Chapter 27- I need you

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(A/N- So sorry I didn't update last night like I promised. My illness finally really kicked in and I was throwing up. Due to this however I won't be at school today which means I will update an extra chapter to make up for yesterday. I'm still sick and a bit out of it, but hey, it'll all be good. Actually it won't be.....the story's gonna take a few plot twists. I'm sorry.....Changing topic really quick, I always fall asleep listening to the Gorillaz, cause it makes me dream about them when I do. Anyone else have weird sleep habits like this?)  



Your eye's shoot open, it takes you a second to fully come around, and wake up. Stu no longer has his warm arms wrapped around your waist, you don't know last night would be the last time you would be in his warm embrace.

Your eyes burn due to the sudden exposure of light. You're covered in crusty desert sand, its coating you tear ducts and caving inside your nostrils. 

Blankets are no where to be seen, yet the geep is still parked and the last night's camfire can still be detectable due to a little mound of chard rocks and ash.

"Fucking hell. There must have been a sandstorm"

Shots are heard causing you to jump to your feet in fear. 

"Where is everon--"

You see a huge military car pull up not 30 feet away, its body covered in spray paint. A badly painted jolly roger is just visible on its hood. Actual skulls of victims are glued on the grill. These must be the damn sand pirates or whatever Murdoc was talking about last night. 

You look to the left and see Russel holding Noodle in an embrace, hiding behind the Geep. Stuart is screaming at the pirates and trying to run towards them, While Mudz is trying to pull him away from them. 


He turns towards you and you see him give you a sad smile. A big man wearing a mask gets out of the car and marches towards 2-D. You scream and run towards your boyfriend, he runs towards you. The man grabs Stu by the neck and begins pulling him. You grab Stu's arm and try to pull him back. Stu just locks eyes and pulls you close. He places a passionate kiss upon your lips with tears in his eyes. You kiss him back and try to hold onto him, but he pulls his arm away from you. 

"I luv yew! Take care o our baby, I wish I coul' have met her. Tell her dat her daddy luvs her! My life fo' yours and hers!" 


You ran towards them but the big man was to quick, he got into the car and started to drive away as you screamed and chased them, "STU! I LOVE YOU!" 

You saw his blue hair blur inside the car as the car zipped away. You tried to chase but fell, and threw up. Coughing up blood.

Mudz ran towards you and lifted you up, he began carrying you to the Geep, and placed you in it. You tried to break free but he was to strong. 

You began feeling dizzy.

The last thing you saw as Murdoc drove away was Russel and Noodle holding machine guns, facing the desert while, hundreds of desert pirates came over the horizon, some in cars, others on horses. 


"Shhh.... It'll be okay. We just have to get to the coast. Not much longer"

Everything went black. 

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