Chapter 7

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Weeks later...

I groaned. What was that? I decided to ignore it and went back to sleep.

It got louder this time.

I peeked through my eyelids and found my phone buzzing from under my pillow. I yawned before pulling out, checking it.

I checked the clock, revealing that it's already 12 pm. Wow, this is the longest sleep I had this school year. I was a bout to close my phone when I noticed that there's a reminder that said "Meet 5sos TODAY."

My senses became alert and I was fully awake now, my eyes widening. "Omygod," I squealed. Today is the day! I repeat, today is the day! I quickly jumped off my bed and ran to the bathroom as fast as I could. I took a shower for just 5 minutes, proving how much adrenaline was running in my veins right now. I quickly ran to my wardrobe, putting on a black "The Beatles" T-shirt, a pair of ripped jeans and a pair of gray zoo Yorks. Once I was done, I ran downstairs to make my way to the kitchen where mom was probably waiting for me. I dragged my feet down the staircase, constantly tripping.

"Mom," I called out.

"In here," I heard her voice from the kitchen mixed with various utensils clanking with each other. I peeked at her from the large doorway to find her making pancakes.

"Hi, honey." She smiled.

"Hi mom," I smiled back. She gave me her million dollar smile before reaching out to her pockets revealing a small envelope, "Open it." She instructed. It wouldn't take a genius to know what was inside. It's the concert tickets. I almost squealed and threw my arms around her gripping her tight.

"Where's Elaine?" I asked when I pulled away from the tight embrace.

"Right here," I heard a voice behind me. I spun my torso around to look at the source of the voice. It was Elaine, who was wearing a black puffy dress that stopped by the knees and a pair of jet black converse. Her short wavy blonde hair looked styled unlike my dark brown hair.

"Hey," she smiled, grabbing a plate and sitting down beside me.

"Hey," I greeted in response. My dad came out of the garden, taking a seat beside mom. The four of us ate together, just having small talk and whatnot. The people in this household are awfully happy today and I know why. My mom and dad are scheduled to have a business trip in Spain next week, on the day our vacation starts. Elaine was finally asked out by her crush last night and I on the other hand will finally be able to meet 5sos.

Once we were done eating, I cleaned up the table and kissed my mom and dad goodbye.

"Bye mom. Bye dad." I grinned, pulling Elaine with me who was dragging behind. Once we were a block away from home, we stopped by the nearest bus stop and called a cab.

"What's so special about this band, anyway?" She asked when she saw me fiddling nervously with my fingers.

"You'll see," I gave her a nervous smile before the cab we've been waiting for for 40 minutes have finally arrived. I slipped in the backseat, Elaine following closely behind me, slamming the door shot. The cab started running again and I gave him directions to where the gig was going to occur.

"Why didn't you tell me about them before?" she raised an eyebrow, "I mean I know your obsession with bands but you never told me about this one."

I looked at her straight and shrugged, "I think I forgot," I said nonchalantly. I can't tell her 'Elaine I didn't tell you about this band because I'm afraid that you will like the same band member as me and I can't afford that to happen', so I just kept my mouth shut. The whole drive was a bit boring but finally we reached our destination after 45 minutes. It wasn't as far as I thought.

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