Lazy Macie

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THANK YOU! To all of those who gave me reviews regarding the hateful ones. I love you guys so much! I hope you enjoy this long awaited chapter! 

I shift in my bed as I hear the twins get ready for the day. I'm not an early riser, I always do my stuff at night. I groan when I hear them start to bicker. "Errg! Both of you go down first!" I breathe a sigh of relief when I hear the sound of footsteps rushing down the stairs. Shutting my eyes, then wincing when they hurt, I open them and rub the crust off.

I yawn and stretch my arms, climbing down the ladder, I stretch my legs out properly. Hearing a satisfying crack in my fingers, I dress. 'I wonder what episode it is today.' I think to myself, yawning again. I take a glance at Dipper's digital clock on his nightstand, reading 12:42. Slept in again, that's what I do best.

'I'm twelve years old now, I would have been sixteen in December but now I'll be thirteen in August. I've been looking forward to my first job, too...That won't happen for a while now *Sigh*.'

"What about school? Auuughh!" I smack a hand over my face, "I'm going to have to do everything over again!" *Cough* I make my way down the stairs and parade into the kitchen, noticing the lack of characters present. 'Did they leave to the store, maybe? No. Someone would have at least told me.'

I grab a granola bar and take my leave, going to search for my family in the remaining rooms of the shack. 'People, family, anyone? Where ARE they?!' I wander the halls for a while, passing the main attraction's door. I stop and reverse my steps, I then lean an ear to listen through.

I'd know that squeaky voice of Dipper anywhere! Why are they in here, though? I internally laugh and push open the door, glancing to see Dipper taking off some fake fangs. "You've got all these dumb, fake exhibits in the Shack. Meanwhile, I've seen actual, amazing things in the forest every day! What if you hunted down a real attraction instead of lying to people for a living?" I catch what Dipper's saying, walking up far enough for ear distance. Mabel is manning the register, and Soos is sweeping. 'Why is there a sticker saying 'Thank you' on his back? I am officially weirded out right now...'

Nodding my head and sighing, I go up to Mabel. "Heya Macie! Wanna sticker? Grunkle Stan refused them," she pouts but smiles at the same time.

"Err, no thanks Mabel, I was just wondering what happened when I was asleep?"

"Well, I wonder why you are confused! You only slept in till half past twelve!"

"Har, har, you know me!" I retort playfully.

She giggles, "I know, but we have been really busy today, as you can see, and Grunkle Stan has had us busting our behinds!" She stands up on her stool, her arms in the air dramatically.

I laugh, "Sorry, you should have asked for my help."

"You would have fallen back asleep!" She gives me a pointed look.

"Fair enough." I shrug with a deadpanned look, trying to hide a smile at her snorting. Dipper joins us and starts talking.

"Okay, is it just me, or is having Grunkle Stan as a boss seriously the worst?"

"I don't know, is he?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Yes! You should have seen what he made us do at eight in the morning! Okay hang on," Dipper does some breathing exercises, looking ready to recite the Ten Commandments, themselves, "Alright, so get this. Mabel and I wake up together at six thirty, and we head downstairs to play some hardcore video games and the sorts. Grunkle Stan comes up to us at seven and tells us he's going to need everyone's help today, and it would be worth it! So we grumble but get up anyway, ready to help around the tours. We do the usual, manning the register since Wendy's gone, and all that okay?"

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