Chapter 4 - Welcome Home

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The pickle struts over to you and Stu, he leans close down to your face "hello darlin', aren't you a pretty little thing" you can feel his hot breath in your ear. You gasp a little to sexually and get rather embarrassed, to tongue tied to respond. You notice that Stu is holding onto you tighter now, and his face looks pissed and even a little bit sad. "Umm...Mudz... I was thinking maybe y/n could stay with us tonight?" A crooked grin crosses Murdoc's face as he hisses "well yes, offff couuurse" he looks down at you laying on stu still. Murdoc picks you up quickly and stands you on the ground. He wraps his hand around your waist pulling you in tightly, besides you are still a little dizzy. Stu trails behind you two with his head down. You feel a bit bad for him, and you aren't sure why he's suddenly acting so sad. Maybe he's just tired? "So..uhh. Don't you guys live in England? Not to mention the fact that you guys are animated? How did you even get here and why?" Murdoc laughs and you notice his hand now holding onto your ass a bit as he leads you through the alley you were originally walking through. "Well it's very simple you see darlin', there are these things called dimensions. We've existed all along, just in our own reality, not this one. Stu got a bit thirsty and wanted a juice box for some reason so the two of us went down to Tesco's to grab one. Stu dropped his coins for the juice I gave him and they rolled under a shelve thing at the store, when we went to retrieve  it, we somehow went through a secret dimension portal thing and found ourselves here. Not like weirder shit hasn't happened to us, like the time 2-D ate a ear on his toast. I don't know why the Tesco in England is hooked up through a worm hole to a Whole Foods in America, but I suppose it was just meant to be. Isn't that right Stu?" Murdoc explained, while looking back at 2-D, who hadn't been listening and was staring at Murdoc's hand with a bothered look on his face. Murdoc noticed this and really grabbed your ass this time, while he have Stu a sly smile. You didn't notice 2-D and didn't care about Murdoc, usually you wouldn't tolerate this kind of thing. But you're tired, and feel like you owe him one. Besides, he rescued you, you felt it was the least you could do. You even leaned into him a bit more, smelling him a little. He smelt of cigarettes, alcohol, but also fresh laundry. He smelled better then you expected. The three of you walked into the Whole Foods, and you watched as Stu squealed and ran over to the juice that was on display. You laughed and walked over to him, feeling a little less dizzy so you could leave Murdoc's side. Murdoc trailed closely behind. "I have $20 and 30 cents in my backpack, let me buy you guys some drinks and pastries or something. It's the least I can do" they both grinned at you and 2-D excitedly hoped up and down, "really? Fank ya! Fank ya!" You laughed, "oh yeah, I can't get you guys anything alcoholic though. I'm 16, and in this country we can't drink until we are 21...speaking of which, isn't that a bit weird I'm hanging out with you guys when I'm so much younger" Stu was off looking at a strawberry juice so Murdoc had to explain, "21?! That's way to long, come to England, I'll show you the proper way of drinking. And nah, your forgetting were animated and from a different dimension. In this case the age difference hardly matters" he creepily said the last part, staring down at my chest. I'll admit that creeped me out a bit, so I decided to go be closer to Stu besides he wasn't like that at all. He showed you the strawberry juice he had picked out and you nodded and smiled at him, you decided you wanted a root beer (A/N if your from England reading this and don't know what that is, it's a type of Soda, and it's delicious! Although my English side of the family says it's disgusting and tastes like English cough syrup, so it might not be to you XD) I took all our items to the check out to pay for them. My Root beer, stu's strawberry soda, Murdoc's coffee, and I decided to grab dinner and things for the others besides I was staying the night in their home and wanted to repay them. I grabbed a strawberry milk for Noodle, and another root beer for Russell besides I knew he was American and might miss it, five cinnamon rolls, two big pizzas, and a huge bag of Doritos. Surprisingly it came to $19 straight, you shoved your groceries in your back pack and Murdoc led you to the portal. Going through the dimension was a weird feeling, you could see this is obviously where they filmed Spirit House when Murdoc was riding the doll house butt naked through space and all the rainbow spinning things. It only took what felt like a couple of seconds and you were there, in the middle of Tesco's in England. You smiled and giggled like a little kid, the excitement was just hitting you finally. Thankfully it was still night time so no one saw you and the boys crawling out from under a random shelf in a grocery story together. Murdoc grabbed your hand and pulled it up against his outer thigh, which you reckoned was him trying to seduce you by putting you hand closer to his cock then it was before. Stu saw this and huffed. He started storming in front but stopped for a second before he got up his courage, tuned on his heels, came marching back to you, and grabbed your other hand, giving you a kind smile. The three of you walked out of the store and down the street like this, all with a mischievous grin plastered on your face about how funny it must look, two extremely tall guys each holding the hand of a random American girl. You rounded the corner, feeling exhausted yet happy. And then you saw it, a shitty old house just floating there, with all of its Windows boarded up, and slowing decaying. It was perfect. "Wolcom' home" Stu whispered. A smile crept onto you faces until you were beaming with joy.

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