Chapter 37

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I woke up to the sound of knocking at my bedroom door.

"Package for you," I heard Elaine's voice mumble on the other side of the door. I didn't open it right away but when a few good minutes had passed and I was sure she was gone, I opened it slowly and found a familiar kind of paper bag lying outside of my door.

I picked it up and took it inside my room, locking the door in the process and opened it, only to find what I'd been wanting to find. I was 99.9% sure that this was from Luke. I sighed in relief, taking the contents out, and ate the cookies in one go and downed to coffee in a matter of seconds, not caring about the heat that was burning my tongue and throat. I hadn't eaten anything for a couple of days and the feeling of fullness inside me made me smile a bit. After I've eaten, I rummaged through the paper bag, knowing there had to be a letter from Luke.

And I was right.

"Dear Brooklyn,

{Brooke, I'm sorry for not telling you the truth right away. I knew you wouldn't believe me but I love you.}

Brooklyn Summers. The girl who broke my heart 5 times and for some reason I still love. 1) when you told me you were leaving for Paris,"

I scrunched up my face not remembering the Paris thing. Probably before my amnesia.

"2) when you """died""", 3) when I found out you were alive (it was heartbreaking in a good way), 4) when you said yes to Ashton and 5) when you pushed me away and told me you didn't love me.

But I didn't care because it'd been a privelage getting my heart broken by you.

I'd do it again and again.

So go ahead and rip my heart out and I wouldn't care as long as it was you."

I closed my eyes as I tried to hold back the tears. Knowing that he still loves me after all of the heart breaks that I've caused him was tearing my heart part. My fingers started to feel around the letter and I could feel an attached paper at the back so I flipped it over and found a ticket.

It was no ordinary ticket though.

It was for one of their gigs. And it was an hour from now.

I frowned and logged on to twitter, checking if they had announced this gig.

@5sos: Hello, dear people. So as you all know, our month's stay is done and we're going to start touring now. But before we go, we're going to do one special gig in Sydney. Love u all xx -cal

I took a deep breath, carefully putting down my laptop. They were leaving and here I am being an ass and not going there to tell them good luck and that I miss them.

And all of a sudden, my mind crisis was interrupted by a loud knock at the door. I stood up and opened it, finally having the guts to see the outside world. Or at least the hallway.

There stood my mom who instantly threw her arms around me.

"I'm sorry," She whispered, stroking my hair. I was taken by surprise and didn't know how to react but after a while, I found myself wrapping my arms around her.

"I'm sorry," she whispered again, hugging me tighter. I haven't felt her hug in a very long time and it was making me melt, the affection she was giving me was too much.

We spent a whole lot, catching up. She told me that her and dad fought. Dad knew about my mom lying, according to her, but she left out the actual reason. She used to tell dad that Luke was a bad kid and was making me do stuff teenagers at my age shouldn't be doing, which is the complete opposite of him since he's a dork who loves math, and didn't tell him the actual the reason behind all these bullshit.

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