Chapter 6

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Elaine didn't talk to me for one whole week after I asked her about the ocean blue eyes I'd frequently see in my dreams. She would steal glances at me on the dinner table or sometimes when I walk by her, as if to tell me that asking her that is a wrong thing to do. It's already 2 am here at Sydney. I sat up on my bed and stared at the poster on the opposing wall. There's that curly haired boy again. I smiled to myself and lay back down again on the cushions, trying to make myself comfortable as possible. At least there's still something worth living for in this world. Despite my condition of amnesia, I still have that one little thing that keeps me smiling.

I almost jumped at the sound of my phone vibrating under my pillow. I quickly took it and held it between my fingers, opening it.

It was a notification from twitter. My heart started beating rapidly against my sweaty chest, trying to get a hold of what I was reading.

@5sos: We're going back to Australia and do some gigs before we start our tour in a few months so aussies expect us to be there next week xx - cal

I squealed loudly, enough for people to hear downstairs and almost threw the phone across the room. I can't believe this is finally happening. I turned up 5sos' ep called Somewhere New, loud enough to fill my room but not enough to wake up everyone in the house, and started to dance around the room like a crazy person. I popped in some weird dance moves, trying to coordinate myself with the beat. I did some weird version of the macarena, not really knowing how to dance that kind of dance step. Once I was sweating and out of breath, I walked up to my poster and smiled at Ashton.

"I'm finally gonna meet you."

I bit my lip, trying not to grin so widely but I can't help it. You don't know how happy I am. I heard footsteps walking towards the room and my senses became alert. I ran up to CD player and turned off the music before clumsily running up to my bed. I ran but unfortunately tripped on something cold and hard. I ignored it and jumped on the bed, turning off my lights just in time for the door to open. I heard my dad's voice saying, "I swear I heard music."

"Honey, are you sure you took your meds?" I heard my mom ask my dad before closing the door shut behind her. I let out the breathe I was holding and sprawled myself across my bed. That was a close one. I then remembered the thing I tripped over and I scurried to the foot of my bed and peeked down the floor, only to see a green box wrapped in medium sized metal chains. I raised my eyebrow questioningly. I didn't know I had that. Well, I didn't know all my stuff when I came back home from the hospital that time. And besides, I wasn't the one who packed and unpacked my things from our old house to here. I am certain that it was my mom's doing. It had been tucked under my bed, I can tell but somehow, my foot caught into it when I was making a run for my bed, making it peep slightly from under the bed.

I picked it up and placed it on my lap, studying it carefully. It was covered in dust like it wasn't touched for months, maybe even years. Does this even belong to me?

I hope not.

I took a deep breath and tried opening the cover but unfortunately, it had a lock on it shaped like a heart. It seemed awfully familiar. I'm just not sure why.

After a few minutes of failed opening attempts, I finally gave up and decided to just try again in the morning. I can probably ask my mother but I bet she wouldn't tell me considering how hard she tried to change the subject every time my so called friend "Lucia" was brought up into our conversation.

I decided to stop thinking for a while and let myself sleep to my favorite song called Ever Enough by A rocket to the moon. I don't recall this song that much to be honest but when I heard this song on the radio, a few weeks ago, I fell in love instantly. There was something about this song that drew me in. I just don't have any idea what it was.

I woke up to the smell of pancakes. I quickly did my morning routine and jogged down the stairs to find my mom serving a big pile of pancakes and bacon.

"Hi mom," I smiled.

She smiled back, only it wasn't genuine. It seemed forced like she was having a bad day.

"Hi, honey."

I started piling my plate with bread, pancakes and bacon when Elaine pulled out a chair beside me. She sat down and smiled, acting as if she wasn't avoiding me for the whole week. I saw my mom shot her a look and she nodded, as if reading her mind. What was that all about?

"So honey," my mom started when she noticed I was gaping at them, "Your art teacher called."

"And?" I ushered her to continue.

"She told me you won the art competition," she smiled and looked at me proudly. I felt a very wide grin spread across my face and the next thing I knew I was jumping in my seat. Elaine congratulated me before enveloping me in a warm embrace.

I pulled back and looked at me mom, "Mom this is great!"

She winked, "Yes it is. So we decided to give you a gift. What do you want?"

Then I suddenly remembered. 5sos. Tickets. Concert. Ashton. My eyes widened and I gripped my mom's arm, looking at her with pleading eyes.

"Mom. I need 5sos tickets." I stared at her dead in the eye.


"It's my favorite band. They're coming to Sydney and I want to see them so bad," I pleaded.

"Since when are you a fan of bands?" She raised her eyebrow questioningly.

"How come you never talk about them?" Elaine suddenly asked. I ignored her and continued to beg for my mom's permission. She sighed, finally agreed to buying me and Elaine tickets to see the show. "Fine. But you have to promise me, you'd study well for your exams next week alright?"

"Why are you taking me? I don't even know them." Elaine arched an eyebrow.

"Well, you're my best friend." I said in mock sarcasm.

"Of course, I am." She rolled her eyes.

"Okay girls, I'm off to work. I'll just get my assistant to get you those tickets, yeah?"

I nodded and kissed my mom good bye as she closed the door shut behind her.

"So," Elaine started, "About last week..."

"It's okay, don't worry about it,"

"No. No. I need to tell you something," she pursed her lips together tightly, "About the ocean blue eyes you've been dreami--"

Suddenly the front door open, revealing my mother wearing a worried expression. "Oh my, I think I forgot my keys." She looked around the room before spotting her car keys on the kitchen table. Elaine threw the keys at her and she clumsily caught it, almost stumbling down in the process. Once she left I turned to Elise.

"You were saying?" I pushed on, eager for her to continue.

She bit her lip and looked down the floor, "Never mind."

I raised my brow in confusion before walking out the room, leaving her standing there. I'm so pissed at how Elaine was acting these past few days and I hated it. I hated it.


lol ok im not sure if ppl are actually reading this i mean idek ok haha anyway next chapter would be good i swear to god and im sorry if this is a crappy chapter and if there are mistakes i wrote this yesterday at 4 am haha

anyway ilysm thank u for the nice comments :) pls comment and vote more it's what keeps me going


amnesia || lrh (finished)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant