Chapter 29- New emotions

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(A/N- Confession, when I sleep, every night I hug my pillow and pretend It's Stuart, it helps me from having nightmares. Also I wish I could sing more then anything, but it's the thing I'm worst at (okay...maybe not the worse. I'm the worst at math, and then singing) I can hear my mom talking about me downstairs and It's hella awkward. I'm currently obsessed with the song, Ticker Tape, it's amazing. And I also feel like I'm going to throw up, but I'm still giving you guys an extra chapter or two, lucky you XD )


* Two months living on the island with Murdoc. No news of Stuart or anyone else's well being, have people trying to track them down, no luck*


"MUDZZZZZZZZZ O' FUCK" You scream falling to the floor.

He flies into the room.


"NO YOU DAMN PICKLE!" You gripped tightly onto your foot. 

He assessed the situation, you had just stubbed your toe on his amp which he left laying in the middle of the room. 

He knelled down next to you and gripped onto you arm, "I'm sorry about your toe. Do you need anything?" 

Murdoc was used to you heightened emotions and mood swings as you inched closer and closer to the end of your pregnancy, at first it would start arguments between the two, but eventually he figured out if he just apologized and helped you, then conflicts were avoided.

You tensed up for a second and then relaxed. "Sorry for yelling Mudz, I-I didn't mean it" You looked down at the ground and tears started forming in your eyes. 

"hey, shhhh. It's okay love. It'll all be okay. I miss them too" He gave you a slight hug then stood up, pulling you with him. 

"Come with me. We need to finish getting this place ready, your baby is going to be born any day now. We need this place finished before then" 

You nodded and walked to the elevator with him. 

Going Down. 

He opened the door and you stepped into the old room. 

This is where Stuart stayed for a few months during the duration of plastic beach. Murdoc insisted that you took a bigger room upstairs, but you wanted to be as close to Stu as possible. 

You and Murdoc had worked hard making the room more livable, once the baby arrived you were planning on moving down here and sharing it with the baby. For the time being you were still sleeping in Murdoc's room. 

The room was painted yellow, a suitable happy color for a baby. There was a bed which had been Stu's. 

Mudz had gone off the island once since you had gotten here, he went to the mainland and bought  plenty of food and canned drinks, along with plenty of clothing for you. Thankfully he also stalked up on baby things, he got a crib, changing table, some little outfits that were unisex besides you didn't know the gender, although Stu seemed to think it was going to be a girl for some reason. Plenty of diapers and toys, bottles, medicine. Anything you'd need for the next few years, or however long you'd live there. 

"Looks like the last thing we need to do is finishing touches" 

"This shouldn't be to hard. Thank you Mudz" 

"No problem. Hey, I'll be right back, I've got to go grab something"

You gave him a curious look in which he just chuckled and left. 

You finished folding the little baby clothes into baby's dresser, you hung the mobile above the crib which played little lullaby's when turned on. Murdoc had found a huge plush turtle pillow in the basement a few days ago, you had washed it and set it neatly on your bed, it made the room feel slightly happier, plus it would give you something to cling to in your sleep besides Stu was gone. 

A cough was heard at the door and you turned around to see Murdoc holding a box, wrapped in old newspaper. You could tell he put a lot of thought into it.

"Here you go. It's not much but, uh...I thought you might like it" 

You sat on the bed and gestured for him to sit down next to you, which he did. 

You carefully took the box and gently removed the wrapping. 

You opened it and started shaking when you saw what was inside, tears rolled down your cheek, leaving salt stains. 

"M-Mudzz.....Thank you"

You gently pulled out a framed picture. It was of Stuart back from the plastic beach days, he was eating an ice cream, and had a look of sincere happiness on his face, but also a tinge of sadness which he had when you first met him. He was wearing some pale jeans, with black converse, and a red sweater. His hair as messy as ever. 

Also inside the box was a old, torn up shirt, which once belonged to Stuart, you pulled it out and nuzzled into it, it still smelt like him. You tossed it on the bed, you knew you wouldn't be able to sleep without it now that you had it. 

Tears were still streaming down your face, a mixture of extreme sadness but also happiness that you had the items. 

You embraced Murdoc for a long time repeating "Thank you" a thousand times, each time in which he would respond "Of course"


"What should we have for supper Mudz?"

"Already taken care of" An evil grin crept between his cheeks.

"Whaa-?" You walked into the kitchen to see huge stacks of pancakes covered in whip cream, with chocolate chips and raspberries, plenty of butter and syrup. 


Of course they were delicious, although half of it ended up more on you, then in you due to the food fight. 



It was getting later, the sun was setting and the wind was chilly. But the sea was framed by a beautiful sunset. You ran around in a long gown and wool coat, playing chase with Murdoc, while he drank Rum, and you had cranberry juice. You had built a large bonfire on the beach that night and were having a blast dancing around it. 


Pillow fights.

Scary movies.



Blocking the past.

Don't think about it.




The next two weeks went like so, until it happened. 

A Light in the Dark (2-D X Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon