Chapter 5 - Meet the band

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The front door opens with a loud creak, as you step in behind Murdoc and Stu. Your eyes adjust to the light inside the house as Murdoc closes the door. He tightly puts his arm around your waist, "how about I introduce you to the rest of the band, then I'll show you my room? Hehe" "I'd love to meet them" you don't even bother dignify the last part with an answer even though it makes you blush. The three of you walk through the hall way into the living room where Noodle is there sitting on the couch, tuning her guitar while a cigarette hangs loosely out of her mouth. You forgot how much she's grown up, in your head she's still little Noodle, but that image doesn't last long. She wears black, tight clothing, and looks a little bit intimidating, but that all changes when she looks up and sees you and gives you a big warm smile. "Hello there...uh you might not want to sleep with that one if your planning to, no better way to quickly lose your dignity if you do" she says when she sees Murdoc's hand still tightly wrapped around your waist. You're surprised to hear that her Japanese accent has faded a little and she even sounds a bit British, must be from all the years she spent in England. You laugh, "Wouldn't dream of it" You catch a certain twinkle in her eye like she's finally happy to have another girl around, and one who isn't just one of Murdoc's hit and skip girls. "Im Noodle, it's nice to meet you" "y/n, and it's nice to meet you too" you both smile at one another and are both happy to have made a new friend. She picks her guitar back up and continues tuning while Murdoc leads you to go see Russel. Curiously Stu stays with Noodle, and you can hear them whispering something as you leave the room, you thought you heard him whisper your name. You guys walk down another hall until you come across another door, Murdoc knocks on it and it swings open. He's a little more intimidating in real life due to his size, but you know he's a kind person. Russel glares at Murdoc, then glances down at you, "Hey there. You look like Noodle from back in her Plastic Beach days" he says with a laugh. You blush, "oh..uhh, thank you? My name is y/n. And I know you're Russell, I'm so pleased to meet you, I've always dreamt of it!" He smiles and laughs, then turns serious when he looks back to Murdoc, "you be kind to her. Got it? She's a good one, and deserves better then someone like you." Murdoc sighs and rolls his eyes. Russel bends down a little, "if any of these boys give you trouble, or you need anything, just let me know. Okay?" You smile and nod. It's sad how no one ever really has a crush on Russel, but you can see how it's hard not to think of him like a father figure. "Nooow, Let me show you my lair, darlin'" Murdoc hisses into you ear and leads you into a elevator. You don't want to be rude so you just let him take you there, the elevator stops at the top and you enter his room. There a big lit up upside down cross, a taxidermy bear, a grand piano, a mirror, a big round bed and lots of nasty stuff you wished you rather hadn't seen. Like his gross man-thongs covering the ground, oh and let's not forget his blow up doll in the corner. Not your taste, but you'll admit that the majority of his room has style. You turn around from inspecting the room and are surprised to see Murdoc laying on his side on his bed, somehow he managed to strip to just his cheetah print underwear in a mere few seconds. Your cheeks turn bright red as he says, "come on in baby, the waters fine" as he runs his green fingers along the bed sheets.

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