Part 24 - The News

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(A/N - my muscles hurt and I need painkillers and I feel like Stu rn. Also it might take a bit of time to get back into the writing groove)

You open your eyes, it takes a minute for them to flick open properly. You rub the crustyness out of them and look around the room. You're still in Mudz's room from the night before.
Noodle is wrapped up in the blankets soundly asleep, cuddling a pillow on the other side of the bed.
You look across to see Mudz fully dressed and sitting in a chair, with his fingers on his chin. Quietly observing.
You laugh a little and whisper across the room, careful not to wake Noodle.
"What's up Sherlock?"
He doesn't get the reference but smiles anyways.
"It's 4 am. I think we are both up so early from last nights events. Get dressed, and meet me in the hallway. I have a plan" he gets up and exists the room

You pull on a sweater, and quickly put your jeans on then quietly leave the room. He's leaning against the wall like he said he would be.
"Come on. Let's go wake Stu. I'm going to drive you two somewhere quiet and you can explain to him your current condition and ask him about last night. Let's get this all sorted out."
You nod and follow him downstairs.

The closer you get to the kitchen the more a sobbing noise becomes apparent.
Stu is rocking himself in a little ball back and forward on the kitchen floor crying.
"S-Stu??" You reach your arm out to hug him but Mudz lays a firm hand on your shoulder stopping you. You look at him and you understand what he's doing instantly. Can't be to soft on Stuart, after all he did kiss Paula back.
Stu whimpers and looks up at you, the dark circles around his eyes darker then usual. It's obvious he's been crying all night.
"I-I didn't mean to kiss her!! Yew deserve someone betta!"
"Common 2-D. Let's go. We need to sort this all out" he stands up and follows you to the car.

The road is quiet, no one is awake at this hour.
It reminds you of driving back from your overnight beach stay with Stu. You longed to go back to then.
Murdoc quietly drives with you in the passenger seat and Stu in the back. You don't feel comfortable sitting back there with him quite yet

Murdoc pulls the camaro up in a parking lot by an empty lake.
He rests his hand on your shoulder again "I can go if you want me to"
"No. Please stay"
The two of you get out of the car, and re-enter into the back seat. So you are squished between Stuart and Murdoc.

"Stuart. You kissed Paula" you couldn't control your anger anymore, you knew it was pointless but you couldn't help it. Even though you had also kissed Paula AND Murdoc last night, but that was from revenge. That was different. It didn't mean anything.
His eyes instantly filled up with hot tears that began falling down his cheeks, "I-I'm so so sorrey! I didn't mean to, I'm so stupid, I don't deserve yew"
"Just tell me why you kissed her back!"
"I don't know, et just happen so quickly. A-n I thought she was yew when she started to kiss meh. So I kissed back, but then I realized it wasn't yew, and I was scared but by the time I tried to push her off. Et was ova. I'm so sowrey"
You thought for a second. Usually if any other person said this as their excuse you wouldn't believe them.
But this was Stuart, this was honestly the truth and you knew it deep down. You couldn't help but giggle a little and wrap your arms around him tightly.
"I'm sorry Stu, I should Have talked about this with you last night and not have been so stupid. "
you kissed him lightly then he nuzzled his head into your shoulder.
"Stu. There's something else I need to tell you"
He pulled back slightly "wot es et luv?"
"I-I'm pregnant"
"Wot!?... With Mudz?!?"
"Wait. What the fuck!?" Confusion covered your face.
Murdoc began to laugh hysterically, to the point where he got out of the car and left for a little bit. You were happy you were just alone with Stu for now
"You're always with him! Now you're having his baby!" He began to tear up again.
"No dummy." You rolled your eyes
"Who es et then?"
"Stu. Do I have to spell it out for you? The baby is yours. You are a father"

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