Summer Weenies

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I laze around, watching TV, in Grunkle Stan's chair, waiting for everyone to get back from the store. I perk up when I hear Stan's car out front. The clan piles in the door, Stan comes in last, holding barrels that are dripping fake blood. 'Yes! Summerween!'  I internally cheer and pump a fist in the air.

"What's got you so happy?" Soos cheerfully asks, walking in behind Stan.

I smile, "I forgot that tomorrow is Summerween, is all!"

"Oh, yeah, it's gonna be great!" Soos cheers, "Well, I have to go, I'll see you dudes tomorrow!" He waves goodbye and leaves.

~~Time Skip to tomorrow evening!~~

Dipper, Mabel, and I all sit on the floor in front of the chair. "I'm so excited!" Mabel's fists shake with her excitement.

"We're gonna have the best costumes, get the most candy..." Dipper trails off, nit picking around the candy bowl.

"And have the biggest stomachaches ever!" Mabel throws her hands into the air. 'Why is that a good thing?!'

"Haha yeah!" Dipper agrees.

"Yeah, no. I do not want a stomach ache. I don't know why that is a good thing." I roll my eyes but I show a hint of a smile forming on my lips.

"Eh, it's normal people stuff." Dipper waves me off, dismissively.

"Yes, we all know I'm not normal." I look away.

"I didn't mean it like that, Macie..."

"I know, I'm just messin' with ya. I know I'm not normal." I smile at him and he returns it.

Soos, who was dutifully watching us from behind, comes up, "Dude, I've never seen you guys so pumped."

Mabel stands up, pulling her scrapbook out of nowhere, "Well, back at home, me and Dipper were kind of the kings of trick-or-treating," she shows him a page of her book, presumably the Halloween page, 'cause what else? "Twins in costumes, the people eat it up." She smiles, pointing at a multitude of different photos.

"Wait, twins? What about Macie?" Soos looks over to me, confusion all over his facial features. 'Yeah, I also wonder what this is about...'

"Oh, well, there was never really any good triplet costumes while there were tons of twin costumes, so Macie let me and Dipper do it all the time. She always dressed up as someone from lots of different games and whatnot." I watch as Mabel flips the pages a few times and stops, pointing to some more photos, presumably me. "Isn't she the best?" Mabel smiles fondly at me.

I smile back, but it's not like I could remember that I did such a thing. "Can I see the book Mabel?" She nods and hands it over to me. I grab it and flip it over so I can see it properly. I look at the pictures and see that I'm wearing a Yoshi costume. 'When did I wear a Yoshi costume... WAIT, I remember! I remember being Yoshi with...someone being Mario and having them ride on my back...I can't remember who it was though...'

I smile sadly and hand it back to Mabel, making sure she doesn't see my sorrow features. "Well, you dudes better be careful out there. It's a night of ghouls and goblins. Not to mention..." Soos reaches over and turns out the light, bringing a flashlight up to his face, making dramatic lighting. "The Summerween Trickster!" He wiggles his fingers.

'This thing is terrifying and I am NOT looking forward to meeting it...'

"The Summer-what-what?" Mabel tilts her head in confusion.

Soos glances around nervously, "The Trickster goes door to door, so the legend goes, eating children who lack the Summerween spirit."

'I always love Halloween, so of course I'm going to have the spirit for Summerween!'

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