Chapter 31 - Bed

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(A/N- Hey guys, I know you're expecting a new chapter. And you'll get one tomorrow, it'll be a good one, you'll all like it, it has got a few surprises, just contemplating how it'll all pan out. My Guinea pig Desmond died, I had family over and have been sick still so I just wasn't up to writing these past couple of days. But I'll be back on it starting tomorrow. Hope you are all doing good. Oh Stu has something to say, what is it Stu? "I luv yew y/n, an I miss yew! " there's Stu for you. Goodnight everyone! 💕🎸🌙)


Lost track of months but let's say It's December now, which wouldn't make sense but it fits into the story. 


It's been about a month since your baby was born, you still haven't gotten the hang of looking after her. But you love her with all of your heart. 

You sit on the couch in the dining room, holding her under your shirt, letting her feed. 

*Cough Cough* footsteps are heard. You turn around to see Mudz standing to your side, with his hands covering his eyes. 

"Muddz you turd. You can look, I'm all covered"

"Oh. Good. Hagha." He uncovers his eyes and jumps down onto the couch, causing you and the baby to jump. "Oooo, maybe when the baby's done, I can get in th-"

You shoot him a look which instantly causes his words to trail off

 "Eh...On second thought, maybe not"

"Good boy Murdoc."

Harmony makes a little cooing noise indicating that she's done, you take her out of your shirt and hold her on your knee. 

"Say hi to uncle Pickle Harmony!" 


You snort at his reaction. 

Harmony just stares at him blankly. 

Murdoc carefully pokes her little pink cheek and sighs, "She sure is cute. I wish he could see her. He should be here not me" 

You look down at your daughter. She is perfect. She loos like a cross between the two of you, huge round (y/e/c) eyes, with a pointy little nose, her face is feminine, however she has thick yet smaller rectangle eye brows like Stu. She has dark blue hair which is surprising, considering Stu's hair was caused by an injury and shouldn't be genetic, but hey, weirder shit has happened. She has one tooth at the moment, and rosy lips and cheeks. She sits cuddled up in a soft blanket covered in owls. 

You touch Murdoc's shoulder "Hey mudz...I wish he was here too. But don't think that you shouldn't be here. I need you here for me. Thank you" 

He smiles and stands up, pulling you up. 

" I got a little surprise for you come with me into the living room" 

You follow him in and see a huge ass tree sitting in the middle of the room. your mouth hangs open in awe, 


"It's....well...It's plastic"

"Of course it is" You chuckle. 

"Hey! But I got a pine tree scented candle" He lights it and sets it on the table.

You put Harmony in her play pen then wonder over and light the fire place.

Murdoc pushes a button and turns on some heavy punk style Christmas music. Instantly causing you to burst into laughter, "Say Mudz...uhhh...Do you think we could have some more classical music for the baby?"

"Hell no Luv! She loves this stuff"

"No she dosn-"

 He points at her, she looks  totally happy, playing with her plush guitar, she seemed to be enjoying the heavy music.

"Oh god. Shes gonna be a satanist isnt she?"

Pride crept onto Murdoc's face, you swore you saw a happy tear glimmer in his eye. 

You just chuckle. 

"So, are we gonna decorate the tree?"

"Hell yeah we are!" He grans a big box of lights and sea themed ornaments. 

Together you decorate the tree and dance to the music.

A few hours go by and the three of you are on the couch, Harmony asleep in your arms, and you resting on Murdoc's shoulder, eating treats and watching your favorite Christmas movies. 

You eventually fall asleep, Murdoc carries the two of you back to your bed and tucks you both in, "Goodnight loves. Merry Christmas Eve" 

He then went to his own room, laying in his own bed, with a cigarette in his hand. Deep in thought. 

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