Wait, I'm Where?!

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7-14-18: HELLO FROM THE FUTURE!! Now even though this story if finished, I still check everyday for more reviews! Don't let that hold you back from saying what you thought about the chapter!!

My/Macie's POV

'Ow...' I say to myself internally, the bump in the road causing me to wake up and rub my head.

Now fully awake, I take in my surroundings. 'Uh why am I in an almost empty bus?'  I sit up, looking around. 'Uh last I thought I was in a car with my mom, I was in the front seat taking in the sights of Hollywood. The only thing I can remember is someone heading right into the front of our car...Now I'm on this bus?'

Realization setting in, I yell, "MOM?"  At this moment I realized there were a couple other people next to me, I ended up startling them. "Uh sorry dudes," I say apologizing, sheepishly rubbing the back of my neck.

"Are you okay?" the one in a brown hat with a star on the top asked.

"Uh, uh ye-yeah, but do you know why I'm on this bus? Or where my mom is?!" I ask the two kinda frantically.

"Woah, bad nightmare?"

"What? No, last thing I remember...-"

"That we're on our way to Gravity Falls? Our first summer away from home?!" the girl in a pink shooting star sweater says enthusiastically.

I sit back in my seat thinking about what the girl just told me. 'Gravity Falls? Isn't that place fictional, only the plot location for the tv show Gravity Falls? Maybe it's a theme park? Although, I doubt Alex Hirsch would allow that. Now the other thing the girl said....our first summer away from home, our? Our first time? Do I know these guys? Are we friends? They seem to know me, and where the heck is mom?! Why am I on a bus!? These are serious questions here!'  I decided to ask the two some more questions.

"Uh so where is my mom?" I ask nervously hoping they would know.

"Macie? Are you okay....do you not remember anything?" the boy asks....'wait how does he know my name! ' "Mabel, do you think she hit her head too hard?" 'Wait, Mabel? Where have I heard that name?'

"Not sure broseph, but let's re-jog that memory of our dear sis!" cried the 'Mabel'.

'Okay pause right there! First: I am an only child, my mom had me and my dad left to get milk from the store.....11 years ago, at least that's what mom told me. Second! Mabel is a character from that show, Gravity Falls! Maybe she was just named Mabel before the show aired? Third, I don't have a sister or brother, like I said, I'm an only child. Fourth....where the heck is my mom! Did we get in a crash? Am I dreaming? What happened to my mom! Why can't I remember? Did my mom send me off somewhere? Why do these guys know my name? Now, don't get me wrong I loved the Gravity Falls series and everything but even this crosses the line, now if this boy's name is Dipper, I'm gonna flip'.

I must have zoned out for a while cuz the next thing I knew someone was calling my name.

"-cie, Macie?" My eyes snap to the boy. "Whu-yes?"

"Are you okay? We lost ya for a second," he explains.

"Yea more like 10 minutes Dipper!"

'Yup I'm going crazy, I'm dreaming or something, why on earth am I on a bus with Dipper and Mabel Pines? I was on a road trip with mom and everything went black. Now I'm here? Maybe I should play along, at least until I wake up. Yeah! If I'm dreaming about my favorite show then I'm going to have fun! Now, since I'm 12 years old, then if I'm their sis then we must be triplets!? That's weird, triplets, hmm. Well let's see how this goes.'

"No I'm fine Dipper..." ' never thought I'd say that out loud'  I reassure him and turn to look out the window.  'NOW ENTERING GRAVITY FALLS', the sign we drove by said.

Dipper's POV

Unconvinced, though I let Macie be, I return to my own thoughts on what just happened.

Macie woke up very startled, although it was most likely the bump that made her like that, after looking around a sec she became very nervous. That got me worried, so I was about to tap her and ask what's wrong when she yelled "MOM" startling me and Mabel.

She seemed very confused, more so than normal. But the thing I can't get is she wanted her mom, she didn't say ours or just 'mom'. I'm pretty worried, especially since she can't remember anything about us being on the bus. She didn't even know we were going to Gravity Falls.

Macie has always had a little mental problem with memory and anxiety so I'll just have to watch her more closely.

My/Macie's POV

'Dipper didn't look convinced after I waved him off. I think he might be on to me, I can't let them know I know exactly what's going to happen this summer! I'll have to be extra sneaky, I wonder if they know any of my health problems, I mean now that we are siblings.'

Mabel gasps as if she has an amazing idea (which knowing her, she probably did) and starts digging through her bag. "Hey Macie, have these," she pulls out a bottle of motion sickness pills, "you look like you need them!" She smiles brightly, holding out her sweater covered arm, handing me the bottle. I sigh telling her thanks, 'well now I know they know about my problems!'

Pulling up into the Gravity Falls bus station we grab our stuff 'I even have my stuff I had from the road trip I was on with my mom!' and head out of the bus, Mabel happily jumps off the second to the last step while Dipper follows seeming unexcited, and I turn my head saying thanks. That caused the bus driver's face to smile. 'I think I just made his day' I smile to myself getting ready to face this new world.

~~time skip brought to you by: Mabel's future soul mate~~

Walking on the trail to get to our great uncle, or as Mabel calls him, grunkle, Stan's house I staggered behind the 'twins' thinking.

'I can't believe this is happening, what if something goes wrong? I don't want to break the bond that those two have! I shouldn't even be here for goodness sake! I miss my mom, I hope she's okay. I want to wake up soon but until then I want to keep the peace. I know about Bill Cipher, but I'm not sure what to do about him without raising suspicion. Maybe I should accompany Dipper to hang on those signs so we can find the journal. What if we never find the journal? I could very easily make that happen, but the consequences could be very high and the whole show would be whacked. Now that I think about it, if I change anything, I won't know what will happen. I should just let the show play itself out. I won't change any major details, maybe I'll do things opposite of Dip and Mabes.'

I must have been thinking for a while because I bumped into Dipper's back. "Oops, sorry Dipper."

He didn't seem to pay attention because apparently they were looking up at the big letters spelling out MYSTERY SHACK. I smirk knowing what we are getting into.

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