Chapter 15

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"I need to tell you something," I squealed.

"Me too!" Elaine exclaimed, positioning herself on my bed. After our little road trip gone wrong because they were too dumb to fill the gas tank, we finally got home safely.

"Okay you first," I grinned.

"Okay," she took a deep breath, "This is probably disgusting so be prepar--"

"Just spill it." I cut her off, scooching closer to her.

"Michael kissed me." She spat out.

"Omygod," I nearly choked.

"I know right!" She squealed.

"Do you like him?"

"What? No!" She gasped, "If I liked someone it would probably be Calum."

"Calum? Omygosh, do you like him?" I squealed.

Her face turned from pale to crimson red and I instantly knew the answer. "Oh god, enough about me! Tell me about your news!"

"Are you ready for this?" I took a deep breath.

"Yes, now stop with the suspense and tell me!" She threw a pillow at me.

I smiled widely, "Ashton asked me out."

Her eyes widened, "Omygod, congrats!" She leaned forward to hug me. Once she pulled away she smirked, "To be honest, I'd like Luke better for you."

I rolled my eyes, "I thought you hated him."

She laughed, "I never hated him. I was just protecting myself from your mom." Once the words left her mouth, her eyes widened. She covered her mouth and looked at me.

I raised my eyebrows, "Protecting yourself from who?" I gave her a confused look.

She bit her lip and as if on cue, the doorbell rang. "I'll get it." she said before shuffling out of bed, running towards the door.

"That was weird," I said to myself before following her out of my bedroom to the main door. I found Elaine holding a paper bag.

She was grinning widely, "Now you understand why I like Luke better for you?"

"Where's Luke?" I looked around, wondering where he was.

"I think he dropped these off for you," she grinned. I felt a bit disappointed that he didn't give it to me.

I opened the paper bag she handed and found a topperware of cookies and coffee from Starbucks. I found a piece of paper on the bottom of the contents.

Dear Brooke,

This is Luke. heard that you were going on date with Ashton (he told me). Anyway, goodluck. Here are some cookies that baked. Not my mom, but me this time. hope you don't puke my cookies - Luke

P.S. hope you like my cookies :----)

I smiled and picked up the cookies and took a bite and to my surprise, they were awfully good.


"Brooke, Ashton is here!" Elaine called out. I took a deep breath and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked ridiculous but there's no time changing how I look, now that Ashton is here.

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