Chapter 33- Shower

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(A/N-Just found a picture of my stupid ex, from a couple of years ago. I look so happy in it, and i hate myself for trusting someone like him, for letting myself be happy. It's ridiculous shiz. Just stick to 2-D. )


You just stood there with your mouth hung open. There he was. Stuart.

"a-are you really there?" 

"O-o course luv. And da other's are here t'. They r just grabbin a few things from da boat" 


You grabbed his hands and looked him in the eyes. Inspecting his body and face. He had grown even skinnier, darker rings were apparent under his eyes, his clothes were ripped and covered in blood. his hair matted, a large cut across his cheek, as well as lots of other cuts and bruises on his visible skin. 

"What happened darling?"

"Shhh....I'm okay. Now dat i am wit' yew luv"

"Let's get you cleaned up darling"

You were desperate to see the others, as well as introduce stu to his daughter. But for the moment you could tell she was soundly asleep in the other room. There would be plenty of time to see the others. You wanted him back to himself. 

You grabbed his hand and led him down the elevator, you stepped into your room, which used to be his before.

"I-its  different now....Is murdoc holding you capture?! I'll beat hi-"

"Stu. It's okay. He's been taking care of me"

He nodded and looked around biting his lip. 

"There's a crib...." His eyes filled with tears.

"Did da baby di-"

"No. no. No. She's alive and well. You can meet her after we get you cleaned up"


"Yes. You have a daughter"

"Wot's er name"

"Harmony Gig-Pot"

He looked blank for a moment, thinking about something for a second.

"I-I love her name. It sounds like Music"

"I picked it cause I thought you might like it Stu" He smiled and nodded.

You went into your dresser and dug through, finding a fresh set of Stu's old pajamas. You never got rid of any of his things in here, simply just put them neatly away. You heard a slight chuckle, and turned around to see Stu giggling

"what is it Stu?"

"Why is there a plush turtle on your bed wearing one of meh shirts"

"Harmony had to have some father figure around" You stuck your tongue out at him and the two of you giggled.  Until it fell silent, you could tell he felt bad for not being there.

"Stu. You gave her a life, She can't even speak yet. You can be here for her for the rest of your life, as i will too" 

He grinned.

"Come on you, time to get you clean"

You led him into the bathroom and turned on the shower water, besides it took a little bit to heat up. You took off your pajamas besides you hadn't changed yet. This caused Stu's cheeks to turn pink. You then carefully helped him out of his dirty clothes, careful not to hurt his skin by the dried blood acting as a glue between his skin and clothing.  

You stood back and the two of you stared at each other, it had been what felt like forever since you had properly seen one another. 

Your body covered in stretch marks from the baby, not all the baby weight had been lost. You were pale as ever. Scars covering your arms from the nights he had been gone before Harmony had been born. You hair cut off somewhat short, when you couldn't handle the stress of him being gone and having to keep maintaining it, you pulled it up in a ponytail and chopped it off. Your eyes had dark circles from crying for him and missing so much sleep due to the lack of him in your bed, and the baby crying all hours of the night. Your fingertips were callused and raw with blood, when you were missing him you would play guitar for hours as hard as you could until it hurt. You hadn't shaved in several days. You looked down feeling somewhat self-conscious.

He put his hand under your chin and gently brought it up to meet his eyes. 

"Yew are just as beautiful as eva love. Don't think otherwise" Now your cheeks heated up.

In his beaten up and weak stature, he too was stunning.

"As are you Stu"

You took in each other's appearances for a few more minutes.  

Until finally the water was somewhat heated. 

You both climbed in together, the hot water melting the tension away in sore muscles.

You gently scrubbed him with the Holiday scented body wash murdoc had bought you, causing him to giggle. 

"Et smells nice luv"

you laughed and kissed him. 

The water going down the drain started as a dark brown from the layers of dirt and blood going down, eventually it ran clear. 

You washed and conditioned his hair. He made a soft hum and kept his hands on your waist.

Slowly through the dirt, The man you fell in love with was starting to show. 

You quickly shaved your legs and he scrubbed you with the body wash as well.

You looked him in the eyes for a while then gently kissed him. The kiss becoming slightly deeper, causing each other to release soft moans against each others lips.

He picked you up and pressed you against the shower wall, slowly easing himself into you. Rocking back and forth, while you ran your fingers through his hair. After about 30 seconds the two of you were done, both tired from your adventures, and didn't want another baby yet. 

You got out and toweled yourselves off. You dried Stu's hair and both changed into your clean and warm pajamas. Finally you were both on a better track for becoming the family you were.

"Well Stu...Time for you to meet you daughter"

A huge grin swept onto his face, he began quickly running upstairs, with you close behind. 


(A/N- Bwhahahah I'm Satan for stopping. This book is almost over though and I don't feel quite ready to have it done so I'm sorta pushing it a bit longer. I'm planning on having it done by Friday though. Soon. And it's got a surprise ending. Bwhahaha. Stay tuned!) 

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