Chapter 16 - Found

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(A/n- happy 4th of July....SOOO MUCH CAKKKE!!!!)

"Hehe, from this angle I can see her boob" "shut up Murdoc" "Well I'm not lying Russell!"" "I ain't looken" "hey boys, sorry I was just...oh so you found them!" "Hey Noods" "OH MY FUCKING GOD! I THINK I JUST GOT A GLIMPSE OF HIS BALLS!!! I've tried so fucking hard to NOT see them after that one time I walked in on him changing" "it's okay baby girl, I'll protect you" "well now we know they are banging each other"
Your head is spinning slightly with the tiredness, you sit up a little with your eyes still closed. You dreamt the band had found you. Wait. OH FUCK! Your eyes shoot open and you see them standing there staring at you.
"Hey kitty" Murdoc coos down at you. Your eyes dart down and you realize you are naked, not only that but you are naked on a fucking beach. It appears to be around 3 am.
Someone stirs next to you and you look down to see Stu waking up next to you, also naked. Of course. You remember the events of last night.
Stu's eyes also dart open and he assesses the situation, he looks a little less embarrassed then you do with your cherry red face.
You roll behind a boulder and throw some clothes at Stu then quickly get dressed, before going back to the others.
You all sit in silence for a second before Russell is the first to speak, "you didn't come home last night and we got worried about the two of you, so we came looking for you" Murdoc chuckles "and booooy did we find you two" he gives you a wink and pulls out a cigarette, placing it between his dry lips and lighting it.
Noodle just gives you a sympathetic smile.
You all start walking back to the car. Noodle, Russ, and Mudz had to take the train besides you took the car so thankfully for them they can have the car back now.
The walk feels like it takes forever which is probably just due to feeling exhausted, but you hold Stu's hand most of the way, until Noodle falls back till she is walking next to you. "Hey Toochie, mind if I talk with y/n alone for a second?" "Okey!" He runs up ahead to the other boys.
"I see you had fun last night y/n, haha"
You rub the back of your neck "yeahhhh"
She chuckles a bit before her expression turns slightly serious
"I know this is none of my Buisness but I didn't see a condom wrapper anywhere, you didn't happen to find the ones I put in your bag did you"
Your face turns bright red and you stop dead in your tracks "Fucking shit" you say a little to loudly, causing everyone to look back at you.
"Everything okay kitten"
Stu throws Murdoc a threatening look for calling you kitten but doesn't do anything about it.
You try to act calm "uh yeah Murdoc..I uhh..think I just left my bracelet back at the cove"
"Wanna go back and find it?"
"No it's fine, it wasn't important"
Stu and Russell look satisfied with the response and keep walking but Murdoc is hesitant and doesn't look convinced he just cocks his head at you then keeps walking with the others.
Noodle lays her hand on your shoulder "it'll be okay. Whatever happens it'll be okay"
Now you are the one not convinced.

You finally get back to the car and all climb in, you cuddle up on Stu's lap instead of sitting in your own seat, and lay your head on his chest. He smiles and plays with your hair until he falls asleep but you just stare into space contemplating what to do. You come back to Earth and realize you are staring at Murdoc in the rear view mirror who is driving.
He looks back at you and gives you a warm smile, surprisingly not trying to be seductive for once.  You make eye contact with him for a second then look away and close your eyes pretending to he asleep for the rest of the car ride home.

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