Blast To The Past

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I tip toe my way back to the center of the carnival, making sure I don't run into the twins, after speaking to Stan. My stomach grumbles and growls. I put my hand to my gut, cringing. I hunt around for a snack to chomp on. My emotions alternate, ranging from disgust, sickness, and running away screaming. 'All of these food items look horrendous!' 

'Ughh.' My stomach roars again, more vicious this time. I finally decide to eat some corn dogs on a stick. I walk up to the stand, awkwardly standing there until someone notices me and takes my order. A young boy, maybe about 14, finally sees me, 'Stupid height..', and smiles, pulling up a notepad for my order 'What is this, a restaurant?'.

"Hey there! What can I get for you today!" he asks, super cheery and his grin looking strained. I look away shyly.

"Uh, could I get the, uh, hot dog?" 'It's a corn dog, stupid!' I internally smack my face, but keep a shy smile for the boy.

"Uh, a corn dog? Sure, no problem! That'll be $3.25!" I hand him the money, took the receipt and walked away from his point of view, nervously awaiting my food.

"Number 176?" I hear the same boy call the number from my receipt, so I walk back up to the counter. He smiles when he sees me walk up and hands me a plate for the odd shaped hot dog. He also hands me a napkin and a slip of paper, with a wink added in to the weirdness. 'Uh what...?'

"Th-thanks." I walk off holding the plate in one hand, and trying to read what the slip of paper had on it, in the other hand. I squint my eyes to try to find a table to sit at, the sun blazing down with no mercy, when I spot a lonely, one person table over by the porta-pottys. Sitting down with a huff, I get comfy 'Well, as comfy as I can get,' on the wooden bench.

I take a bite of my corn dog, shrugging at the neutral taste, 'Not good, but not bad..' and un-folded the slip of paper. I shield my eyes from the reflective brightness from the white paper.

'Hey, I think you're pretty cute. Do you want to hang out at the carnival after I get off?'

'Yes or No'


'Please don't choose no :)'

'The guy who served your food; Matt.'

I choke on my question mark shaped weenie, punching my chest to help me breathe. 'What-ack-what is this? I've never been 'asked out' by a guy before! Is he asking me out? He just wants to hang out but I don't really wannaaaa, I don't like people...I best ask the twins, they're my best bet, but, I also don't wanna talk to them right now.' I whine and complain in my head to myself, my facial features featuring what I'm currently feeling. Thankfully I'm sitting at a loser table  so no one can see me.

I sigh and stuff the note into my pocket. 'Guess I'll just have to ask Mabel, not sure about Dipper...' I finish my food and stand up, walking to throw the trash in its rightful place, longingly staring at the trashcan. 'Honestly it's where I should be right now...that darn slip up is going to be the death of me..'

Trotting over to where I hope Mabel is, the pig pen, I smile when I see her hugging Waddles. "MACIE!" She sees me and joyously skips over, holding onto Waddles nice and tight. She would have ran me over if I didn't side-step from her route. 'The Legend of Zelda series has got me prepared!'

She face plants into the ground, Waddles waddled over to her, 'Heh, waddled..' sniffing her face and oinking in concern.

"Owww, huh? Waddles? Is that you? Am I in Heaven?" Mabel groans on the mussy terrain, slowly getting up. "Oh, ok good, I thought if I was dead, 'Why would Waddles be here?', haha." She laughs at herself and rubs her head, turning to face me, grass blades stick out of her head.

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