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(A/n- Hey everyone so the main segment in the book is done...for now. Who knows I could make book 2 Stu x reader in the future, but it would likely be an entire different story line. This chapter was highly encouraged, and I personally also thought it would be fun to wright a story in the future on the day of the wedding. Thank you all for reading, it has been quite the adventure. Sorry for my shitty updating periods, but I did indeed finish the book. My writing style changed a good deal from the begging to the end, so hopefully the new books will be better and more even, I'm planning on writing...A LOT. Thank you all! I love you!!! xoxox) 

~Four months after the proposal~ 

"Stu Get out!" 

"Eh-h Sowry luv!" he covered his eyes and ran out of the room.

You couldn't help but chuckle a little bit. 

"Hold still, I'm almost done, just finishing touches on the eyes....DONE!" Noodle pulled you to your feet and pulled you in front of the mirror. She clapped her hands and grinned.

You couldn't help but grin too, feeling giddy inside. 

The mirror reflection showed  a beautiful bride, in a long white puffy dress, but the bottom of the dress was slightly shorter on the front, revealing just a peek of your stripy pastel blue stockings and white converse. The ends of the dress were also dyed your favorite colors in pastel shades. The sleeves were long and lacy. You had a pastel blue choker on and your hair was pulled up, with a gold band on the top. You had bright red lipstick on. It perfectly blended elegance with punk, just like you. You couldn't help but stare at your reflection, it was so different from usual. 

You hopped up and down, then tackled Noodle.


Noodle laughed and jumped up and down as well, in her pastel purple brides maid dress.

A knock was heard on the door. 




The door creaked open and Murdoc stepped in. 

He stood with his mouth hung open for a second, staring in amazement.

"wow doll. Maybe I should have made you mine before faceache...look at you"

You rolled your eyes. "Please don't make this weird Mudz"

"Heh heh. I'm just kidding love. You look beautiful."

"I know I do. Thank you" you winked at Noodle.

Murdoc made a small cough noise "I came up here to tell you it's time"

You nodded and walked over to Murdoc. He wrapped his arm around yours and lead you out of the shed which you had chosen to get ready in, Noodle was close behind. You were happy Murdoc had agreed to give you away. 

Outside the sun shown brightly, even though there were a few clouds high above. You were in a beautiful meadow, surrounded by tree covered mountains. The grass was green and lush. Set up were hundreds of white flowers and seats, full of all of your friends and family. 

Music began playing on harps.

Mudz started leading you down the aisle. 

The crowd fell completely silent at the sight of you.

He came into view. Standing at the front. With his best man, Russ at his side. Stu In a dark red tuxedo. His blue hair gelled back but a few pieces breaking free. He had on black converse. Today no black circles were under his eyes. His eyes, so beautiful and full of depth and emotion, he saw you and his entire face went from slightly worried to nothing but love and joy. 

Time began to slow down, as you walked forward. You couldn't take your eyes off of him.

  You reached the alter and Murdoc kissed your cheek before handing you to Stu. 

You faced him and held his hands. 

He whispered "Yew look as beautiful as da stars above"

"So do you Stu....Hey do you know where are rings went?"

His face fell with worry as he checked his pockets. Nothing.

The crowd gasped as a random monkey went running down the aisle, holding a velvet pillow holding the rings.

Stu picked the off the pillow "Thank yew good sir"

The monkey grunted then ran off into the woods, taking his pillow with him.

You and Stu looked at each other and burst into laughter, laughing until it hurt.

The crowd staring in silent confusion, which made you and Stu laugh harder. 

You eventually regained yourselves and stood up straight and looked at each other. 

Damon and Jaime appeared next to you. 

Damon coughed and said in his calm yet serious voice "We will be marrying you both together today."

Jamie's face lit up "That's Right!"

Damon winked at you, which made you blush slightly. Stu gave him the death glare. Damon cleared his voice, "(y/n) Do you take Stuart Pot, to be your husband , through sickness and health, through better and worse, for richer and poorer. Do you vow to never leave his side to take the bitter pill? To put a little love into his lonely soul? To be his sleeping powder and the sunshine in his bag? To put his love into your heart till death do you part?" 

"I do."

Jaime stepped in trying to hold a grin off his face "Stuart Pot, do you take (y/n) to be your wife, through...all those things that I forgot but Damon just said?"

You both chuckled.

"I do."

He slipped the beautiful ring onto your finger, as you did with his.

Damon and Jaime looked at each other and yelled excitedly in union, "YOU MAY KISS THE BRIDE!"

Stu wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you into him, pushing his warm lips into yours. The second you kissed thunder clapped and rain began pouring, not that you cared. You loved rain. You moved your lips with his in union. You could feel his tears and yours blending on your cheeks, today tears caused from happiness.

You pulled way and pulled his arm up into the air and grinned. 

The crowd cheered.

You could see Noodle holding Harmony in her arms, her little rosy cheeks peering out from her little flowery bundle.

Stu picked you up and ran into the woods with you.



He tripped and fell ontop of you

"Nice one Stu. You can do what you want, unless gravity changes its mind."

You chuckled and pulled him down pressing your lips into his.


Later would be cake and dancing, then the rest of your lives till death do you part.

The perfect life.

A Light in the Dark (2-D X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now