Chapter 10 - Breaaakfast

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(A/N, so my whole chipmunk litter died except for one. Whom I named Damon. Damon is doing wonderful and I figured out the mistake I had made with the others, something was wrong with the formula even though it was the one everyone told me to use. I'll never let myself down for this, but at least Damon is doing okay and not getting the formula anymore. If he makes it, that's one more then if I had let nature do the work, besides they were orphans. All my poor babies. Anyways, back to the story for all ya guys...)

He walks into the kitchen looking like a drunken fish/pickle love child. You sit in the kitchen while Stu picks through the cupboards looking for breakfast for Noodle, Russell, you and now Mudz. Images flow through your mind of that night two years ago when you almost let Murdoc take you. Despite that and the fact he abuses people, you don't hate Mudz, there's something kind deep within him that you can tell is there, he's not a evil person. Just not a particularly nice one generally. You look at him and can tell Murdoc is thinking about that night as well. He groggily walks over to the table and slips down onto the seat next to you. Brushing your side creepily as he plumps onto his chair. "Sooooo, y/n...couldn't get our special..night out of ya head could ya? Came back for more.? Ehehehehe" why is it that he thinks saying stuff like a snake is sexy? He glances 2-D a glaring side look out of his eyes when he speaks to you. You look at Stu and see the sadness in his big dark eyes. You instantly see the whole picture. For the past two years Murdoc has been rubbing it in against Stu that he got to kiss you before Stu did. You stand up and go and walk over to Stu, "Well Murdoc, you're half right. I did come back for...moooore. Just not from you" you say this in your most sexy voice and run your long fingers gently across 2-D's chest slowly in a seducing manner, "I wanted to get some from Stuart here" he blushes to the extreme, and you decide to put the cherry on the top. You push Stu up against the fridge and kiss him passionately, lifting your leg up against him so your knee is against his hip as he holds your leg up. You hear a fork drop and look over to see Russel, Noodle, and Mudz staring at the two of you with their mouths gaping open. Your not used to being like this, but anything to put Murdoc back in his place. Russel laughs "Easy you two, there are children here" he pretends to cover Noodle's eyes, she just smile and snorts. You break the kiss, wiping away the string of saliva connecting yours and 2-D's mouth with the back of your hand. Murdoc shakes his head and regains himself a little, looking disappointed that he lost, but also like he's trying not to care " Breeeeeakfassst". Russel joins in, "yeah, I've got a real appetite". "I know just the place guys" they all nod and follow you out, besides you figure it would be best to eat out besides Stu couldn't find consumable food in the house. You all leave and you lead them to the portal. On the other side back in America you take them to a Sherry's. The waitress comes by "what would y'all like to drink today?" You all chime in at once "cranberry juice...two hot chocolates...a coffee...and just a peppermint tea for me" a little voice cracks at the end. You all order your food and quickly it comes out, you all gorge yourself with pancakes. All your mouths are to full so you barely speak a word to one another until Russel pipes up "so...y/n, the four of us were talking this morning...and would you like to move in as our new maid"" you blush, "YES! I mean...yes. I would love two move in with you guys..." You do the happy dance in your head. But even in your head Stu can see it when he looks into your eyes, you both exchange huge smiles and continue working on your pancakes.

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