Part 18 - Lunch

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(A/n- my iPad like randomly threw me out and wouldn't let me back in so my dad had to help and he almost saw my fan fiction. Rip. But I'm back in so I can continue the book!!! Also it's really late and my room is dark af and my window is open and the floor keeps creaking and I feel like someone is watching me. I'm listening to a Blur rn to try and block it. If I randomly stop writing you'll all know that Bigfoot probably killed me)

*Normal POV*
You open your eyes and rub the sleep out of them. You only got about an hour of sleep and it sure as hell feels less.
"Hey Stu baby, I'm going with Murdoc for a bit he wanted to talk to me about something today."
He opens one of his big dark eyes and squints out at you
"Okey luv, be sefe"
You look down at him and his wonderful smile. You've never been so in love, everything about him inside and out is perfect.
"I will, I love you" you kiss his cheek lightly
"I luv yew too" he smiles, yawns, then disappears under his covers
You chuckle and get up to find some clothing.

You splash some water on your face, standing in front of the mirror.
You wear your tight black sweater, some black converse, and some leggings. Nothing fancy, you're not dressed to impress.
You just leave your hair down and barely bother to brush it, you wear black eyeliner and a bit of red lipstick. Just so you don't look totally out of place at lunch, but still not dressing for a date.

Murdoc stands impatiently by the front door when you reach the living room.
He looks at you then looks away then does a double take and blushes.
"What's wrong Murdoc? Embarrassed that our outfits are similar?" You joke looking at him in his black turtle neck.
"No..its just that you look....never mind....let's go"
You feel a bit embarrassed now, look what? Ugly? Maybe he doesn't want to be seen with you, which is fine but still a but embarrassing.

He holds the door open for you and walk though
"Thanks Mudz"
He mutters something under his breath you can't quite catch but think nothing of it
You walk to the Stylo and get in.
Awkward silence fills the car, and Murdoc seems really tense for some reason so you put the radio on to loosen the vibe a little bit.
Mr. Tempo plays, and you squeal.
Murdoc looks over questioningly, "what is it?"
"It's Damon singing!!!!!!!!"
"Yeah. So what?"
"He is only my biggest celebrity crush! He's sexy as fuck! is he so perfect"
Murdoc's face turns bright red and he gets extremely anxious
"Uhhh...y/n...we need to go home right now! I feel...Uhhhh...really sick!?"
"You probably just need something to eat Mudz, please? I want you to feel better"
He sighs and parks the car "okay. Fine"
You get out of the car and he wraps his arm around your waist, you push away a little but he holds on tighter you give up, it's not like he's doing anything super sexual or you're in any way cheating on Stu by a pickle leading you into the cafe like this.

Inside the cafe is warm and smells like nice pastries.
" 'ey Murdoc! Over here!!!!!"
Murdoc smile and leads you over to the voice
Your face turns BRIGHT red when you realize the voice was coming from none other but Damon Albarn. Sitting next to him is Jaimie.
It all makes sense why he wanted to go home, he didn't want Damon to have a chance with you and not him.
"Who is this pretty lady you've got there Murdoc?" Jaimie causally asks
"This is y/n, the girl I was telling you about"
'They were talking about me wtf' you try to act calm
"Hi Jaimie, hi...Damon" you whisper
"Nice to meet you y/n" Damon says extending a hand, you smile and take it.
Jaimie and Murdoc go off to go order drinks and catch up so you sit with Damon awkwardly, due to you both being pretty shy.
"So y/n, are you dating Murdoc over there? I think he's got something for ya"
"Oh! Nonono, I'm with Stuart"
"That's makes sense, he's a good chap"
"You two seem very similar actually, haha"
"Hmmm..I wonder why?"

Murdoc and Jaimie are pretty quick to come back with drinks, they sit across from you and Damon.
Murdoc is the first to speak
"So guys, I think we should add y/n to vocals. Her voice is a beautiful compliment to faceache"
"Wait...Murdoc when did you hear me singing?"
"Last night"
"I didn't sing last night...except when I was in the shower"
It all becomes clear suddenly, that's why he went to his room so he could watch you in the shower on one of his creepy little cameras. A shiver goes down your spine
You get up on the table, grab hold of his sweaters collar, and lean close to Murdoc's face and whisper "you fucking perverted twat. Stu will kill you for that"
Jaimie chuckles slightly and Damon just looks a bit confused. Murdoc's face goes red and he darts his eyes to the floor, you think they might actually be slightly filled with tears "I'm really sorry" he whispers.
That's the first time you've ever heard him say that
You let him go and sit back down next to Damon, refusing to look at Murdoc.
Jaimie breaks the awkwardness "I think we should defiantly add her, the audio clip you sent us, she sounded perfect for the background. Her voice isn't averagely..uhh..perfect
Sounding, but it's a little scratchy and soft like 2-D's" Damon nods, "I agree with that"
Murdoc sniffs and lifts his head trying to act like nothing happened "then it's settled"

You all finish your drinks and get up to leave
"Bye Jaimie, bye Damon" you shake Jaimie's hand and Damon's, but Damon pulls you in for a quick hug and kisses your cheek. He sometimes seems a bit serious but you know he's a big sweetheart.
You blush and your eyes go huge when he kisses your cheek, you just smile and try not to squeal.
"We'll meet again" Damon says and Jaimie nods
You and Murdoc get back in the Stylo, and start driving home
"Murdoc how could you do something like watching me in the shower?! I'm telling Stu!"
"Not like Stu could do anything but I'll make a deal with you"
"Pft. Like what?!"
"You don't tell Stu about the shower, and I won't tell him that Damon made you horny"
"I saw you wriggling around in your seat, staring at him, with your eyes huge and cheeks was obvious you were thinkin' about him"
He wasn't exactly wrong, but he made it sound a lot worse then it actually was
"I only have eyes for my Stu. Besides even if I did its not like I would ever actually do anything, he's just my crush"
You both couldn't help but laugh a little

Murdoc parked the car and you saw Stu sitting in the front steps looking sad, he saw you were home and his face lit up "y/n!!!! I missed yew!!!" "I missed you to!!!!" You ran into his arms and he gave you a little flower he picked for you, you told him it was beautiful even though you knew it was secretly just a weed he had found mistaking for a flower. You didn't care though, it was from him, and that made it perfect.
Murdoc pushed past you two with his head down and stomped inside the house,
You and Stu didn't even notice, you were to busy kissing him.

(A/n- I feel like you guys won't like this chapter. Idk. I hope it's not to lame. I promise it'll add into the story though)

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