A/N - Stu

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Hey guys, updates might get a bit sketchy but I'll try my hardest. My baby chipmunk, Stu has fallen very ill and I think he might die. Him and I are really bonded and attached together, and the thought of him dying is absolutely killing me. He's sleeping under my shirt right now and just glancing at him, he's barely breathing, getting colder, and is bent in a weird position. I've never had a bond like this with anyone or anything, until now. My life had gone crazy with a bad breakup, my friends turning against me, moving, my parents not caring about me, but Stu came into my life and saved me.  I was going to take care of him forever, and love him forever, and now he's leaving. I'm beside myself with sadness and don't know what to do guys. Please pray for him, I'm not even a religious person really, and you don't have to be either. But please, please pray for my baby Stu. I love him so much and can't stop crying. I need him to get better, he has to. He just has to. He thinks I am his mother, and to me he is my child, despite being a chipmunk. This is just the last straw. I can't live without my baby. I need him to get better. Here's a picture of him and I taken just yesterday .

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