Part 20 - Stylo

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(A/N- My pineapple plant needs water)

*¡Warning! Might get a little lemon*

You and the band got up early, packed your  bags, and all loaded into the Stylo. You were super excited to go camping in America!
"Wait...Uhhh...Murdoc if we're going camping in America...and the portal is in a freaking grocery store. Then why the fuck are we in the Stylo?!"
"Simple Hun, Damon and Jaimie are other portals between your world and the Gorillaz world. We're driving to meet Damon and Jaimie right now who just by touching the car are going to put us into your world. They're going to go have a vacation in DC while we're camping, we'll drive to pick them up in a week and they'll teleport us back to here"
"Uhhh...okay?" You suddenly realized that meant Damon would be in the car, your face heats up and turns red.
Stu noticed "are you okey luv?"
"Yeah...Uhhh...just a bit hot in here"
Murdoc snickers and looks back, "she's got the hots for..."
He suddenly remembers his deal that he had made with you "never-mind. I'll turn the AC on"

Luckily it wasn't to far to pick up Damon and Jaimie. They both wave, put their suitcases in the back of the Stylo and climb in. It is a bit squished so you sit on Stu's lap while Damon is practically sitting on Jaimie and Noodle. Russ and Mudock have lots of space up front.
"Hey guys!" Jaimie states with a huge grin on his face
You all say hello back
Damon looks a bit serious as usual, but you know he is probably just a bit shy. He looks at you and nods his head saying hello, you gasp, blush, and looked away, hoping Stu won't  notice.

Damon and Jaimie sneeze in sync teleporting the Stylo to America.
It isn't far before you let them out at their hotel then roll along the road to start the journey to the forest.
On the way there you stop to get donuts and hot cocoa for breakfast. Then go to the store an get all the groceries for camping like s'mores and shit.
You hand Murdoc a CD "mudzzz, can we please listen to this?"
"Coldplay? Why?"
"Yes! And just because I want to, haha"
He rolls his eyes but puts it in anyways.
Violet hill starts playing, you still sit on Stu's lap even though there is plenty of room now but he is so cozy. He plays with your hair while you lay your head into his neck and stare out the window at the tress going by (pretend you're in Oregon on Mt. Hood. I know this is VERY far from DC but maybe you teleported or something. The scenery just sounds perfect)

After a while you pull up in the campsite and everyone squeals with happiness (by everyone I mean Stu, Noodle and you)
The sky is getting dark
"Con I have some time alone with meh luv? I need to talk to har"
You look at Stu questioningly as everyone gets out and  hurriedly grabs the tents to set up before dark. Murdoc goes to find firewood for the campfire.

"What is it Stu"
"Do yew luv Damon?" He looks away, his eyes filling with tears
"Stu!? Why would you think that?!"
"Yew got all pink and shaky around him..."
" oh Stu, of course I don't love him. I'm in love with you and you only. I'll admit I've had a crush on Damon since I first heard Blur. But nothing more Stu, nothing will ever happen between him and I. Because I love you"
"Really? I luv yew too! Yew are mine" he smiles his not so toothy grin due to his missing teeth and grabs your head pulling you tightly until your lips collide
You chuckle a bit at his excitement, but soon go quiet when his warm tongue slips into your mouth.
You moan slightly and push yours into his, causing him to moan.
You can feel his boner rubbing against you under your clothing.
He begins bucking his hips and running his hands up and down your sides
He abruptly stops "yes luv? Why are you saying meh neme?"
You laugh "Stu. I was moaning your name"
He blushes "oh" he keeps kissing you harder then before.
You reach your hands down and begin rubbing his cock.
You feel something warm and wet on your neck, which you presume to be his tongue. But wait if your kissing him then?....
You pull back suddenly "MUDZ WHaT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" He laughs and moves back, you can tell he is drunk "just joining in the fun kitten" you shove him off and get out of the car, Stu following close behind.
You can still hear Murdoc laughing. Usually you would think of a good insult for him but you are in shock of it happening so fast, and feeling rather embarrassed.
You look up to Stu who just looks confused and you can't help but chuckle a bit
"Come on Stu. Let's get some dinner"
You walk over to the campfire and see that everyone is already in their tents asleep but they left out some potato salad for you which you quickly snarf down then crawl into your tent with Stu which Noodle so kindly set up.
You and Stu squeeze into a sleeping bag  together and fall asleep in each other's arms. 

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