Chapter 1

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"Luke?" I whispered lightly, unsure if he was awake or asleep. I was met by complete silence so I looked up only to see his eyes closed, confirming that he was asleep. Or at least I thought he was. I wanted to make sure though, so I called again, a bit louder this time.

"Luke?" I nudged him a bit.

This time he groaned, earning a small laugh from me at his cuteness. We were laying on the grass, in the middle of the park in the middle of the night, under the tree where everything started.

"I don't hate you," I said as softly as I could, not being able to hold back myself from saying it. He grinned, his eyes remaining closed. "I don't hate you too."

We lay on the grass, our fingers intertwined. I looked up at the dark sky, the twinkling stars illuminating against the deep sea blue color. I took my time appreciating everything around me, smiling as I took in everything. The cool breeze brushing my skin causing shivers to run down my spine, the trees mixed in red, yellow, orange and brown leaves, constantly shedding off, the soft and comforting feeling of the blankets against my back and the fact that I was laying beside Luke. I looked over to him, seeing as he completely fell asleep, soft snores escaping his pretty mouth. I smiled.

But soon that smile was taken away by a haunting thought, reminding me why I asked him to meet me here in the first place. I sighed and sat up, untangling my fingers from him.

"Luke." I shook his shoulders a bit.

No answer.

"Luke," I called again.

No answer.

"Luke," I shook him more violently.

"Shut your hole, Brooke." He groaned and rolled over to his other side, facing me away and soon enough the snores started again.

"Luke!" I hissed, getting annoyed at how he was ignoring me. He groaned again, pulling one of the blankets over his head.


He continued to ignore me for 5 more minutes and for the love of chicken nuggets, he wasn't responding.

My emotions got the best of me and I was so pissed that I did something without thinking.

"Luke, I'm leaving for Paris!" I blurted out.

I quickly covered my mouth, surprised that I told him right away. He shot up from the bed of blankets and looked at me, confused and lost.

He pushed away his fringe from his shocked eyes, not believing what he was hearing.

"W-what did you say?"

I sighed loudly, putting my face between my hands. There's no point of holding back now.

"I said," I gulped in a large amount of breath before exhaling the words in one quick breath,


"What?" he asked dumbfounded.

I sighed before speaking a bit more slowly this time. "I'm leaving for Paris. I've been applying for this art school since freshmen year and I've waited so long to get accepted."

He looked stunned for a moment, clearly not knowing what to say. But after a few minutes of staring at each other, he gathered his composure and spoke up.

"I'm happy for you," he forced a fake grin exaggeratedly but his eyes betrayed his smile.

"No you're not," I muttered, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Shithead, it's okay. It's not like you're leaving tomorrow, right? We can make this work out, right? I mean we still have time left," He reasoned out, trying to seem as calm as possible. He paused for a while, searching my eyes before adding, "Right?"

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