Part 25- ...Well then

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(A/n- this is going to be a shorter chapter simply because I misjudged timing and it turned out I had a shit load of homework and it's already late, I'm coming down with a sickness, and I want sleep. Also just want to point out that if there are any errors in the story line feel free to point them out and i'll correct them. There was a big time gap between writings so I may have forgotten some points. xoxo)  


The taxi pulled up outside the pub, you watched eagerly through the old pub window as the rain beat down on the old cobble road and the car. The day started out sunny but things had taken a change. You liked the rain though. 

"The air always feels fresher when it rains, don't you think Stu?" He looked  up, but didn't stop tapping his fingers on the table. You could tell he was nervous. He gave a blank smile and nodded. You took his hand softly, "It'll be okay. Everything will be okay."

Mudz slid into the booth on the other side of the table, holding a big tray of teacups, milk, sugar, and a big teapot. He had argued that alcoholic beverages would be more pleasing, but you made him get tea for everyone, it would be relaxing for Stu, warming against the weather, and you couldn't drink alcohol anyways. 

The pub door bell rung and you could hear Noodle and Russ chatting about some type of instrument as they made their way to the booths. They slid in next to Mudz and Noodle gave a big grin. "Herrooooo my beautiful family!" you laughed at her enthusiasm and blew her an air kiss in return. 

After about half an hour of chatting, and eating plenty of chips and other warm snacks, Mudz announced that you and 2-D had news you would like to share.

The booth fell silent and all eyes were directed towards the two of you.

You held Stu's hand under the table and gave it a squeeze, while making eye contact with him, you gave him a nervous smile, and he nodded. " some of you may or may not know...I-I and I are...pre...." Your voice trailed off and your body suddenly filled with anxiety, Stuart sensed this and decided to help out, "I GET TO BEH A FATHA WITH Y/N!!!!" 

Silent and shocked stares stared back, you waited with anticipation for an answer, suspecting the worse. 

"THAT'S GREAT! I GET A LITTLE SISTER!!!" Noodle partially laughed and screamed at the same time, excitement filling her eyes.

Russ looked like he was tearing up, "One of my little girls is growing up...This means I get another little girl to look after" He tried to look annoyed but couldn't hide his smile, "You take care of them both D. Your responsibility"

"O' course I will! I luv y/n with all my heart, and my baby....even though I hadn't met them yet...speaking of which...It's time to see da surprise"  

He handed you the bag from the store.

You carefully took it and opened up the plastic bag, peering inside. 

Noodle leaned in closer, "What is it?!"

You reached inside and pulled out an incredibly soft navy blue baby blanket, the pattern was three zombies. A father zombie on onside, a mother zombie on the other, and a baby zombie in the middle. Of course Stu would find the cutest zombie themed baby blanket to ever be made.

Tears welled up in your eyes, as for once it really hit you what was happening. You threw your arms around 2-D and he tightly hugged back.

You whispered in his ear "I love you Stuart"

"I luv yew too luv" He whispered back. 

A Light in the Dark (2-D X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now