Chapter 6 - The Pickle's Pickle

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You awkwardly twiddle your thumbs around, and debate what to do. On one hand, you don't sleep with a lot of people because you prefer to really know them and  and have feelings for them before you do. You barely know Murdoc, but you do know he's using you, and will ditch you the second he's done. Plus who knows how many STD's he has. On the other hand you already lost your virginity to Jace, so it's not like it's a really significant time, you know the ropes of sex. Plus how many times do people get the chance to sleep with their favorite musician, especially an animated one?! You take a deep breath and walk towards the bed. "That a girl" he says sticking his long snake like tongue out, he grabs your ass and pulls you onto the bed. You watch your decency fly out the window. He climbs on top of you and pins your arms above your head. He starts thrusting on top of you, even though he has his man-thong on and you're still fully clothed. His tongue slithers up and down your neck, with one quick motion he holds your arms down with one hand and rips his underwear off with the other, freeing his Murcock. He then makes eye contact with you, his eyes are cold and harsh. He runs his long fingers down your sides, then to your pants, and starts unbuckling them. A thought crosses your mind, what the fuck am I doing?! "Uhh, Murdoc...maybe another time, I can't to this" he grins and slides his hand back up covering your mouth, "sorry darling, but I've got to take care of business, it hurts. Only you can make it not hurt" he says with a wink, still covering your mouth. You begin to thrash around a little,and yell into his hand, just as the door opens. "Murdoc, where es y/n, I wont to ask ..." Stu's voice trails off as he sees the scene in front of him. "BLOODY 'ELL MURDOC! Ya know that I've feelings for her and ya just have ta try and ruin it!" He suddenly blushes and covers his mouth. 'Wait...did he just say that he likes me?' You suddenly hear a crash and look up to see that Stu has shoved Murdoc off of you and onto the ground. You feel Stu pick you up bridal style...again, this makes it twice today. He carries you down the hall and down several stories of stairs until he enters another door. He puts you on his little bed carefully and then sits next to you. The room is small and cement. The window is bordered up, there's a little doll house thing with books in it, several keyboards, a typewriter on a desk, some candles, lots of paper thrown around on the ground, a
pictures and lyrics decorating the wall. Stu's bed is in the corner, it's small and just has a pillow and a green demon days blanket on it. It angers you how big of a room Murdoc has compared to this little place. You look over at Stu who is staring at the floor and you notice his face is red and he's crying. You scoot closer to him and put your arm around him in hopes of comforting him. "Ya probably hate meh. I'm sowry! I'm sowry! I shouldn't have let ya go alone with Murdoc, I wanted to talk ta noodle to see if she had advice for meh to impress ya. Cause I have feelings for ya, and I've gone and blown et!" He was heavily crying now. You wrap your arms tightly around him, "shhh...shh. It's okay Stu. You haven't blown anything. I didn't know you had these feelings, how so quickly?" "I don't know y/n, I don't know. I just did the second I saw ya, I knew. I've never felt like this before about anyone...I'm sowry" he whimpers. You kiss his cheek and smile at him. He seems to calm down a little, he yaws then cuddles into his pillow and you cuddle up to him, not in a sexual way but in a comforting way. He quickly falls asleep with a smile on his face. But you lay awake for about an hour, quietly listening. For a little while you can hear Noodle playing her guitar, then silence, then Russel yelling at Murdoc for something. Then finally longer silence. You love it here, but it is complicated. Within a day, two of them wanted you, you were causing tension between Stu, Murdoc, and even Russel who had to try to protect you. You feel like they are better off without you. Plus your parents and Juliet are probably worried about you. And you have school to attend. *sigh* you slowly get up, replacing a pillow with yourself besides stu's arms were wrapped around you. He stirs a little but doesn't awaken. You gently place a kiss on top of his head, causing him to smile in his sleep. You sit for a while just watching him in the dark. Now it is your time to really take him in before he wakes up. He is adorable, and you don't know why it took you so long to figure it out. His hair is pointy but soft, and the most beautiful shade of blue. You actually find his long gangly-ness attractive, considering you can't stand muscly people. Everything about him, down to his missing front teeth, is perfection. You blush a little. You pull out your sketchbook and rip out a piece of paper, and take out a pen. And decide to write a letter.

Dear Stu,
      Thank you for saving me.  You are the most perfect gentlemen I have ever met. Don't listen to anything anyone tells you otherwise. Any girl would be lucky to have you, and I honestly don't know what you see in me, but I will admit you make my heart feel heavy. I have caused to much trouble around here, and I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I must return home now, maybe one day we shall meet again? Tell Murdoc thank you for beating Jace up for me. And everyone else goodbye as well. I will deeply miss you even though I technically barely know you (yet I feel like I've know you for ever) Take care

You place the letter on his nightstand then slowly grab your stuff and quietly close his door on your way out. You remember the groceries you had bought for everyone and went to go put them in the kitchen, they could eat them for lunch tomorrow or something. You walk into the kitchen and see Russell and Noodle sitting there. "Oh..uhh...hi" they both sadly smile and nod. Noodle looks at you, "you're leaving right now, aren't you? I understand" You nod yes. "Does D know?" Russell asks. You rub the back of your neck, "not yet, but I left him a note. Tell him goodbye from me will you?" "He will be absolutely devastated, but I'll tell him" noodle chimes in "y/n, Toochie...well...he's in love with you. I know it's so abrupt, but please go easy on him" "I will noodle, I promise. This won't be the last time I'll be seeing you guys. Just for now" you all exchange sad smiles with one another, as you walk out the front door. You swear you hear a slight whimper coming from Russell.

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