Part 22 - Thank god for Noodle

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(A/n- guys! Guess what! I'm sitting in THE BATH writing this! Also I really want to fucking date Noodle, but she's probably not into girls...:( ...At least we have Stu though! Also I think I want to be a comic book artist and writer just for fun, do you guys have any ideas for stories that you think would be interesting? I have a few ideas already but I'm curious)

*Normal POV*

Murdoc pulled the Stylo back up to the campsite and you gripped your fists.
"Mudzz...what do I do?" You could barely manage to whisper out.
He gently laid his hand on your shoulder "go to the dock by the lake, I'll get Noodle to go out and meet you and she can help you with this...I'm not really good at this... kind of thing"
You nodded and kissed his cheek lightly, then left the car and snuck away from the camp sight towards the dock. In the background you heard Murdoc yelling something mean towards 2-D about dropping the marshmallows in the dirt or something.
I guess he likes to hide his soft side.

Noodle was quick to show up and sit down next to you, she gently held your hands
"What's wrong y/n?"
"I feel so bad for Murdoc and you knowing before Stu...but I don't know how he will take it....n-noodle, I'm pregnant"
She smiled and carefully wiped away the tears  that were quickly running down your cheeks
"I'm here for you. Forever"
"I'm always here for you too"
Silence filled across the lake.
"Noodle. I don't want children. I never have. I feel so stupid for letting this happen. I just want to die right now. I wish this never happened!"
"It's okay y/n. All is okay. Talk to Stu and have time to think. You don't have to keep it if you don't want to. You could stop the pregnancy, or put it up for have options. It's okay"
You leaned your head into her and she rubbed your back
"How will I tell Stu? What if he leaves me Noodle?!"
"Toochie may not be the smartest, but deep down he's pretty wired up and knows what's happening. Plus that boy loves you like I've never seen him love anyone. He would never leave you"
You smile and nod
"I'll tell him when we get back home"
"I'll be there for you"
She grabbed your hand pulled you up, the two of you walked back to camp. You feeling slightly better and way more calm.

The sun was now starting to set after your long talk with Noodle. Time sure does fly.
Stu ran over to you and held onto your hands tightly "are yew okay luv?! Wot happened?!"
"Just a stomach ache is all"
He looks assured and smiled "I made food for us"

You all sat along the campfire, eating your burgers (can be veggie burgers) .
Murdoc saw your worried face and suggested you all sing campfire songs, Gorillaz style.
You laughed as he messily plucked the banjo, Russel used some silverware against a big rock for a drum, Noodle danced, and you and 2-D sang random words together to match the beat.
Afterwards you all made a shit load of s'mores and ate happily.
Then everyone crawled back into their tents and fell asleep around 2 am after a fun night.

*time skip*

You all packed up the car after a fun week of camping and drove back to England.

(A/N - this ended up being kind of a filler chapter....but I think I just heard aliens outside!!! FUUCK"

A Light in the Dark (2-D X Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن