A/N -I'm back

777 11 16

"I was gone with the self of the day, gone
With the self of the day, gone
With the self of the day, gone
Gone, gone, gone
I was gone
I'm back, where are we goin'?"

Hey guys, sorry here comes another stupid a/n (sorry, I know these are boring)

So all my chipmunks got poisoned, well three of the four of the left over ones did. The one in the picture is Damon who became my best friend, went everywhere with me, including IKEA, Red Robin, school...etc. he would just sit on my shoulder all day then prance around and play. He was my baby. And quickly became my best friend and somehow the little creature took me out of my long lasting depression...here's the thing though. I'm sick, with God knows what, it won't leave me,  this damn sickness. I'm constantly coughing and having trouble breathing. Damon did this little trick where he would run up onto my neck and when I made a kissing sound he would kiss my lips. I was being incredibly stupid and did that and my baby got my sickness. It was to much for him to handle and he died. I killed my one piece of sunshine in the world....so back into a even darker depression *sarcastically* woo! Anyways I've just been in tears, barely eating or sleeping these past...well...I don't even know how long. I've lost track of time. I just miss my Damon and would do anything to bring him back. Plus I'm moving far away right now, so that's been happening as well....sorry about the rambling, you can skip all this if you want. But, basically...yeah. I'm sorry for slow updates, it should become more steady now, because I'm starting to just steady my depression out to a point where I can actually write. I had a nightmare where I was pregnant, Stu was the father, and we were driving at night, suddenly all these clowns jumped up and stabbed my stomach, killing my baby. Stu screamed and reached for me, but they knocked him and I out I feel like that was a metaphor for Damon dying...idk. Anyways. I'm back ya'll! I promise I will finish his story and won't leave you all hanging....we're not anywhere close to the finish yet though. Bwhahahaha.

A Light in the Dark (2-D X Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon