Part 19 - Bando

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(A/N- Hey guys, this chapter might be REALLY short because I stayed up super duper late last night reading fanfiction and I needs the sleeps. Promise I'll make it all up to you soon though)

*Normal POV*

You quickly open your eyes when you hear the loud knocking
"Up and shine faceache, and bring that little kitten with you"
2-D yawns and slowly sits up out of bed looking across yo you
"Mornin beautiful" you blush and give him a big kiss he chuckles and cuddles you for s
a second longer.
You decide it would be best to get up quickly rather then later so Murdoc doesn't kill you both.
Neither of you bother to get dressed, who's going to care it's not like you are leaving the house and you're just there with Noodle, Murdoc and Russell anyways.
You go to the kitchen and see that Russ made hot cocoa and toast for everybody, you look around and see he's the only one dressed.
You, Stu, and noodle are all still wearing pajamas and Murdoc isn't even wearing a shirt of any sort...or pants...just his creepy-ass man thong thing.

After breakfast you all go sit on the couches in the living room and Murdoc begins to speak. "So, I would like to inform you all that we decided that Y/n is now in the band"
Noodle squeaks with excitement and grabs your hand, Stu also gets a huge grin on his face "yaaaay! Luv we can be togetha more now!!" Russell also looks excited and gives you a warm smile but keeps a serious tone.
"Who's we?"
"Damon, Jaimie, and I"
"Got it"
Murdoc turns to you, "so you can sing, any other instruments or anything you can play?"
"I can play ukulele, guitar, and I dabble with piano but not very good at it"
Stu's face lights up "I'll teach ya piano luv!!!"
"Thank you Stu" you kiss his cheek and he blushes

After a few hours of practicing songs together you all get extremely tired and hungry, so you decided to go make some tomato soup and toasted cheese sandwiches for everyone.
You all sit around the TV watching a random episode of Pokemon and happily eating. Everyone to tired to really pay attention to the TV or talk, but you sit on Stu's lap and he plays with your hair.

After dinner you take all the dishes to the kitchen and pile them in the sink, you'll get them tomorrow. Everyone starts saying their good nights but Murdoc cuts in
"Wait! As a celebration for y/n joining the band, I'm taking you all camping for the next week! We leave tomorrow morning, and we're going through the portal to America to camp in the forest" everyone squeals and thanks Murdoc, who is in a particularly good mood.

Well this shall be fun.

(A/n- my writing layout and point of view keeps changing, i can't make up my mind on how it should be. What do you guys like, or do you even notice it keeps changing?)  

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