Chapter 26- Sky full of Stars

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(A/N-  Yes, the chapter name is a Coldplay reference. Also just wanted to mention that there is no difference between the sections labeled "part..." or "chapter..." That was just me being stupid and forgetting what to call a chapter, haha. I like this boy at school, like I like him a lot, and I feel like there's a spark between us even though we've barely ever spoken. However, due to my shy awkwardness I know this spark will never have the chance to turn into a flame, anyone else relate to this?) 


*Time skip a month from previous chapter. On holiday in America, it's night time and you and the band are in the desert* 


"STUART! WHERE DID YOU GO?!" The others were sitting in their campsite, by a nice warm campfire. A campfire you would much love to be sitting by in this moment, but about 10 minutes ago Stu wondered off to take a piss, and now he was missing. You knew he couldn't be far. 

"STUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!" You shivered in the cold desert night. A thought of panic crossed your heart. "DARLIN WHERE ARE YOU...." You saw movement on a big rock up ahead. "Fuck" you whispered under your breath assuming the worse, being from America you knew the dangers, especially in the desert. "YOU HAD BETTER NOT BE A GOD DAMN MOUNTAIN LION!" you screeched at it. 

Its dark silhouette against the moon light turned towards you, crawling on all fours, it scurried off the rock, then disappeared into the darkness. A few moments passed and you realized you could hear it coming towards you, it was to dark to see. You sunk to the ground and curled up in a ball, frozen with fear. A tear began rolling down your cheek, "...Stu...where are you....I need you" 

The creature was almost upon you.

The creature crouched, and wrapped his warm arms around your cold body. You tensed for a moment, then realized it was just your lovely boyfriend, relaxing with  a long exhale. 

"...I-I thought you were a cougar. I thought you left me". He kissed the top of your head, "O course not luv. I just got lost and crawled up dat rock there to try and see the campsite. I didn't mean to scare you. Let's get yew back to da campfire and get all toasty" It was to dark to see but you could tell he was smiling, which of course made you smile in return. 

He stood up and helped pull you to your feet, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. You held his other hand and buried your face into his side, while the two of you started walking back to camp. Luckily you remembered the way.

"Stu, when you were on that rock how come you were on all fours like a mountain lion? And how come you didn't hear me screaming for you?"

"Well, I was on all fours, so I wouldn fall off....I can be kinda clumsy, and I don like height very much" he said sheepishly. "An as far as meh not hearing yew...hmmm...maybe its because da wind is goin dat way. so I couldn hear" It made sense, but you were to tired to respond, so you simply hugged onto him tighter, he squeezed you tighter in return.

The campfire was warm, and plenty of food had been made. After eating twice as much as you usually would have, you laid down with Stu under the stars and nestled into his shoulder. His warmth and yours dancing together and being trapped under the warm, and soft blankets you had brought to sleep under. Stu gently ran his fingers back and forth over your stomach, which was slowly just starting to show signs of life. You were starting to get used to the idea of becoming a parent, but also still wishing you didn't have to prepare because you weren't ready.

"Goonigh Luv" He nestled into you.

"Goodnight Stuart" you nestled into him back.

He was all you needed. As long as he was there, everything would be okay.

You fell asleep half  listening to his breathing, and half listening to Mudz tell Noodle and Russel some crazy story about dangerous Desert pirates. 

(Sorry for short chapter, it's late and i'm sick and I need to get up early tomorrow to make pancakes)

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