Chapter 30- It's time

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(A/N- I had to wake up at 7 am this morning cause people were talking and that's to early, I'm to tired for that shiz. I'm afraid to plug my keyboard in cause I don't want the cord to blow up, but I might try anyways in a bit. Also my mind is so exhausted, so my spelling and grammar is more shit then usual rn) 


"Morning Mudz" You walked into the living room in a sweater dress with a  cup of tea.

"Haha, Morning. Surrrre.....more like..." He looked down at this watch "3 A.M."

"I couldn't sleep" 

"It's okay. Me either" 

You sat down on the couch next to him, he grabbed your legs and put them on his lap. You had to admit, there were worse places to be then this, you didn't have to wear makeup or shower or do anything when you were friends with Murdoc, he was so nasty that whatever you did it was like putting on the ritz in comparison. Plus he was caring. The two of you had formed a sibling like love for one another. 

He picked up his bass and stacked it onto of your legs and began to practice. You giggled at the vibration from the bass on your legs. 

"Wait. a second. I almost forgot. I have another gift for you" Another evil grin crept onto his face. He reached under the couch and pulled out a green case and handed it to you. In which you accepted, slightly confused. 

"It's a Vintage Green Hohner Melodica Soprano...It was Stu's...I thought you might like it."

You pulled it out, and he showed you the basics. You picked up on it quickly. You liked using the mouthpiece, besides it was where Stu's lips used to be wrapped around long ago, it was his escape from reality playing the very same little instrument, you knew it would serve the same purpose to you. 

"Thank you Murdoc" You gave him a sweet smile and wrapped your arms around his neck. 

A few minutes later the two of your were playing some weird form of "Broken" just on the bass and melodica. You could hear stu's voice in your head, twirling around inside your skull, leaving its eerie ghost, it made you break, it made you want to scream and cry for him. 

You made eye contact with Murdoc who had stopped playing his bass and was just staring at you with his mouth agape. You realized the reason is because you were actually full on screaming into your melodica, tears were falling heavily down your face. 

"There. Shhh. Shhhh." He took the melodica away and set it carefully on the ground. 

You continued screaming. 

He lifted you up, and lay you on the carpet. You looked at him and realized you had peed on him, due to your legs being across his lap.



It all made sense now, of course you didn't pee on him. Your water broke. 


"O-....I don't know what to do" His voice faded.


He ran out of the room for a minute, returning with a pair of scissors, laundry clip, some towels, an old ipod and speakers, And a few pillows and blankets. 

"I'm gonna try my best" he threw the bedding around you and gave you a pillow to squeeze, while he put the other stuff to his side. 

"I have something I think might help"


He turned the speaker up, and put plastic beach on. 

"TURN IT OFF" You wailed.

"No. I'm sorry. I know it hurts. But you can't block him. Let him in, let him help you" 

Stu's voice filled your ears as you gripped onto your pillow. It was painful to listen but you had to admit that it had a calming effect. 


"WHat iS it?!"

"I'm going to have to get my hands, uh, down there to help. Is that okay?"


"You're not ready yet, I DO know that we're gonna have to see the baby a little bit before you can push.  Just a little longer. Hang in there"


"'s okay. It's okay."


He chuckled a little bit.


"N- Just hang on in there. You're doing great" 

45 minutes passed before Mudz said he could see a head. 

"Okay. You can push now" 

"AAA-" You gripped onto you pillow. 

You realized "To Binge" was playing.

"I'll Wait to be forgiven.."

"AAHH-" You were focusing on Stuart now, every segment of pain he had left you, you were using to push his child out. 

"You're doing great. Keep pushing"

"...Maybe I never will..." Everything hurt so bad. You were breaking. Choking on tears. 

"Just a few more pushes"

"...My star has left me...."  Your body was fiercely shaking with longing. He should be here.


"...To take the bitter pill..." 


Crying filled the room, between you, Murdoc, and now another. 

He snipped the cord and sealed it with a clip. Wrapping the baby in a soft baby blanket and handing the bundle to you. 

"...Have to tell you that I love you so much these days, it's true..." The speakers softly played now.

"S-she's a girl" 

"You cried and held her close to you, her crying stopping and becoming full breathes."

"What are you going to name her?"

"Harmony Gig Pot" 

"...Rolling in and caught again, caught again..." The song ended. 

A Light in the Dark (2-D X Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें