Chapter 11

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I opened my eyes, seeing nothing but a big blur of yellow and blue. I squinted my eyes to get a better view and not long after, I finally saw Luke's face searching my eyes. The yellow and blue was Luke's hair and beanie. "Are you okay?" He worriedly asked. There was still a bit of pain left but I ignored it and sat up. I looked around and realized I wasn't in the park anymore. I was at a living room.

"Where am I?" I asked, looking around.

"You're in my living room. You kind of fainted." He chuckled.

"Well, that's been happening since the accident." I muttered to myself, not aware that he heard me. He frowned and I noticed something different in his facial expression. He set his gaze on me and I could feel my heart beating rapidly. I felt extremely self-conscious by the way he was staring at me.

"What?" I asked, trying to break the ice. He quickly shook his head and gladly, a thick Australian accent interrupted us. I knew that too well to miss.

"Oi!" The voice called out to Luke. I peeped behind Luke to see Ashton leaning over the doorway. When his gaze landed in mine, his eyes widened.

"Was I interrupting something?" He asked. I stared at him with my mouth agape. because Ashton Fletcher Irwin is there! Don't get me wrong, I love them all but he was that one boy I fell in love with. Not the genuine kind that I felt for the rest of the boys but the I'm-so-fucking-in-love-with-you-to-the-point-where-I-could-punch-you kind.

My eyes widened at the sight of him and I couldn't form any coherent words out of my mouth.

"N-no." Luke stammered, "She's just a fan who turned out to be really cool."

Ashton started walking towards me, reaching out to pull me up. "Hi, I'm Ashton."

"Hi." I was too caught up in the moment that I wasn't paying attention to what I was saying, "I love you- I mean I'm Brooke."

His eyes turned big and his face was flushed in a pink color. I quickly realized what I said and covered my mouth. I heard a deep laugh coming from the doorway. My face turned crimson and quickly covered my fave up with my hands.

"You must be an Ashton girl," Michael piped up, suddenly popping out of nowhere. He smirked at Luke who only gave him back a cold glance.

"Umm, yes." I breathed out. I scratched the back of my head. "This might sound weird but I am not a crazed fangirl," I blabbed, "And I would really want to get to know you in a friendly way and I hope--"

"Stop." Ashton said.

Was I saying something stupid? Oh god, Brooke. You and your stupid pipehole.

He suddenly smiled and reached out his hand to me, "We need a proper introduction. Not as my fan and not as the drummer kid from that band."

I looked down and nodded. I was in a room with three members of my favorite band and I am so close to shitting. And here, the guy I mooned over for so long is talking to me.

"Hi, my name's Ashton Irwin. I like to play drums and I'm 19." He grinned.

I shook his hand and smiled shyly at him like a fool, "I'm Brooklyn Summers and I like art and I am 16."

I took in a sharp breath and my smile grew wider. I wanted to squeal and just grab my phone and tweet about this but I know I'd probably get hate or get judged or something. And besides, I bet the boys wouldn't want the fans to be knowing about their personal lives.

"So, do you want to hang out with us or something?" He asked, a bit unsure.

"Actually me and Brooke are hanging out so you guys go ahead," Luke interrupted.

"Oh yeah," I bit my lip, "See you around?" I asked, in hopes that this isn't the last time I am seeing Ashton.

"Sure," he smiled.

I smiled back.

I felt a tug on my arm and I turned to see Luke pulling at me, motioning for me to go outside with him. I smiled and waved again to Ashton and Michael before following Luke out of the house.

"So you like Ashton?" he questioned casually, putting his hands in his pockets. I smiled at the memory of him and nodded, "Yeah I really do."

"I guess it's okay. You're not a crazed fan." He scratched the back of his head.

"So what now?" I asked when he didn't say anything. His blank expression was quickly erased when his lips tugged upwards into a bright smile.

"You'll see." He grabbed my hand and I felt butterflies form in my stomach. My hands have never been held by a boy before, let alone a band member. Maybe I've held hands before with someone. I just forgot ever since that day.

And with that, he started running across the streets of our town, dragging me behind. "Luke where are we going?" I shouted against the air blowing against my face as we ran.

"You'll see."

At first running away with him seemed crazy but after a while I found myself laughing. It gave a thrill to me and I liked it.

"We're here." He came into a halt, me almost bumping into him. He quickly steadied me before pointing at a local bar beside 7/11.

"Why are we here?" I asked in confusion.

He just grinned and looked up to the sky, losing himself in a memory. "That's where I first got drunk with someone."

"Is that so?" I giggled.

"Yes," he grabbed my hand again, "Now, come on."

He led me to the back door where all the beers and wine were stacked. He 'stealthily' took one before sitting down.

"Wow, a band member stealing liquor from a local bar. Is it worth the news?" I teased. He laughed deeply before opening the bottle. "I've only drunken liquor once." He scrunched up his face, looking at the liquid.

"Really?" I asked, sitting on the ground beside him."When was that?"

"A few years ago I guess. I was 15 and my friend was 14 at the time and we thought we were cool so we drank our faces off."

I chuckled, "Where's your friend?"

"She left for Paris."

"Is that so?"


We ended up talking the whole day and it felt... good. It seemed as if we have so many things in common and I felt myself getting more comfortable around Luke. He also convinced me to drink a bit and there was a huge wave of familiarity at the taste.

Who knew that my favorite band's band member would be my friend? It's almost hard to believe but it was actually happening.

Luke laughed and I smiled, looking over to him. But something caught my gaze. My eyes landed upon his eyes and it was so distinct that I thought I've seen them somewhere.

A pair of ocean blue eyes.

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