Part 23- Fuck off you sea hag

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(A/n - Why must I always be so hungry?!)

*Normal POV*

You walked in the front door with the band and carried yours and Stu's bags into your bedroom while he stayed in the kitchen and made a cup of tea.

You then went to see him and were glad that you two were alone to talk about the unexpected visitor currently in your body.
"Hey Stu, can you come sit down with me...I have something to tell you"
He got a cute little confused look on his face that made you giggle a bit
"Wots wrong? Es it abot Murdoc..did he try something with yew that day yew went for a drive?!"
"No, nothing like that. Well I mean, I've been meaning to tell you since that day. But it doesn't have to do with Murdoc"
"Wot es et?"
"Stu, do you love me? Will you love me no matter what happens?"
"O course I luv yew! I always will foreva and eva!!!!"
"Haha, I love you too"
"Stu how do you feel about children?"
"They're like little mehs!!"
You face palmed a little, by now usually people would have figured out what you were trying to say. But not Stu. You had to be very to the point with him. You gripped his hands and looked him in his big eyes.
"S-Stu...I'm pr-" a loud knock at the door interrupted.
Suddenly Murdoc came flying down the hallway "MY NEW SILK SHEETS MUST BE HERE!!"
He pulled the door open and stood speechless when he saw it wasn't the delivery man.

"Hello Murdock...and hello baby" she said when she saw Stu.
Your mouth gaped open, being a old fan of he Gorillaz and knowing everything about their background, you knew who she was.
Stu looked back at her not seeming to shocked.
"'Ello Paula"
Paula strode over, not even acknowledging you even though you knew she could see you.
She sat down between you and Stu and grabbed his head, she pulled him in for a passionate kiss.
He kissed back.
You were to in shock to do anything, cry, or push her off, anything.
Out of the corner you could see Noodle and Russell standing in shock, staring as well.
Paula pulled back then looked at you. "Oh hello. I don't believe we've met, didn't even notice you there."
Your heart filled with anger and hurt as you looked over to Stu who still seemed a bit dazed and confused.
'I have to do something. I have to be strong, even if I'm just acting. I have to get back at them" you thought.
"Hello Paula, I'm glad to meet you" you grinned then pushed her back, and crawled onto her lap, then kissed her passionately. Her eyes widened in shock. You got up and started walking away.
It was the most disturbing thing you've ever done considering it was fucking Paula Cracker. But she didn't have to know that, plus, it gave you the upper hand.
"Hey kitten, besides your boyfriend has a side lady. How about we make it equal, and you come to my crib and we have some fun?" He smirked and you did the next most surprising thing.
You strutted over to him and kissed him as well.
He picked you up and carried you past everyone and up to his room, locking the door behind him.
He carefully set you down on his bed, you grabbed onto his shoulders and kissed him again. Running your tongue past his sharp teeth and into his alcohol tasting mouth.
He grabbed your shoulders back, but pushed you away.
"Y/n. No more. As much as I've wanted to do this since I first looked into your beautiful eyes. You're not thinking straight right now. It can't happen this way"
Your eyes suddenly drown in tears "oh Mudz, what do I do!? Is he cheating on me? He kissed her back!!!"
"We'll figure it out. It's okay. I don't think he's cheating but I still will beat him, hehe. This time he actually deserves it."
"Please don't beat him up"
"You know y/n when you kissed Paula out of spite I've never been so proud of anyone, I saw how strong you really are."
You wiped a tear on your sleeve "thank you mudzy..."
"No problem. Also I'll let you on in a little secret, back when I...Uhhh...slept with that horrible creature known as Paula. Well, let's just say I've never know anyone so untalented at sex, plus once you remove all her clothes, she is very manly, hehe"
You couldn't help but giggle a little bit, suddenly a knock was heard on Murdock's door.
"Go away! No more door visitors please!!!" Murdoc yelled
"Please? It's me" Noodle whispered though the door
You got up and let her in, then closed and locked the door behind her.
She was carrying a little backpack.
"Everything okay y/n?"
You bit your lip but nodded.
"I know that was a terrible question because your obviously not, but I have a little plan for tonight. So I karate kicked Paula in the face and threw her onto the street. And gathered your pajamas and some drinks, popcorn, and a comedy. Thought we could all hang up in here tonight, besides you probably won't want to sleep with Toochie tonight. Also Russel has been speaking with him and sorting this all out. Toochie has been crying all night and saying he didn't mean for this to happen, and that he's sorry. Russ will keep a close eye on him tonight"
You smiled a little and nodded, you wanted to go to Stu and sort everything out so badly, but you would wait till tomorrow. You needed time to think and we're still angry at him for kissing back .
Murdoc sighed "I guess you guys can share my bed. I'll take the floor" he mumbled something under his breath but you just ignored it.
"Thank you guys. For everything, I'm sorry I caused all this trouble"
"Of course, you would do the same for us right?"

You and noodle changed into pajamas and Murdoc just striped to his underwear and made a little bed for himself.
You all ate the popcorn and watched the movie together.
Afterwards everyone quickly fell asleep.
You even cuddled up to Noodle in a comforting friend way.

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