Part 21 - Queasy tent

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(A/N- Yo, what's up all? So I sorta forgot to write a chapter last night, haha😅 But I am in the middle of moving and I've been having asthma attacks (or however the fuck your spell asthma, the breathing problem) a lot recently. I'm not even sure if anyone's really into this book or not😂 I have been amused by all the comments though, it makes me laugh how you guys are reporting each other in the comments for saying words like crap or shit. But then you're also reading a book of smut that swears constantly 😂 Anyho! I'm to much of an awkward person to really properly respond to comments in a meaning manner, so from now on Stu will be responding to all of your guy's comments unless you specifically request me to. Ask him anything!...Back to the book!)

*Normal POV*
  You stretch a little and yawn, cuddling into Stu's bare chest. The yellow sleeping bag is the coziest place in the universe when you're cuddled up with Stu, wrapped in each other's warmth.
The air smells like fresh pine trees and early morning, you can hear the quiet sound of rain patting on top of the tent, and through the forest treetops.
And Murdoc close by outside quietly humming.
It must be around 4 am again.
You're disappointed that it rained, because rain defiantly has its defects on camping, but at the same time sleeping so close to the rain in nature is the most soothing thing in the world, plus it will probably warm up enough to go swimming later. 
Stu sleeping opens one eye and beings slowly playing with your hair, making you smile and fall into a sleepy sedated state....
Stu's eyes fly opens and he bolts up right "LUV WOTS WRONG?!"
You grip onto his arm tightly, leaving red and white marks. You curl up in a little ball, trying to escape the queasy knives in your stomach.
You look up at him and manage to squeak a few words out " feels like I'm going to be...sick..."
Thank god the moment passes.
Then you scream again "Stuuuu!!!"
2-D just sits there staring in confusion and chewing his fingernails, he sits with his knees up looking afraid
Murdoc comes flying into the tent, you have no clue how he managed to unzip the tent zipper so fast. Must be from the years of practice with zippers that pickle man has had.
"What's wro...oh...come here love" Murdoc knows instantly what's wrong with you, as your skin is almost as green as himself, he scoops you up and carefully carries you to the Stylo and puts you in the passenger seat. "One sec. I'll be right back"
You hear him walk away and yell for Noodle and Russell to wake up. They quickly do and he tells them to look after Stu and whispers something to Noodle. You hear footsteps coming back and he gets in the drivers seat and closes the door.
The car starts and pulls away and onto the road. 
"Shhhh, just take a deep breath and stretch out a little. You'll be okay"
"Mu-Mudz....what's happening to me?"
"You'll be okay. I've seen this before. I'm taking you to the store"
You look over to him curiously who looks rather calm. The stretching and breathing is starting to feel less painful, and actually manageable now.
"Y/n. Facea...Stuart. You know about all his children right?"
"Yes, but I don't believe it. he showed me the email and if he had a kid it wouldn't have black eyes and blue hair, besides that happened after he was born and were due to injuries. They would have normal eyes and brown hair. The people who sent him that just want money obviously."
Murdoc chuckles then goes serious "You're a smart young girl y/n. I don't know if that's correct, but we can hope it is. You do know why I brought this up right?"
You think for a moment before it hits you
"You...Mudz...tell me...uhh...shit. It's not what I think you're saying, right?"
He just looks over to you and nods "...yeah"
In about 40 minutes he pulls into the nearest towns grocery store, you walk in together and he grabs two chocolate muffins and two lemonades (surprisingly not a beer for himself for once) he takes you to the aisle and finds the right thing for you.
You blush when he picks it up.

After he pays he hands you the shopping bag, "go use this y/n. I'll be in the car. If you want you can wait to read it until you're in the car too, and we can read it together" he sweetly smiles them gives you a little push as you awkwardly waddle your way to the toilets in the back of the store.

As bad as Murdoc can be, you're glad he is around. Stu would never understand these types of things, and it is nice to have other friends who can help you, and take care of you.

You go inside the stall and sit on the toilet. Someone else is in the stall next to you so you quietly sit and wait for them to leave. It takes what seems like forever but eventually they do.
You take out the box and read the instructions. Seems simple enough. You put the box in the trash and hold both tests.
You uncap both and pee on them then quickly put the caps back on both and stick them in your bag.
You can't stop shaking from being so nervous.
You wash your hands and leave the stall and almost run back to the Stylo where Murdoc sits, smoking a cigarette and listening to some deep and calming, old music.
You sit in the passenger seat and bite your lip.
"It's okay. It'll be okay. No matter what happens y/n. If it comes out positive, and you decide to keep it, then you not only have 2-D, but also Noodle, Russell and help raise it. None of us will abandon you."
You smile and nod at him and take a deep breath. Pulling out the two tests.
You look down at the first one, then the second to make sure.
"What is it love?" He says calmly, he voice breaking the silence.
You look up at him now entirely pale and hold up the tests.
(  +  )   &.  (  +  )
"Positive it is then. I'm here for you. Let's go tell Noodle, she'll know what to do"
You nod, biting your lip, as he pulls the car back onto the road leading to the others.

(A/N- sorry about the inaccuracies. I know pregnancies probably don't start this way, nor do tests work this soon after the "beach accident" but just pretend with me)

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