Chapter 13- Getting ready

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(A/N- do ya like the header photo? I photoshopped it myself XD)

You go into the bathroom and take a shower, shave and brush your teeth. Then wrap a towel around yourself. Thank god none of the boys are awake right now.
.You grab your backpack and run across the hall to Noodles room, she agreed to help you get ready for your date. You open the door and sneak in, she's already up and sitting on her bed. "Y/n!! Yay! Let's get you ready for Toochie!" You laugh and she grabs your backpack and begins looking through your clothes. She pulls out your black dress and black heels "This is perfect!!" She throws them at you along with the bag of your new sexy underwear. You go behind the screen in her room and change into them. You come out once you're dressed, a little embarrassed. Noodles face lights up, "YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL!!!" You laugh a little. "Thank you Noodle" she grabs your wrist and sits you down in front of her mirror, and starts putting makeup on you and doing your hair. At least you can trust her not to do anything to ridiculous.
When she's done you look in the mirror and are surprised at how you look, your h/c pulled up fancy, and simple yet sparking makeup, black eyeliner and a bit of black eyeshadow. Your lips are dark red. You can't look away from your reflections, you've never looked like this before. You break eye contact with yourself and throw your arms around Noodle "thank you so, so, so much Noodle!!" "Of course y/n!! Oh! One last thing!" She grabs your perfume and sprays a little on you. "There you go!" You grin.
A knock is heard on the door "Noodle, do yew know where y/n es?" Stu comes in without an answer and Noodle quickly throws a blanket over you so he can't see you, but it's to late. The damage is done. He squeals and runs over to you and pulls the blanket off "y/n! I found yew!" Noodle rolls her eyes and you both laugh. You do a double take when you see Stu and realize he's been up getting ready with someone's help...Murdoc's help. Poor Stu, it was either Murdoc or Russel to see advice from, neither probably very good at dating advice. Stu's hair is messier then usual, he's wearing a pair of Murdoc's designer jeans with a pair of heeled boots, making his legs look even longer then usual, his shirt is thin and he smells like cheap cologne. Noodle gags a little. "Stu! For gods sake let me fix you up!" She leads him out of the room and into his own room.

*15 minutes later*

You sit on the couch and wait for him to reappear, you watch some random television but your brain is to busy to concentrate.
Noodle leads him out, his hair is surprisingly groomed back . He now only smells faintly of cologne, he is still wearing dark jeans but ones that actually fit his long legs, and his converse, he wears a clean cut sweater that isn't to fancy but still looks nice, with a shirt peaking out from underneath (think John Watson kinda clothing). You've never see Stu wearing anything this fancy.
"You look very handsome Stu" "thank you y/n and you look...." His eyes go huge, only now just taking you in "holy shit" he mutters under his breathe. "Y/ look...GORGEOUS!" You laugh and he runs over and grabs your hand and you both wave and thank Noodle, "have fun you two!" She grins. You both leave the house and Stu opens the passenger seat door to the black Stylo Camaro.

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