Chapter 12 - Shopping

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(A/N- hey guys, so I just took time and planned out basically the whole book. I've got some huge plot twists and drama coming up, Bwhahahaha. it's been a bit slow cause I wasn't sure what to write really, but I've got it now. Just stick with me, lean back and enjoy the ride, it's going to get interesting 😈💕)

*Normal POV*
You get walk down the street holding Stu's hand, while Noodle walks close to you slightly skipping. You smile at how none of you are trying to impress anyone, even Stu keeps tripping slightly (probably because of his long ass legs, I feel you Stu, my legs are to long for my body too).
It's not to much of a long walk to the shops, thankfully. You're feeling a bit exhausted from moving.
Noodle leads you into the mall and the three of your guys eyes light up at the sights of all the colorful shops and nice smells from the pastries and body shops. You don't go to the mall very often because being around to many people scares you, but when you do get out and go, you enjoy it, in small amounts that is anyways.
You see your favorite clothes shop and go in, you find a black fitted sweater, that you decide will match your black converse, and a nice grey wool coat, for the English weather. You pay for them and leave the shop.
You walk a few feet and see the sexy underwear shop, you've never gone in before but you decide Stu will eventually see your underwear and the ones you have on currently...well they are good for gaming and being a potato but not much more then that. Noodle sees where you are looking and grabs your hand and starts to pull you in, trying to make it look like it was her idea and not yours so you don't die from embarrassment. Stu keeps following but his face turns bright cherry red when he sees where you are heading "ohh...Uhhh....I'm goin' to...Uhhh...go siat down" he runs off to go find a bench to sit on.
You and Noodle look at each other and burst out laughing "Poor Stu, I think we scarred him" Noodle says making you laugh even harder. Inside the shop some loud music with a lot of bass is playing. "Sooo y/n, are you getting something Stu?" She winks and you laugh even harder and sarcastically say, "How did you guess Noodle?!". The two of you walk over to a corner of the store and find sets of cute black bras and panties. You hold them up and find one you like, plus it comes with a free leg brace, you blush a little at the thought, you aren't one to usually buy this kind of stuff, but hey, why not?
You hold it up to your body so Noodle can tell you if it's good or not. She grins and nods yes, finally! After like 59 of them not being right, either to sexy or not sexy enough.

"MHMMM, y/n, you getting ready for another night with me? I didn't know you were the leg brace type of lady, Hehehehe" you swing around to see the tall green man standing behind you, holding a bunch of leopard print man thongs. You're slightly disgusted at the thought that you buy your underwear from the same shop as this guy. "MUuudz, you're supposed to be getting groceries!" Noodle jokingly yells at him. He does a crooked grin "DONT WORRY KITTIES!!! I'll get the damn food when I'm done here! Bye Noodle, byyyyye y/n" he hisses the last part and leaves.
Noodle gives you a questioning look about the whole ' another night thing', but the two of you are distracted when you see him disappear around the corner to find the sales lady whom he asks if he can get a changing room to try on the man thongs, she says no, and he asks if she would change her mind if he let her go in the changing room with him, she slaps him and walks away. You and noodle snicker a little at the scene. He goes into the changing room anyways.
You and Noodle go over to the counter and pay for your underwear set, and Noodle buys some underwear for herself while you're there. She also buys a few condoms from the checkout and drops them in your bag without saying anything.

*2-D's POV*
I wonder why y/n was going into the sexy underwear shop? Maybe she was getting stuff, she wouldn't want to do that with me. Dammit Stu, get that thought out of your head. Hmm...that's weird, why is Murdoc going in shortly after her? Does she know he is here? What if they are secretly together?! Oh that can't happen.... They're taking a long time in that shop...hmmm. Just calm down Stu. Get ahold of yourself. Noodle is with her, nothing will happen. Why am I so worried about all of this? Never mind. Here they come.

*Normal POV*
"Y/n!" Stu hops up and runs over to you, with a huge grin on his face, he wraps his arms around your waist and kisses your neck slightly. He looks down to see the bag meaning that you bought something from the shop and blushes again, causing you to blush. You both look away.
After going to a few more shops and grabbing some perfume, a few snacks, and a little rug and some curtains for yours and Stu's room you walk out of the mall. The night sky is starting to turn from pale blue to a beautiful maroon sunset. Stars start to sparkle up high in the sky. You walk home and are excited to see that Murdoc and Russel have not only bought groceries but made dinner as well. You all sit down and eat the pasta and buttered bread that Chef Murdoc and Chef Russel have cooked for you. It wasn't the best, but it was...okay. Especially when you ignored the strawberry jam they had put on the noodles, no one else seems to notice, hopefully they didn't think this was spaghetti sauce. They might need a new chef as well.
After dinner you clean your dishes and you and Stu go to his room. You put your bags in the corner and throw down the new rug and pull the boards off the window, throwing them into the yard with all the other shit, you'll just clean them up later. You hang up the new red curtains. The room looks much better and less like he is being held captive in here.
Stu squeals and runs over to you, wrapping his long arms around your waist from behind, "thank yew! It looks much betta' in hear" "of course Stu!" You turn around and give his cheek a peck. "Y/n...I was yew wan' to go to da beach with meh tomorrow? Just yew an meh" you grin and nod yes. He squeals again then flops onto the bed. You lay down next to him "goodnight Stu" you kiss his cheek but he is already asleep. Maybe tomorrow I'll wear my new underwear, you silently chuckle to yourself.

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