Chapter 40

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"Luke," I said softly as I watched him lie on the hospital bed with a tube hooked into his mouth. He looked so peaceful, lying there like everything was normal. His cuts were cleaned and his arm was propped up since it broke from the accident. There was a large cloth wrapped around his head that had some blood seeping through it. His family guarded him 24/7 and today was Saturday, the only day they took a day off and let me guard him completely.

I took his hand, and sat down beside him on the chair provided by the nurses for visitation hours. I smiled, the tears falling uncontrollably at the sight of him being okay.

"I miss you," I said into thin air. I was hoping some kind if response from him but I knew that wasn't going to come any sooner.

"It's weird finally renembering that I've known you my whole life,

It's been a a week and the doctors said you were in a mild coma, only lasting for a few days," I sighed, "He said that you will probs wake up any time soon."

He remained quiet and I didn't know what happened but soon, I was crying out loud. Seeig him there, immobile, was getting to me. The doctors weren't sure if he was going to wake up or die so the past week has been making me anxious.

"Luke!" I cried, "You can't just leave me here."

"You promised everything will be okay! You promised you would make up to me!" I cried harder as I shook him, egging a reaction out of him.

"Goddamn it, Luke! I don't even care anymore! Break up with me or leave me, I don't care!" I looked at him with pleading eyes, "Just wake up."

I leaned in and hugged his torso, not emotionally capable of keeping myself upright. "Please, please, please," I whispered to myself.

And then it happened.

I felt his arm twitch and I suddenly shot up and examine his body. Was he really alive? I shook him more and this time, his hand moved, causing a smile to spread on my face.

"Luke!" I grinned, "Luke!" I started shaking him a bit strongly until his eyes opened, slowly.

His eyes fluttered open and when his eyes landed on me, I felt as if my whole world stopped. I smiled widely at him but something felt off. His eyes looked around frantically and he looked shaken up. "Where am I?" He asked.

I laughed a bit, "You're in the hospital. You were in an accident."

"What do you mean?" He asked, still a bit shocked.

"Umm, Luke?" I asked, a bit weirded out by him. He was acting strange and I knew something was up.

He looked at me for a while before saying those three dreadful words. "Who are you?"

After knowing Luke didn't remember me, I had a break down, causing the nurses and a doctor to run into the room. They pulled me away and lead me outside while I trashed and wept. Was this how Luke felt before?

Was it really that painful?

I sighed and rubbed a hand over my face. And then I realized something.

I wasn't able to visit the other boys.

I've only visited them once or twice, but they were always asleep or unconscious like Luke whenever I did. I started climbing down to the 3rd floor of the hospital where the slightly less serious cases were being handled.

I entered the first room I could think of, opening the door quietly, in case he was sleeping. But then, I saw Ashton sitting up straight with his arm and leg propped up.

When he saw me, his face softened and he smiled. And it was a genuine smile.

"Hey, Brooklyn."

"Hey, Ash." I walked towards him awkwardly before sitting down on the seat beside him.

"How are you doing?" I asked.

"Broken," he rolled his eyes and laughed. He seemed like the old and happy Ashton I once knew.

"I, I'm sorry about everything," I quickly said in relief as the words I've been dying to say have been finally said.

He chuckled, "Don't worry about it."

"No, I-"

"Luke told me everything, before the, ya know, accident."

"Oh," I pursed my lip.

He started babbling about how Luke told him and how he started crying but I tuned him out, not listening to every word he said. He kept talking until I blurted out something that stopped him.

"He has amnesia."

"What?" He asked, dumbfounded.

"You heard me."


"He has amnesia." I looked at him straight in the eye and that's when he realized I was being serious.

And then he started crying and I did too as we hugged each other for emotional support.



and pls read my ashton fanfic called gay yay and it's a somewhat hetero slash homo fic but it's funny

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