Chapter 11- Cozy

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(A/N- all my spelling errors in past chapters are so cringe worthy, omg. Plus the wheezing in my lungs from this sickness is killing me, UGGGG)

You leap into the Gorillaz home with a energetic step and a huge grin on your face. How is this even real!? Yasssss!!!!
You just ran to your actual house, grabbed a backpack and shoved all your needed belongings in it (toothbrush, a bit of makeup, hairbrush, pajamas, underwear, deodorant, pants, a dress, two shirts, socks, tampons, a couple movies, your art supplies, and your favorite pillow, green blanket, 3Ds and a couple games, phone charger and phone, and...Uhhh....plush animal) you then zipped it up, left a note on the table for your parents just in case they came home early saying you were at a friends house and rewriting your phone number down.
You then had  locked the door and ran as fast you can through the dimensions and back to the Gorillaz house.
Mudz, Russ, Noodle and Stu all hurriedly greet you with excited expressions as well.
"Thank you so much for letting me stay! Oh my gosh...just thank you! ...where am I staying anyways" Russell is the first to respond, "No problem, you start work in a week, give you time to settle in, and as for your room. Well, D will show you there" Stu blushes widely and and grabs your arm. He leads you down the hallway and to the door. The door to Stu's room.
Inside is just the same as you remember, small, messy yet cozy. "Thank you for letting me stay here Stu! Are you sure you won't mind?" He grabs your hands and pulls them close into his chest "o' course Y/n, an I neva mind yew" he gives your cheek a quick peck and smiles.
You set your bag down in the corner and unzip it, pulling out your pillow and blanket, you lay them out on the floor, making a little nest. "Oh! Y/n! Yew can have da bed, I'll take da floor...or uhh...if ya want to...we can both...uh share da bed" he scratches the back of his neck. You smile and gather your stuff up and place it on his bed, once again making a little nest in your own half next to his.
Stu sits on the bed petting the green blanket, while you dig through your backpack to find your phone charger, besides your phone is dead. While you're digging through, your plush animal drops out,  you try to grab it and shove it back in before he sees it but you're to late. "D'AAAAAAWW!!! Wot es it?!?!" You blush madly while Stu leaps across the room next to you and grabs the plush animal, he cradles it in his arms and smiles. You can't help but grin and laugh a little, "that's p/a/n (plus animal name), I've had him/her since I was must think I seem so childish" Stu stands up and carefully puts p/a/n on the bed and pulls out a little plush squirrel from under his blankets. "I don' thank your childish y/n, look dis es Percy" you take Percy and pretend to wave at him, "Nice to meet you Percy" A worried expression crosses Stu's face and he whispers "Percy doesn't talk much" you laugh and put Percy next to p/a/n.
You and Stu stand there for a long time hugging each other tightly. Why were you worried about Stu seeing your plush animal? He's Stu, of course he wouldn't think it was weird.
You leave the embrace and look around his room, it's still messy, and needs a little cozying up, like less boards on the windows and maybe a rug on the cement floor. Stu notices you staring at his room, "I'm sowry ets such a mess " he hangs his head down a little, "not at all Stu! I was just taking it all in" you kindly smile at him and he smiles back. "Oh, ok y/n, I was worried you hated it" "of course not Stu, I couldn't hate anything that you had to do with"
The door flys open and Noodle comes in holding her hands over her eyes, "is it safe? I don't want to accidentally see toochie's balls again" you laugh "it's safe Noodle" "thank god" she uncovers her eyes "So y/n, Russel and Murdoc are going grocery shopping and I thought you and I could go and get you anything you might need like toothpaste, or a sweater besides England is a lot colder then America" "Sure! I would love to Noodle!" She smiles, nods and starts heading out. "Hey Stu, I have an idea, how about you come with us and you and I can get some curtains to replace those boards on your windows or something?" He excitedly smiles and grabs your hands as you both leave the room following Noodle to the front door.

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