)*

*Skip to lunch the next day at school*

"Would you fricking shut up about the damn Gorillaz for just one second, please! For the love of God!" Your best friend, Juliet demands, trying to keep a grin off her face. You gently punch her her arm and roll your eyes, "Yeah sure" you look down at your watch, "Okay!!! The one second is up....So yeah, I really didn't like Ascension at first, but now...THE SKY'S FALLING, BABY. DROP THAT ASS 'FORE IT CRASH!!!!!!!" You yell scream with a huge grin on your face. An awkwardly loud cough right behind you makes you jump. "Ohhh...uhh" you whisper. the principle stands behind you, crossing her arms and glaring at you. You feel a panic attack coming on, and your face reddens. Juliet see this and cuts in "Hello Mrs. Copper. We were just talking about...Uhhh. How if you scream into a canyon it echoes, we learnt this today in...Uhhh. Science class?" The principle sighs and walks away. She is to tired from all the kids screaming and daily shit to really do anything about it anymore. You hang your head down in embarrassment. Around your friends you are loud, happy and eccentric, but around teachers and people you don't know, you get awkward and quiet. Juliet grabs your arm, and pulls you "let's go outside, away from all these people. It's to dangerous keeping you in there with all those people. You're a lunatic my friend, why can't you just listen to something normal, like Ed Sheeran, like I do?" You giggle, "um..because Ed sheeran doesn't have a band that has a sexy pickle in it" you both burst into laughter just as you step outside into the cold October air. You walk over to the benches and sit down, looking past the school fence and seeing  farms rolling into the hills, currently dotted with orange pumpkins and a road running parallel to the school. A cow moos in the distance, followed by a chicken crowing somewhere.  A big red, run down barn slants just on the other side of the road. You pull your scarf up tighter around your neck. "Dammmmm" Juliet looks to see what your 'damming at'. "What is it?" You laugh, and say "look at dat ass on that Camaro SS '10" Juliet giggles, "oh not your creepy obsession with cars again" a crooked grin creeps onto your face, you wink and pretend to shoot her with your fingers "you know it baby" to the outside world you to look like lovers, but although you are bisexual, you don't think you quite like Juliet in those ways. Your not sure how she feels about you though. Suddenly your ex boyfriend Jace appears walking toward you from the building "Heeeey, y/n. Whacha doing after school?" He creepily, moans. Your expression goes blank, "getting as far away as I possibly can from you, obviously. Dickwad" you whisper the dickwad part. He laughs and grinningly says "we'll see about that" he walks back into the building laughing . A shiver travels  up your spine. "I can't believe I ever dated that guy. Even though it's been like a month since I broke it off with him, it feels like forever. He's creeping me out" Juliet nods and gives you a hug "it's okay, I'll protect you." Comfortable silence fills the air, you smile at her "the same goes to you Juliet. We'll be there for one another, no matter what happens" she stands up and pulls you up "lunch time is over y/n, so we'd better hurry to class. Hey, I have to leave early today for a doctors appointment. but I'll text you as soon as I get home" you nod and both walk to your separate classes, smiling and waving to each other as you part ways. You start your final class of the day, (your least  favorite class). Thankfully you finished all your work early as homework, so you don't have to do anything rather then read and draw. You go sit under a desk at the back of the room like the teacher lets you, and you pull out your sketch book. Currently you're working on a picture of 2-D, it's almost done. You just have to add a few more details. You tend to draw Murdoc but for this time, something inside of you, told you to draw 2-D.
You open your eyes, and see that no one is in the room anymore. Crap. It's dark outside. You must have fallen asleep under the table and no one noticed because of it. Great just what you needed.

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